Unit 4-National Income 1

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Principles of Economics

Module – 2
National Income is one of the important subject matter of macroeconomics. The national
economy comprises of all the firms and factories, shops and markets, banks and financial
institutions, various departments and their offices etc. National income is a composite
measure of all economic activities such as production, distribution, exchange and
consumption, but is also an objective indicator of economic welfare of the people in a
Meaning :
Modern economy is a money economy. Hence, national income of a country is expressed
in terms of money. The total income of the nation is called national income.
In real terms, national income is the flow of goods and services produced in an economy
during a year.
Definitions of National Income :
1) National Income Committee (NIC) : The National Income Commitee was appointed by
the Government of India in August 1949 with Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis as Chairman and
Prof. D. R. Gadgil and Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao as the members. P.C.Mahalanobis V. K. R. V. Rao
D. R. Gadgil. According to NIC “A national estimate measures the volume of
commodities and services turned out during a given period counted without
2) Prof. A.C. Pigou : “National dividend is that part of objective income of the community
including of course income derived from abroad which can be measured in money.”
3) Prof. Irving Fisher : “National dividend or income consists solely of services as received
by ultimate consumers, whether from their material or from their human environments.”

Features of National Income :

1) Macro Economic concept : National income represents income of the economy as a
whole rather than that of an individual. Hence it is a macro economic concept.
2) Value of only final goods and services : In order to avoid double counting in national
income, the value of only final goods and services produced in the economy are
considered. The value of intermediate goods or raw materials is not considered. For
example, while estimating the production of shirts, there is no need to take the value
of cotton, as it is already included in the price of the shirts.
3) Net aggregate value : National income includes net value of goods and services
produced and does not include depreciation cost. (i.e. wear and tear of capital
4) Net income from abroad : National income includes net income from abroad i.e.
difference between export value and import value (X-M) and net difference between
receipts from abroad and payments made abroad (R-P).
5) Financial year : National income is always expressed with reference to a time period.
In India, it is from 1st April to 31st March.
6) Flow concept : National income is a flow concept as it shows flow of goods and
services produced in the economy during a year.
7) Money value : National income is always expressed in monetary terms. It represents
only those goods and services which are exchanged for money.
Different Concepts of National Income :
1) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Gross Domestic Product is the gross market value of
all final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country,
during a period of one year.
∴ GDP = C + I + G + (X-M) ,
Where C = Private consumption expenditure
I = Domestic Private Investment
G = Government's consumption and Investment Expenditures
X - M = Net export value (Value of Exports - Value of imports)
2) Net Domestic Product (NDP) : Net Domestic Product is the net market value of all
final goods and services produced, within the territorial boundaries of a country,
during a period of one year.
∴ NDP = GDP – Depreciation.
3) Gross National Product (GNP) : Gross National Product means the total final output
produced with inputs owned by residents of a country during a year.
∴ GNP = C + I + G + (X-M) + (R-P).
(R = receipts from abroad and P = payments made abroad)
4) Net National Product (NNP) : Net National Product is the net market value of all final
goods and services produced by the residents of a country, during a period of one year.
∴ NNP = GNP – Depreciation.

Concept of Green GNP :

It is defined as, “Green GNP is an indicator of sustainable use of natural environment
and equitable distribution of benefits of development.” Gross National product does
not take into consideration the cost in terms of
(i) Environmental pollution,
(ii) Depletion of natural resources caused by production of output.
Mere increase in GNP will not reflect improvement in quality of life, when it increases
environmental pollution or reduce available resources for future generations. So Green
GNP has been introduced while measuring economic welfare.
Following are the characteristics of Green GNP :
1) Sustainable economic development, i.e. development which should not cause
environmental degradation (pollution) and depletion of natural resources.
2) Equitable distribution of benefits of its development.
3) Promotes economic welfare for a long period of time.
Measurement : Green GNP = GNP - (Net fall in stock of natural capital + pollution load.)
Real Vs. Nominal GDP:

We can measure the GDP for a particular year using the actual market prices of that
year; this gives us the nominal GDP, or GDP at current prices. But real GDP is the
volume or quantity of goods and services produced. Real GDP is calculated by tracking
the volume or quantity of production after removing the influence of changing prices
or inflation. Hence, nominal GDP is calculated using changing prices, while real GDP
represents the change in the volume of total output after price changes are removed.

