Faculty Presentation - AirUni - AsimSatti - 1
Faculty Presentation - AirUni - AsimSatti - 1
Faculty Presentation - AirUni - AsimSatti - 1
• Hometown: Islamabad
• Current Job:
– Designation: Visiting Lecturer (International Islamic University, Islamabad)
– Joined: September 2009
• Digital Forensics is the process of identifying, preserving, analyzing and presenting
digital evidence in a way that is legally acceptable.
• Acquiring digital evidence from cloud computing platform is much more complex
due to its distributed nature, elasticity, data ownership and remote storage
locations controlled by the service providers.
• Three common platforms that represent the cloud are IaaS (infrastructure as a
service), PaaS (platform as a service) and SaaS (software as a service).
• Another issue is that most of the evidentiary data resides on the CSP side.
Obtaining data from CSP depends on the jurisdiction related to that country and
SLA provision.
• To investigate and explore the existing digital forensic analysis
techniques in the domain of cloud computing.
Critical analysis/evaluation
Critical analysis/evaluation
Critical analysis/evaluation
Key Challenges
• Acquisition of forensic data
• CSP Dependence
• Decentralization
Proposed Conceptual Model
• Critical evaluation of different digital forensic analysis
approaches which facilitate speedy and authentic analysis of
the incriminating activities on the cloud environment.
Future work
• The proposed conceptual model for Cloud Forensic
Investigation needs to be implemented/validated as a future
work .
• M. E. Alex and R. Kishore, "Forensics framework for cloud computing," Computers & Electrical
Engineering 60 (2017): 193-205, 2017.
• N.A. Mutawa, J. Bryce, V.N.L. Franqueira and A.Marrington, "Forensic investigation of cyberstalking cases
using Behavioural Evidence Analysis," Digital investigation 16 (2016): 96-103, 2016.
• H.Chung, J.Park, S.Lee and C.Kang, "Digital forensic investigation of cloud storage services," Digital
investigation 9.2 (2012): 81-95, 2012.
• V.Roussev and S.McCulley, "Forensic analysis of cloud-native artifacts," Digital Investigation 16 (2016):
104-113, 2016.
• B.Martini and K.K.R. Choo, "An integrated conceptual digital forensic framework for cloud
computing," Digital Investigation 9(2): 71-80, 2012.
• J.Dykstra and A.T.Sherman, "Acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-as-a-service cloud
computing: Exploring and evaluating tools, trust, and technique," Digital Investigation 9 (2012): 90-98,
• T. Sang, "A log based approach to make digital forensics easier on cloud computing," In: Third
International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), 16-18 Jan.
2013 Hong Kong, China pp. 91-94, 2013.
• V.Roussev, I. Ahmed, A. Barreto, S. McCulley and V.Shanmughan, "Cloud forensics–Tool development
studies & future outlook," Digital investigation 18 (2016): 79-95, 2016.
• Z.Qi, C. Xiang, R. Ma, J.Li, H.Guan and D.S.L Wei,” ForenVisor: A tool for acquiring and preserving reliable
data in cloud live forensics,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 5(3):443-56, 2017.
• J.Boucher and N. A.L. Khac, "Forensic framework to identify local vs synced artefacts," Digital
Investigation 24 (2018): 68-75, 2018.
• E.E.D.Hemdan and D. H. Manjaiah,"A cloud forensic strategy for investigation of cybercrime,” In:IEEE
International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends (ICETT), 21-22 October 2016, Kollam,
India,pp. 1-5,2016.
• J.Dykstra and A. T. Sherman, "Design and implementation of FROST: Digital forensic tools for the
OpenStack cloud computing platform," Digital Investigation 10 (2013): 87-95, 2013.
• D.Quick and K.K. R. Choo, "Forensic collection of cloud storage data: Does the act of collection result in
changes to the data or its metadata?," Digital Investigation 10.3 (2013): 266-277, 2013.
• J. S.Hale, "Amazon cloud drive forensic analysis," Digital Investigation 10.3 (2013): 259-265, 2013.
• M. E. Alex and R. Kishore, "Forensic model for cloud computing: an overview," In: IEEE International
Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 23–25 March
2016, Chennai, India 2016.
• K. Karen, S. Chevalier, T. Grance and Hung Dang, "Guide to integrating forensic techniques into incident
response," NIST Special Publication 10 (2006): 800-86, 2006.
• K.Ruan, J. Carthy, T. Kechadi and M.Crosbie, "Cloud forensics," IFIP International Conference on Digital
Forensics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.
• P. M. Mell and T. Grance, "The NIST definition of cloud computing: Recommendations of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology," Special Publication 800-145, 2011.
Advanced Operating System
(Topic: Process Scheduling)
• When a computer is multi-programmed, it frequently has
multiple processes or threads competing for the CPU at the
same time
Objectives of good scheduling policy
• Fairness
• Efficiency
• Low response time (important for interactive jobs)
• Low turnaround time (important for batch jobs)
• High throughput
• Repeatability “wasted cycles” and limited logins for
When to do Scheduling? (1/2)
• New process created
• Process exits
• Clock interrupt
When to do Scheduling? (2/2)
• Non Pre-emptive
Non pre-emptive algorithms are designed so that once a
process enters the running it is not removed from the
processor until it has completed its service time.
• Pre-emptive
If a process is currently using the processor and a new
process with a higher priority enters, the ready list, the
process on the processor should be removed and returned
to the ready list until it is once again the highest-priority
process in the system
Scheduling in Batch Systems
• Shortest job first (SJF) Non Pre-emptive
Scheduling in Batch Systems
(Shortest Job First SJF)
• If we assume the run times of the jobs to be known in
advance, the non-preemptive batch SJF algorithm picks the
shortest job first.
• Note that this algorithm is optimal when all the jobs are
available simultaneously.
Scheduling in Batch Systems
(Shortest Job First SJF)
For example :
(a)FIFO (b)SJF
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P3 P4 P3
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 25 26
QUEUEING TIME: Time on a queue waiting for service from the device (seconds)
THINK TIME: The time spent by the user of an interactive system to figure out the
next request. (seconds)