1-Congenital disorders
2. Salivary calculi
3- Vascular disease
4- Cysts of salivary glands
5- Infection diseases
6- Sialadenosis
7- Irradiation damage
8- Autoimmune disease
CONGENITAL: These disorders of the salivary glands are rare, but
may include: Aplasia, atresia, and ectopic salivary gland tissue.
-Salivary calculi or a stone can form in a salivary gland or duct.
- At least 80% of calculi form in the submandibular gland.
- Several possibly coexisting factors have been suggested to be
involved in the formation of salivary stones, including altered
acidity of saliva, reduced salivary flow rate, abnormal calcium
metabolism and abnormalities in the sphincter mechanism of the
duct opening,
- The exact cause in many cases is unknown.
Necrotizing sialometaplasia
-Is ulcerative lesion; the ulcer is deep well-circumscribed, usually
located towards the back of the hard palate.
- It is thought to be caused by ischemic necrosis (death of tissue due to
lack of blood supply) of minor salivary glands in response to trauma.
- Often painless, the condition is self-limiting and should heal in
6–10 weeks.
Although entirely benign and requiring no treatment, due to its similar
appearance to oral cancer, it is sometimes misdiagnosed as malignant.
Therefore, it is considered an important condition, despite its rarity.
Differentiation between this and squamous cell carcinoma ulcer would
be based on a history of recent trauma or dental treatment in the area
like local anesthetic injections
Infections can be viral or bacterial (or rarely fungal).
A. Viral sialadenitis:
-Is caused by paramyxovirus which causes painful swelling of the
parotids and sometimes other glands.
- It is highly infectious and is the most common cause of acute
parotid swelling.
- Children are mainly affected
- The virus is transmitted by direct contact with infected saliva and
by droplet spread.
-An incubation period of about 21days is followed by headache,
malaise, fever and tense, painful and tender swelling of the parotids.
-The salivary glands enlargement gradually subsides over a period
of about seven days.
-In adults other organs are involved such as testes, ovaries, central
nervous system and pancreas, and orchitis is the most common
-Mumps may be mistaken for a dental infection or bacterial
sialadenitis, if unilateral.
B. Bacterial sialadenitis:
- Present as an acute or chronic condition
- The regional lymph nodes are enlarged and tender, and pus exudes or
can be expressed from the parotid duct.
An intense acute inflammatory infiltrate extends into the periductal
tissues is seen.
Chronic bacterial sialadenitis
- Is usually a complication of duct obstruction, or due to decreased
salivary flow with low grade ascending infection.
- Mostly unilateral and associated with recurrent painful swelling
of the gland.
- The submandibular gland is much more commonly affected, and
the duct orifice may appear inflamed and red.
- Sialography may show dilatation of ducts (sialectasia) behind the
. Microscopically
- Varying degrees of destruction of acini, duct dilatation and a
scattered chronic inflammatory cellular infiltrate, and interstitial
fibrosis are seen.
Dense, well-defined foci of lymphocytes surround the larger ducts in the centre of
the lobules with complete acinar atrophy and a rim of residual salivary
parenchyma remains around the periphery of the lobule.
-Tumors of the salivary glands comprise a significant proportion of
oral tumors, and are the next most common neoplasms of the mouth
after squamous cell carcinoma.
-However, tumors of the minor intraoral salivary glands are less
common than in the major salivary glands
- About 70% of salivary gland tumors develop in the parotid
- Over 75% of salivary gland tumors are benign.
The WHO histological classification of tumors of the salivary glands
and the typical clinical features of salivary gland tumors are seen in
Table-1and Table-2.
The typical clinical features of salivary gland tumors .