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The Condor: An

Endangered Giant
The Andean condor is an iconic species on the brink of extinction. Learn about
its current status, habitat, threats, conservation efforts, and how we can help
protect it.

-Onofre Estrada Richard
-Braham Marcelo Campos
-Berrospi Inocente Steban

DOCENTE: Rolling Alex Sereno Ricse

The Current Status of the
Andean Condor
1 Precarious Numbers 2 Endangered
The Andean condor
population has dramatically The International Union for
declined, with less than Conservation of Nature
10,000 individuals remaining (IUCN) has listed the Andean
in the wild. condor as an endangered

3 Symbol of Power and Grace

The Andean condor holds immense cultural and ecological significance,

and its loss would be a great tragedy.
The Reasons Behind the
1 Habitat Loss 2 Poisoning and Hunting

Deforestation, agricultural
expansion, and urbanization Illegal hunting, poaching, and
are destroying the Andean the use of poisonous
condor's natural habitat. substances pose direct threats
to the condor's survival.

3 Scarcity of Prey

Diminishing food sources due to environmental changes affect the

condor's ability to find adequate nourishment.
The Ecosystem and Habitat of the Andean
High Altitude Dweller Nest-Loyal Species Scavenger Extraordinaire

The condor lives in the rugged Condors build their nests on high
Andean mountains, soaring at cliffs, using large sticks and The condor feeds on carrion,
heights of up to 16,000 feet. vegetation. playing a vital role in the
ecosystem by cleaning up
decaying matter.
The Impact of Human Activity on Condor
Poisonous Poaching Illegal Trade and
Practices Trafficking

Contaminated carcasses left Black market demand for

behind by hunters can poison condor parts contributes to
condors and cause population their illegal capture and trade.
Efforts to Conserve the Andean Condor

1 Conservation Breeding Programs

Captivity breeding programs aim to boost

Habitat Protection 2 condor population levels and reintroduce
Conservation organizations work to individuals into the wild.
establish protected areas and sustainable
management practices to safeguard condor
habitats. 3 Public Awareness Campaigns

Raising awareness about the importance of

the Andean condor and the threats it faces
promotes public support for conservation
The Challenges of Conservation and

1 Lack of Genetic Diversity 2 Depleted Food Sources

The small population size The scarcity of carrion due to

increases the risk of inbreeding, human activities makes it harder
which can lead to genetic for condors to find adequate food
abnormalities and reduced for survival and breeding.

3 Slow Maturation and Reproduction

Condors reach sexual maturity at around six years old, and their slow reproductive
rate further hampers population recovery.
How We Can Help Protect the Andean Condor

Become an Advocate Ecotourism for Buy Authentic Local Crafts

Support conservation
organizations, share knowledge, Engage in responsible ecotourism By purchasing traditional crafts
and promote sustainable practices activities that contribute directly from local artisans, you support
to safeguard the future of the to the protection of the condor's their livelihoods and the
condor. habitat and local economies. preservation of cultural traditions
tied to the condor.

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