Meri Health Seed (Autosaved) 1

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Phygital Transformation of Healthcare with a

Proactive rather than curative approach..

India - a Global Production Powerhouse. But also The largest Hospital of the world!
Billion people in the working age group i.e. 15 to 60 years.
Global Production Hub in the world.
Latest ICMR 2023 survey shows
•With over 100 million Diabetic people and another 135 million
Prediabetes It may be right to conclude
•India is the Diabetics capital of the World
•40% of the working population i.e. 400 million people are unfit .
•35% of the Population suffers from High Blood Pressure &
• 50% efficiency.
•500 million people are Obese •A net loss of 200 Million Working Years per year. Bigger than the entire
working population of America? At our standard annual GDP per person of
Reason USD 10,000 this is a USD10 Trillion per year lost opportunity.
•These people are a drain on the economy needing medical attention . Sad but
true, they generate 20% of the national GDP from the Healthcare industry
❖ India’s Most population lives in villages without access
to timely, quality and affordable healthcare.
❖ Lack adequate diagnostic testing facilities.
❖ Travel to the nearest town to avail of medical services
❖ This adds up to the cost of services and often involves taking time away from work,
and sometimes staying overnight in the town.
❖ Many villagers thus delay getting the diagnosis and only go when the matter
becomes serious.

Meri Health is a cloud-based healthcare solutions company with a software app and hardware Hardware Device.

Meri health features:

❖ Clinical Data Documentation: The app provides clinical formats for documenting
clinical data.
❖ Disease Management Protocols: It offers standard disease management
❖ Lifetime Treatment Records: Meri Health updates and maintains patient
treatment records for a lifetime.
❖ Mobile Monitoring: The app enables doctors, hospitals, and labs to monitor
patients through a mobile app.
❖ Real-time Clinical Analytics: It provides real-time clinical analytics to both doctors
and patients.
❖ ABHA Citizen Health ID: Offers ABHA Citizen Health ID generation in
conformance with NDHM.
❖ Digital Health Records: Provides a digital locker to maintain personal health
records (PHR) compliant with NDHM guidelines.
❖ Phone-Based Record Scanning: Allows users to scan, capture, and classify
existing medical records and fitness data, maintaining a PHR in a digital locker.
❖ Data Access Responsibility: Patients and ABHA number owners are responsible
for permitting diagnostic labs/doctors/hospitals to send data to the ABHA
❖ Lab Reports: Automated lab reports are provided when integrated with diagnostic labs,
but not responsible for reports sent by doctors/hospitals.
❖ A facility to check and generate his/her Vitals by simply creating a 30 second video or
finger on the camera. This helps in regularly checking any Asymptomatic conditions
anytime anywhere
❖ An AI based Virtual Symptoms checker: Diagnose any apparent Symptomatic
conditions and prepare the complete patients condition recording to heal the doctor
take a decision.
❖ Real-time Communication: Facilitates real-time remote communication between
doctors and patients.
❖ Remote Monitoring: Connects patients with doctors 24/7 to monitor clinical symptoms
and provide preventive care.
❖ Doctor Availability: Acknowledges that doctors may not always be immediately
available due to other patient commitments or emergencies.
❖ Caregiver Involvement: Patients can provide their caregiver's contact information, and
data will be linked to the patient's ABHA number.
❖ Mobile Number Changes: Patients must update their mobile number in the app, and the
old data can be mapped to the new number.
Patient Referral Pathway:
Patients needing emergency and
hospitalization treatment can be referred by
the Community Clinic. Referred to the nearest
secondary and tertiary care facilities.

Community Health Ownership With Door-to-Door Survey:

Conducted using phone/tablet-based tools Administered
by paramedics, Anganwadi workers, or ANMs., Who are
responsible for well being of the community of 50-100
households allocated them and Utilizes Advanced Point
of Care Devices (POCD).
Community based bottom up wellness
Focused on promoting health literacy & Behavior

• Encourages the formation of care groups, incentives,

and competition.
• Monitors adherence to health recommendations at
• Provides alerts and reminders to community health

Utilizes data analytics and machine learning.