The difference between nominal GDP and real GDP is the price of GDP, sometimes
called GDP deflator.

Hence Economists can remove price increase component so as to create a real or

quantity index of national output.

Nominal GDP (PQ) represents the total money value of final goods and services
produced in a given year, where the values are expressed in terms of the market prices
of each year. Real GDP (Q) removes price changes from nominal GDP and calculates
GDP in terms of quantities of goods and services.
Q = real GDP = nominal GDP = PQ
GDP price index P
Methods of Measurment of National Income :
1) Output Method/Product Method
2) Income Method
3) Expenditure Method

1) Output Method /Flow of product approach:

This method of measuring national income is also known as product method or
inventory method. This method approaches national income from the output side.
According to this method, the economy is divided into different sectors, such as
agriculture, mining, manufacturing, small enterprises, commerce, transport,
communication and other services. The output or product method is followed either
by valuing all the final goods and services, produced during a year, at their market
price or by adding up all the values at each higher stage of production, until these
products are turned into final products. While using this method utmost care must
be taken to avoid multiple or double counting. To avoid double counting this
method suggests two alternative approaches for the measurement of GNP.
i) Final Goods Approach / The Final Product Approach : Final goods are those
goods which are ready for final consumption. According to this approach, value
of all final goods and services produced in primary, secondary and tertiary
sector are included and the value of all intermediate transactions are ignored.
Intermediate goods are involved in the process of producing final goods, that is,
the final flow of output purchased by consumers. Hence, the value of final
output includes the value of intermediate products. For example, the price of
bread includes, the cost of wheat, making of flour, etc., wheat and flour are both
intermediate goods. Their values are paid up during the process of production.
In the final product i.e. bread, the values of intermediate goods are already
included. Thus, a separate accounting of the values of intermediate goods, along
with the accounting of the value of final product, would mean double counting.
To avoid this, the value of only the final product or goods must be computed.
ii) Value Added Approach / The Value Added Method : In order to avoid double
counting value added approach is used. According to this approach, the value
added at each stage of the production process is included. The difference
between the value of final outputs and inputs, at each stage of production is
called the value added. Thus, GNP is obtained as the sum total of the values
added by all the different, stages of the production process, till the final output
is reached in the hands of consumers, to meet the final demand. This can be
illustrated with the help of the following table.
Value Added Method
Production stage Value of output Value of input Value added
Cotton 150 0 150
Yarn 250 150 100
Cloth 400 250 150
Shirt (final goods) 500 400 100
Total value 500

Precautions :
1) To avoid double counting, only the value of final goods and services must be taken
into account.
2) Goods used for self consumption by farmers should be estimated by a guess work.
Imputed value of goods produced for self consumption is included in national income.
3) Indirect taxes included in the market prices are to be deducted and subsidies given by
the government to certain products should be added for accurate estimation of
national income.
4) While evaluating output, changes in the price level between different years must be
taken into account.
5) Value of exports should be added and value of imports should be deducted.
6) Depreciation of capital assets should be deducted.
7) Sale and purchase of second hand goods should be ignored as it is not a part of current
Output method is widely used in the underdeveloped countries. However, it is less reliable
because of the margin of error. In India, this method is applied to agriculture, mining and
manufacturers, including handicrafts. But it is not applied for transport, commerce and
communication sectors in India.
2) Income Method / Flow of earnings or income approach: This method of measuring
national income is also known as factor cost method. This method estimates national
income from the distribution side. According to this method, the income payments
received by all citizens of a country, in a particular year, are added up, that is, incomes
that accrue to all factors of production by way of rents, wages, interest and profits are
all added together, but income received in the form of transfer payments are ignored.
The data pertaining to income are obtained from different sources, for instance, from
income tax returns, reports, books of accounts, as well as estimates for small income.
GNP can be treated as the sum of factor incomes, earned as a result of undertaking
economic activity, on the part of resource owners and reflected in the production of the
total output of goods and services during any given time period. Thus, GNP, according to
income method, is calculated as follows:
NI = Rent + Wages + Interest + Profit + Mixed Income + Net income from abroad.
NI = R + W + I + P + MI + (X–M)
Precautions :
1) Transfer incomes or transfer payments like scholarships, gifts, donations, charity,
old age pensions, unemployment allowance etc., should be ignored.
2) All unpaid services like services of a housewife, teacher teaching her/his child,
should be ignored.
3) Any income from sale of second hand goods like car, house etc., should be
4) Income from sale of shares and bonds should be ignored, as they do not add
anything to the real national income.
5) Revenue received by the government through direct taxes, should be ignored, as
it is only a transfer of income.
6) Undistributed profits of companies, income from government property and
profits from public enterprise, such as water supply, should be included.
7) Imputed value of production kept for self consumption and imputed rent of
owner occupied houses should be included.

