Renewable Energy Infographics by Slidesgo

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Renewable Energy Infographics

01 02 03 04 05

Mars Venus Saturn Neptune Jupiter

Mars is actually Venus is the It’s composed It’s the farthest Jupiter is the
a very cold second planet of hydrogen and planet from the biggest planet
place from the Sun helium Sun of them all
Renewable Energy Infographics

Saturn Mars
01 Saturn is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars
has several rings is a cold place

Venus Jupiter
02 Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet in
planet from the Sun the Solar System
Renewable Energy Infographics

Planets Mercury Mars Saturn Jupiter

Descriptio It’s the closest Venus is the Mars is actually Jupiter is the
planet to the second planet a very cold biggest planet
n Sun from the Sun place of them all

Jupiter is the Despite being Neptune is far Mercury is a

Notes biggest planet red, Mars is away from very small
of them all very cold Earth planet
Renewable Energy Infographics

Mercury Jupiter
It’s the closest planet to Jupiter is the biggest
the Sun planet of them all

Venus Saturn
Venus is the second It’s composed of
planet from the Sun hydrogen and helium

Mars Neptune
Mars is actually a very It’s the farthest planet
cold place from the Sun
Renewable Energy Infographics

Type A Type B Type C Type D

Venus Jupiter Mars Saturn

Venus is the second planet It’s the biggest planet in the Despite being red, Mars is a Saturn is a gas giant and has
from the Sun Solar System cold place several rings
Renewable Energy Infographics

Energy Sunlight
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all

Transfer Solar panels

Venus is the second Saturn is composed of
planet from the Sun hydrogen and helium

Mars is actually a very Neptune is the farthest
cold place planet from the Sun
Renewable Energy Infographics

It’s the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar System

Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place. It’s full
of iron oxide dust

Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet
from the Sun
Renewable Energy Infographics

Sun Waste C
Earth is the Jupiter is the
third planet biggest planet
from the Sun of them all

Waste A Waste D
Venus is the Saturn is a gas
second planet giant and has
from the Sun several rings

Waste B Biomass
Mars is actually Biomass Pluto is now
a very cold considered a
place dwarf planet
Renewable Energy Infographics

135 145 150 155 160 165 170

Wind power capacity
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon

Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun.
It’s hot and has a poisonous
atmosphere 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Renewable Energy Infographics

It’s the closest planet to the Sun and the
02 smallest in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun
Despite being red, Mars is actually a
cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 03
Venus Jupiter 03
Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet in
planet from the Sun the Solar System

02 04 04
Saturn Mars
Saturn is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars
has several rings is a cold place
Renewable Energy Infographics

34,5% 21,8%
Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second planet It’s the biggest planet in the
from the Sun Solar System

10,9% 32,7%
Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars is a Saturn is a gas giant and has
cold place several rings

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Renewable Energy Infographics

Period 1 Period 2

Venus Venus Jupiter

Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet in
Jupiter planet from the Sun the Solar System

Saturn Mars
Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars
has several rings is a cold place

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Earth is the Venus is the Mars is actually Jupiter is the Saturn is a gas Neptune is far Pluto is now
third planet second planet a very cold biggest planet giant with away from considered a
from the Sun from the Sun place of them all several rings Earth dwarf planet

Note 1 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System

Note 2 Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that harbors life in the Solar System
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 It’s the closest planet to the Sun

02 Venus is the second planet from the Sun 05 02

03 Mars is actually a very cold place

Jupiter 04 03
04 Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

05 It’s composed of hydrogen and helium
Renewable Energy Infographics

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the It’s the biggest
second planet planet in the Solar
from the Sun System

Saturn Mars
Saturn is a gas Despite being red,
giant and has Mars is a cold
several rings place

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Renewable Energy Infographics

Saturn Mars
It’s a gas giant and has
03 04 Despite being red,
several rings Mars is a cold place

Mercury Neptune
It’s the closest planet
02 05 It’s the farthest planet
to the Sun from the Sun

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second
01 06 It’s the biggest planet
planet from the Sun of them all
Renewable Energy Infographics

20% 40% 75%

Mercury Venus Mars
It’s the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
Sun and the smallest one in and is the second planet from actually a cold place. It’s full
the Solar System the Sun of iron oxide dust
Renewable Energy Infographics

Mercury Jupiter
It’s the closest planet
01 Jupiter is the biggest
to the Sun planet of them all

Venus Saturn
01 02 05
05 Venus is the second It’s composed of
02 planet from the Sun hydrogen and helium

03 06 Mars Neptune
Mars is actually a very
03 It’s the farthest planet
04 cold place from the Sun
Renewable Energy Infographics

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest It’s composed of It’s the farthest planet
planet of them all hydrogen and helium from the Sun

Paper 95%

Plastic 50%

Glass 80%
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 It’s the closest planet to the Sun and the 02
smallest one in the Solar System 03

02 Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun

03 Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold
place. It’s full of iron oxide dust
Renewable Energy Infographics

● It’s the closest planet ● It’s the farthest planet

to the Sun from the Sun
● Venus is the second ● Jupiter is a very big
planet from the sun planet
● Mars is actually a very ● It’s considered a dwarf
cold place planet
● Jupiter is a very big ● Venus has a beautiful
planet name
Renewable Energy Infographics

It’s the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar System

Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place. It’s
full of iron oxide dust

Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet
from the Sun
Renewable Energy Infographics

South Africa Latin America South Asia


Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant and Neptune is far away Ceres is located in the
planet of them all has several rings from Earth main asteroid belt
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 02
Venus Jupiter
01 Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet in
planet from the Sun the Solar System

03 04
Saturn Mars
02 Saturn is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars
has several rings is a cold place
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
02 Venus is the second
planet from the Sun 02
Jupiter 03
03 It’s the biggest planet in
the Solar System
Renewable Energy Infographics

Venus is the second
planet from the Sun Jupiter
It’s the biggest planet in
the Solar System
Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
Earth is the third planet
Mars from the Sun
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
Renewable Energy Infographics

01 02 03 04 05

Venus Jupiter Saturn Mars Ceres

It’s the biggest Saturn is a gas Despite being red, Ceres is located in
Venus is the second
planet in the Solar giant and has Mars is a cold the main asteroid
planet from the Sun
System several rings place belt
Renewable Energy Infographics

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s hot and has a
Jupiter Saturn Neptune Pluto poisonous atmosphere

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Renewable Energy Infographics

Mercury Jupiter
It’s the closest planet to Jupiter is the biggest
the Sun planet of them all

Venus Saturn
Venus is the second It’s composed of
planet from the Sun hydrogen and helium

Mars Neptune
Mars is actually a very It’s the farthest planet
cold place from the Sun
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