• Conducts periodic outcome and impact evaluations

for continuous improvement.
Meri Health Aggregator Platform

Offering a transformative wellness and healthcare journey.

wellness monitoring and primary care at home

Improve world wellness and Enhance happiness, with a bottom up approach by going to door to door.

Immediate remedies and proactive preventive measures, leveraging technology and expertise to
enhance healthcare delivery.

Addresses daily challenges faced by healthcare professionals and patients.

We providing accessible, affordable, and accountable solutions.

Combines physical and digital elements for predictive, preventive, and affordable healthcare.
Adhere to the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission framework.

■Transforming Healthcare with Technology

■Real-time alerts on your phone for preventive and predictive
■Teleconsultation when curative action is needed.
■Utilizing advanced technology to raise awareness in
■Providing an easy-to-use platform for family health monitoring.
■Integration of Medical IoT devices and software.
■Reducing over 60% of unnecessary visits to distant clinics
■Training and empowering teenagers as family health CEOs.
■Phone-based AR game-based training and community-based
■Goal: Empower individuals and communities to take control of
their health.
■Access virtual doctor assistance for enhanced healthcare
Our vision is to improve world wellness and hence happiness,
with a bottom up approach, one community at a time, by the
community, for the community. Prevent sickness, make people
more productive and thereby improve social, emotional,
financial and overall wellness.

• By aggregating the best innovations and technologies.

• Fraction of the out of pocket expenses.
Our Team And Advisors
❖ Founder CEO : Ramesh K Verma a seasoned IT professional, new technologies Evangelist and serial
Social Impact Entrepreneur, with bottom of the pyramid focus in Skills development, livelihoods,
education and Health. IIT Delhi 1968 batch alumni.
❖ Director: Aarushi Verma, MSc. IT with over 20 years in IT, Education, Coaching and working with
❖ Sunil Prasad, A Btech with over 7 years experience in Data analytics, projects and financials Qualified
Nursing and support staff

Our Advisors
● Dr. Meenakshi Datta Ghosh; An independent multidisciplinary development professional and a
seasoned bureaucrat, specializing at the interface of governance, public health and public policy,
across social sectors, covering G2C interface. Worked with WHO, ESCAP, Ford Foundation, Melinda
Gates Foundation besides many others with a focus on Healthcare.

● Col.(Retd.) Dr. Ashvini Goel; Initiator of Medical Informatics in the Army & President Founder of
the Telemedicine Society of India

● Dr, Upendra K Verma. MBBS; MRCGP with over 24 years managing Primary care for over 4500
people. A very experienced UK NHS primary healthcare Advisor and GP

● Ranjan Kumar Singh . Retd., Head of Communication and Govt, relations at NSDC
Current Status Work Plan
We plan to develop a very powerful and effective Immersive Training and
Awareness Metaverse for all our partners and users at home. WE are also
developing a transparent Outcome monitoring and performance dashboard,
where we will impact 1 lakh lives in a year.

We will be impacting 5 lakh lives in a span of 2 years by 2025.
Lastly, we will be impacting 5 Million
SAM 400 million in India alone
lives by 2027
4 Total Serviceable Available Market SAM - 400

Year of No. of Lives Revenue Gross

● We are targeting communities with a bottom up operation Communit affected in Rs. Profit in
ies million Rs.
approach millions

● Each community is around 5000 population 1 10 0.05m 20m 6m

giving us a revenue of around 200,000 pm and 2 20 0.1m 40m 12m

3 50 2.5 100m 30m
Rs. 2 million per year with a profitability of 4 200 10.0 400m 120m
around 30% 5 500 25.0m 1000m 300m
model 2) FRANCHISE

Financial franchise Sustainability model
based on a combination of CSR, local
Govt., and consumer subscription and
transaction based funding.

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