In India, the National Income Committee of the Central Statistical Organization,

uses the income method for adding up the income arising from trade, transport,
professional and liberal arts, public administration and domestic services.
3) Expenditure Method /Product approach: This method of measuring national income is
also known as Outlay Method. According to this method, the total expenditure incurred by
the society, in a particular year, is added together. Income can be spent either on
consumer goods or on capital goods. Thus, we can get national income by summing up all
consumption expenditure and investment expenditure made by all individuals, firms as
well as the government of a country during a year.
Thus, gross national product is found by adding up
NI = C + I + G + (X–M) + (R–P)
1) Private Final Consumption Expenditure (C) : Private Final Consumption Expenditure
(C) by households on non-durable goods, such as food, which are used immediately;
expenditure on durable goods such as car, computer, television set, washing machine
etc., which are generally used for a longer period of time; and expenditure on services
like transport services, medical services, etc.
2) Gross Domestic Private Investment Expenditure (I) : It refers to expenditure made by
private businesses on replacement, renewals and new investment (I).
3) Government Final Consumption and Investment Expenditure (G) :
i) Government's final consumption expenditure refers to the expenditure incurred by
government on various administrative services like, law and order, defence, education,
health etc.
ii) Government's investment expenditure refers to the expenditure incurred by
government, on creating infrastructural facilities like construction of roads, railways,
bridges, dams, canals, which are used by the business sector for production of goods
and services in any economy (G).
4) Net Foreign Investment/Net Exports : It refers to the difference between exports and
imports of a country during a period of one year.
5) Net Receipts (R-P) : The difference between expenditure incurred by foreigners on
domestic goods and services (R) and expenditure incurred abroad by residents on
foreign goods and services (P).
1) Expenditure on all intermediate goods and services should be ignored, in order to
avoid double counting.
2) Expenditure on the repurchase of second hand goods, should be ignored, as it is not
incurred on currently produced goods.
3) Expenditure on transfer payments like scholarships, old age pensions,
unemployment allowance etc., should be ignored.
4) Expenditure on repurchase of financial assets such as shares, bonds, debentures
etc., should not be included, as such transactions do not add to the flow of goods
and services.
5) Indirect taxes should be deducted.
6) Expenditure on final goods and services should be included.
7) Subsidies should be included. Out of these methods, the Output Method and
Income Method are extensively used. In advanced countries like U.S.A. and U.K. the
Income Method is popular. Expenditure Method is rarely used by any country
because of practical difficulties. In India, the Central Statistical Organization (CSO)
adopts a combination of both output method and income method to estimate
national income of India.
Difficulties in the Measurement of National Income :
A) Theoretical Difficulties or Conceptual Difficulties :
1) Transfer payments : Individuals get pension, unemployment allowance etc. but
whether these transfer payments should be included in national income or not, is a
major problem. On one hand they are a part of individual income and on the other
hand, they are part of Government expenditure. Hence, these transfer payments
are not included in national income.
2) Illegal income : Illegal incomes like income from gambling, black marketing, theft,
smuggling etc. are not included in national income.
3) Unpaid services : For the purpose of calculating national income, only paid goods
and services are considered. However, there are a number of unpaid services which
are not accounted for in the calculation of national income. For example, services
of housewives and the services provided out of love, affection, mercy, sympathy,
charity etc. are not included in national income.
4) Production for self consumption : The products kept for self consumption by the
farmers and other allied producers do not enter the market. Hence, it is not
accounted for in the national Income.
5) Income of foreign firms : According to IMF, income of a foreign firm, should be
included in the national income of the country, where the firm actually undertakes
the production work.
6) Valuation of Government Services : Government provides a number of public
services such as law and order, defence, public administration, education, health services
etc. The calculation of these services at market price is difficult, as the real value of these
services is not known. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate national Income.
