UR00 Ol 2 B RB 6 S0 Al Y187
UR00 Ol 2 B RB 6 S0 Al Y187
UR00 Ol 2 B RB 6 S0 Al Y187
fossil fuels: Coal, oil and gas
used to power factories,
cars and homes.
Where Is Plastic Found?
Plastic is versatile and cheap to make, so it is used to make lots of
things. It is quite easy to tell when some items are plastic, such as
drinks bottles and shopping bags.
However, plastic can be found in some surprising places:
• Some shampoos, face washes and toothpaste have plastic in them.
• Clothes made from material like nylon, polyester and lycra come from
• The outside of golf and tennis balls are made from plastic.
versatile: Can be used in lots of
different ways.
Plastic Is Useful
The word ‘plastic’ comes from the Greek Talk about the other uses of
word ‘plastikos’ which means ‘fit for plastic with adult of
moulding’. sibling.
Why Does Plastic Damage
the Environment?
The main problem with plastic is that it takes an extremely long time to
decompose. A plastic bottle can last for up to 500 years. That means
that a bottle dropped in the ocean or put in a landfill site today could
still be there in the year 2518!
decompose: Rot, decay, break
down. landfill site: Rubbish sites
where refuse is buried
underground. toxins: Poisonous
Plastic and the Environment
The biggest problem with unwanted
plastic is the pollution and damage it
causes the environment.
All living things should be able to live free from pollution and harm
plastics. So, what can we do?
Why Does Plastic Damage
Sea creatures can get stuck in plastic bags or the rings that hold
drinks cans together. This can cause suffocation, starvation (because
they can’t get to food), or means that they cannot escape
Sea turtles sometimes confuse plastic bags with jellyfish and eat them.
This damages their insides and they can die. Around 7 0 % of dead sea
turtles are found to have eaten plastic.
Did You Know…?
• It is thought that by the year
2050, there will be more
plastic than fish in the seas.
• 99% of seabirds have eaten
Photo courtesy of Stefan Leijon (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Useful Websites
Your Task
Identify three things you use which are
made of plastic.
Sea Turtles