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FInancial Shenanigans (Done)

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Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis

School of Economic & Business

Telkom University

Creating the great business leader

Financial Shenanigans
Financial Shenanigans are
actions or omissions designed
to hide or distort the real
financial performance or
financial condition of a
- Main source:
Financial Shenanigans: How to Detect Accounting
Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports, 3rd Edition
– May 5, 2010 by Howard Schilit (Author),
Jeremy Perler (Author)
Financial S h e n a n i g a n s – The A u t h o r
Schilit’s Seven Shenanigans

1 Recording revenue too soon or of questionable nature

2 Recording bogus revenue

3 Boosting income with one-time gains

4 Shifting current expenses to a later or earlier period

5 Failing to record or improperly reducing liabilities

6 Shifting current revenue into alater period

7 Shifting future expenses to the current period as a special charge

She n an igan No:1
Recording revenue too soon

 Recording revenue when future services remain to

be provided

 Recording revenue before shipment or before the customer’s

unconditional acceptance

 Recording revenue even though the customer is not

obligated to pay
Shenanigan No:1
R e c o r d i n g r e v e n u e of q u e s t i o n a b l e & Inflated Quality

 Selling to an affiliated party

 Giving the customer of something of value as a quid pro quo

 Grossing up revenue
Shenanigan No:1
Recording revenue when future services remain to be
provided – UA

Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/under-armour-is-
Shenanigan No:1
Recording revenue when future services remain to be
provided – UA

Source: https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/ua
Shenanigan No:1
Recording revenue when future services remain to be
provided – GIA

Source: https://finance.detik.com/bursa-dan-valas/d-
4603814/kisruh- laporan-keuangan-garuda-ditolak- Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/ekonomi/20190628124946-92-
komisaris-hingga-terbukti-cacat 407304/kemenkeu-beberkan-tiga-kelalaian-auditor-garuda-indonesia
Shenanigan No:1
Recording revenue too soon

 WarningSigns

1. Up-front revenue recognition on long-term contracts.

2. Cash flow from operation lagging behind net income.

3. Accelerating sales by changing the revenue recognition policy.

4. Seller offering extremely generous extended payment terms.

Watch for changes to more aggressive revenue

recognitions policies or decisions
Shenanigan No. 2:
Recording bogus

 Recording revenue from transaction that lack economic

 Recording revenue from transaction that lack a reasonable
arm’s length process.
 Recording revenue on receipt from non- revenue-producing
Shenanigan No. 2:
Recording revenue on receipt from non-
revenue-producing transactions – Xerox

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/2002/04/02/xerox-to-pay-sec-10-million-fine-
Shenanigan No. 2:
Recording revenue on receipt from non-
revenue-producing transactions – Xerox
Shenanigan No. 2:
Recording bogus

 Warning Signs
1. Recording revenue from transaction that lack a reasonable
arms’s length process.

2. Recording cash received from a lender, business partner, or

vendor as revenue.

3. Revenue growing much faster than account receivables

4. Unusual increases or decreases in liability reserves account

When ‘unbilled receivables’ grew substantially

faster than ‘billed receivables’
Shenanigan No. 3:
Boosting Income with One-time gains

o Boosting profits by selling undervalued assets

o Boosting profits by retiring debt
o Failing to segregate non-recurring activities
Shenanigan No. 3:
Boosting Income with One-time gains

Techniques :

1. Boosting income using one-time events.

2. Boosting income through misleading classifications.
Shenanigan No. 3:
Boosting Income with One-time gains
Shenanigan No. 3:
Boosting Income with One-time gains

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1997/10/19/coming-home-to-roost-boston-market-was- once-a-wall-street-star-but-after-

a-series-of-missteps-its-sales-and-stock-price-are-falling-and-investors-are-crying-foul- over-the-restaurant-chains-accounting-tactics/d31ec3fb-516a-4e48-
Shenanigan No. 3:
Boosting Income with One-time gains

 WarningSigns

1. Shifting normal operating expenses below the line.

2. Routinely recording restructuring charges.

3. Including proceeds received from selling a subsidiary as revenue.

4. Operating income growing much faster than sales.

Hid signs of deteriorating business by including

revenue from noncore source of income
Shenanigan No. 4:
Shifting Current Expenses to Later Period

• Improperly capitalizing costs

• Depreciating or amortizing costs too slowly
• Failing to write off worthless assets

Techniques :

1. Improperly capitalizing normal operating expenses.

2. Amortizing cost too slowly.
3. Failing to write down assets with impaired value.
4. Failing to record expenses for uncollectible receivables and evalued investments.
Shenanigan No. 4:
Shifting Current Expenses to Later Period
Shenanigan No. 4:
Shifting Current Expenses to Later Period

Source: https://money.cnn.com/2000/06/14/companies/cendant/
Shenanigan No. 4:
Shifting Current Expenses to Later Period

 WarningSigns

1. Improperly capitalizing normal operating expenses.

2. Changes in capitalization policy or accelerated capitalization of costs.
3. New or unusual assets accounts.
4. Jump in soft assets relative to sale
5. Stretching out depreciable asset life.
6. Improper amortization of cost associated with loans.

Watch changes in Capitalization Policy just

before the IPO
Shenanigan No. 7:
Shifting Future Expenses to Current Period

• Techniques

• Accelerating discretionary into the current period.

1. Improperly writing off assets in the
current period to
• Writing off future years’ depreciation and avoid expenses in a future period.
amortization during the current year. 2. Improperly recording
charges to establish
reserves used to reduce
future expenses.
Shenanigan No. 7:
Shifting Future Expenses to Current Period
Shenanigan No. 7:
Shifting Future Expenses to Current Period

Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/wr-grace-reaches-settlement-with-sec-on-accounting-measures
Shenanigan No. 7:
Shifting Future Expenses to Current Period


1. Improperly writing off assets in thecurrent period to avoid expenses in a

future period.
2. Improperly recording charges to establish, reserves used to reduce future
3. Large write-offs accompanying the arrival of a new CEO.
Be alert on unusual Write-offs:
1. Account receivables
2. Good will
Special Case
Study : Duniatex &
Group Hanson
Special Case Study:
Duniatex Group

Source: https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20191014/90/1158622/digugat-pkpu-duniatex-dapat-perlindungan-
Special Case Study:
Duniatex Group

Source: https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20190724/90/1128362/fitch-ratings-kembali-pangkas-peringkat-surat-utang-duniatex
Special Case Study:
Duniatex Group

Source: https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20190731110121-17-88815/pinjaman-lpei-ke-duniatex-tembus-rp-3-t-ini-sebarannya
Special Case Study:
Hanson International

Source: https://
Special Case Study:
Hanson International

Source: https://katadata.co.id/berita/2019/11/08/diduga-himpun-dana-ilegal-hanson-janji-cicil-kembalikan-uang-investor
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