McDonald Burgers

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Burgers Reimagined :

Convincing McDonald’s to Embrace

Healthier Fast Food
UHU003 – Proffessional Communication

Submitted By :
Ajay 102303760
Haroon 102309057

 The Need for Healthier Fast Food Options

 The Health Risks of Fast Food
 Consumer Demand for Healthier Options
 The Business Case for Healthier Fast Food
 Potential Healthier Fast Food Options
 Marketing Healthier Fast Food Options
 The Importance of Taking Actions
 Conclusion
 Background of McDonald's and its impact on fast food
 Growing concern for healthier food options
 Purpose of the presentation: Encouraging McDonald's to
embrace healthier fast food
 Overview of the presentation structure
Need For Healthier Fast Food

 Rising obesity rates and health issues

 Shift in consumer preferences towards healthier options
 Increased competition from other fast food chains offering
healthier alternatives
 Potential benefits for McDonald's brand and customer

The Importance of Taking Action

 The time for action is now. With the rise of health-

conscious consumes and the negative impact of the fast
food on public health, McDonald’s must take urgent steps
to offer healthier options.
 By introducing fresh, nutritious alternatives like veggie
burgers, grilled chicken sandwich and salads ; McDonald’s
can meet the demand for healthier fast food while also
improving their brand image and increasing sales.


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