Unit 5.12 Precipitation

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By JZ Chipasha
Precipitation Titration
A special type of titremetric procedure
involves the formation of precipitates during
the course of titration. The titrant react with
the analyte forming an insoluble material and
the titration continues till the very last amount
of analyte is consumed. The first drop of
titrant in excess will react with an indicator
resulting in a color change and
announcing the termination of the titration.
Example : AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3
Characteristics of Precipitation Titration
 They are fast and the stoichiometry is known and
reproducibile, (no secondary reactions of interference.)

 They are complete or can be quantified depending

on the amount of solubility product (in general a
precipitation titration is considered complete when Kps
< 10-8)

 An indicator can be used to find the equivalence

point or titration end point which, for this type of
titration, corresponds to when precipitation of the
analyte under analysis is complete.
Principle of Precipitation Titration

The mainprinciple of the

precipitation titrations is that the
quantity of thereagent
addedor precipitant is
equivalent to the substance being
Methods of Precipitation Titration
According to end point detection method, three main
procedures are widely used depending on the type of
application. These are :

a) • Mohr Method

b) • Volhard
• Fajans Method
 Mohr Method :
Karl Friedrich Mohr (1806-
This method utilizes chromate as an
indicator. Chromate forms a precipilate with Ag+
but this precipitate has a greater solubility than
that of AgCl, for example. Therefore, AgCl is
formed first and after all Cl- is consumed, the
first drop of Ag+ in excess will react with the
chromate indicator giving a reddish precipitate.
+ CrO4  Ag2CrO4
2 Ag+ 2-
 In this method, neutral medium should be used
since, in alkaline solutions, silver will react with
the hydroxide ions forming AgOH. In acidic
solutions, chromate will be converted to
dichromate. Therefore, the pH of solution should
be kept at about 7. There is always some error in
this method because a dilule chromate solution is
used due to the intense color of the indicator.
This will require additional amount of Ag+ for
the Ag2CrO4 to form.
 Volhard Method :

Jacob Volhard (1834-1910)

This is an method for chloride

indirect where an excess amount
standard Ag+ is added to the of chloride
containing Fe3+ as an indicator. The excess Ag+
is then titrated with standard SCN- solution
untill a red color is obtained which results from
the reaction:
Fe3+ + SCN-  Fe(SCN)2+
 The indicator system is sensitive
very usually good results are obtained.
and The
medium should be acidic to avoid the formation of

However, the use of acidic

the precipitate
medium leading
together to significant
with added This
SCN- titrant
problem had increase
been overcome theby solubility
two mainof
 Fajans Method :

Kazimierz Fajans (1887-1975)

Fluorescein and its derivatives are adsorbed to the

surface of colloidal AgCl. After all chloride is used, the
first drop of Ag+ will react with fluorescein (FI-) forming
a reddish color.
Ag+ + FI-  AgF

Among these methods, the Volhard Method is

widely used because we can detect the end point of
precepitation titration very well.
Limitations of Precipitation Titration

 A few number of ions such as halide ions

(Cl-, Br-, l-) can be titrated by precipitation

 Co-precipitation may be occurred.

 It is very difficult to detect the end point.

How to overcome the problems of
precipitation Titration?
 In the assay of substances which react with nitrate but which can’t
be determined by direct titration with silver nitrate solution.

 Excess standard silver nitrate solution is added together with

concentrated nitric acid and the excess silver nitrate titrated with
0.1N ammonium thiocynate solution. (This is called Volhard
 In the case of chlorides it is usually filtering off the
AgCl or to coagulate the precipitate by means of
nitrobenzene, which is non-toxic, because AgCl reacts
slowly with ammonium thiocyanate.

This makes the end points rather that

since the production of red iron
(III).Thiocyanate complex the
ions. with thiocyanate
What types of drug are analysed by this method

Carbromal. NaCl

KCl Thiamine Hydrochloride

Indicator of Precipitation Titration
 Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4)

 Silver Chromate (Ag2CrO4)

The End

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