7) Changing price level : Difficulties in calculating national income also arise due to
changes in price levels. For example, when the price level rises, the national income may
show an increase even though the production may have decreased. Also, when the price
level falls, the national income may show a decrease even though there may be an
increase in production.
B) Practical Difficulties or Statistical Difficulties : In practice, a number of difficulties
arise in the collection of statistical data required for estimation of national income. Some
of the practical difficulties are as follows :
1) Problem of double counting : The greatest difficulty in calculating national income is
of double counting. It arises from the failure to distinguish properly, between a final
and an intermediate product. For example, flour used by a bakery is an intermediate
product and that by a household is final product.
2) Existence of non-monetized sector : In India, especially in rural areas, there exists
the non-monetized sector. Agriculture, still being in the nature of subsistence
farming, a major part of production is partly exchanged for other goods and services.
It is excluded while counting national income.
3) Inadequate and unreliable data : Adequate and correct data on production and cost
data relating to crops, fisheries, animal husbandry, forestry, construction workers, small
enterprises etc., are not available in a developing country. Besides this, data on
unearned incomes, consumption and investment expenditure of rural and urban
population are also not available. This does not reveal the actual size of national
4) Depreciation : Depreciation refers to wear and tear of capital assets, due to their use
in the process of production. There are no uniform, common or accepted standard
rates of depreciation applicable to the various capital assets. Thus, it is difficult to make
correct deductions for depreciation.
5) Capital gains or losses : Capital gains or capital losses, which accrue to the property
owners by increase or decrease in the market value of their capital assets or changes in
demand, are not included in the national income because these changes do not result
from current economic activities.
6) Illiteracy and ignorance : Due to ignorance and illiteracy, small producers do not
keep an account of their production. So they cannot give information about the
quantity or value of their output.
7) Difficulties in the classification of working population : In India, working population
is not clearly defined. For instance, farmers in India are not engaged in agriculture
round the year. Obviously, in the off season, they engage themselves in alternative
occupations. In such a case, it is very difficult to identify their incomes from a particular
8) Valuation of inventories : Raw materials, intermediate goods, semi-finished and
finished products in the stock of the producers are known as inventories. Any mistake in
measuring the value of inventory, will distort the value of the final production of the
producer. Therefore, valuation of inventories requires careful assessment.

Importance of National Income :

1) For the Economy : National income data are important for the economy of a
country. In present times, the national income data are regarded as accounts of the
economy, which are known as ‘Social Accounts’. It tells us how the aggregates of a
nation's income, output and product result from the income of different individuals,
products of industries and transactions of international trade.
2) National policies : National income data forms the basis of national policies such as
employment policy, industrial policy, agricultural policy etc. These figures enable us
to know the direction in which the industrial output, investment and saving etc.,
change. National Income also helps to generate economic models like growth
model, investment models etc. Thus, proper measures can be adopted to bring the
economy to the right path.
3) Economic planning : For economic planning, data pertaining to national income is
very essential. This includes data related to a country's gross income, output,
savings, investment and consumption which can be obtained from different sources.
4) Economic Research : National income data are also used by the research scholars
of economics. They make use of various data of the country's input, output,
income, savings, consumption, investment employment etc., which are obtained
from social accounts.
5) Comparison of Standard of Living : National income data helps us to compare the
standards of living of people in different countries and of people living in the
same country at different times.
6) Distribution of Income : National income statistics enables us to know about the
distribution of income in the country from the data related to wages, rent,
interest and profits. We understand the disparities in the incomes of different
sections of the society.

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