L 6 Method To Fulfill Basic Human Aspirations v2
L 6 Method To Fulfill Basic Human Aspirations v2
L 6 Method To Fulfill Basic Human Aspirations v2
Understanding Harmony
Education –
1 RIGHT UNDERSTANDING - Harmony in Human Being
(le>) - Harmony in Family
- Harmony in Society
in the self - Harmony in
Living inin Harmony
Sanskar – Living
2 3
PHYSICAL FACILITY at all levels of being:
(laca/k) - Individual
with human - Family
being with rest of nature - Society
- Nature/Existence
Our Program
To facilitate understanding of the harmony at all levels of being
1. Harmony in the Human Being
2. Harmony in the Family Proposals
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence
Animal Consciousness
escape from
Key Points
Method to Fulfill the Basic Human Aspirations
Human Being Living with Human Consciousness
Understanding Harmony
Education –
1 RIGHT UNDERSTANDING - Harmony in Human Being
(le>) - Harmony in Family
- Harmony in Society
in the self - Harmony in
Living inin Harmony
Sanskar – Living
2 3
PHYSICAL FACILITY at all levels of being:
(laca/k) - Individual
with human - Family
being with rest of nature - Society
- Nature/Existence
Our Program
To facilitate understanding of the harmony at all levels of being
1. Harmony in the Human Being
2. Harmony in the Family Proposals
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence
Animal Consciousness
escape from
FAQs for Lecture 6
Method to Fulfill the Basic Human Aspirations
Question(s) 1: Four Levels Response
• If ensuring harmony at one level disturbs the • As it appears today, to manage things at one
harmony at some other level, how can I level makes it difficult at another level, as
make the program for continuity of mentioned in the examples quoted.
happiness? However, we are not talking about managing
e.g. taking care of my baby and doing justice things, we are talking about ensuring
with my job harmony. If i am trying to understand
harmony and live in harmony at one level, it
e.g. when I invest myself for right
understanding, the family members feel will certainly help in understanding and living
angry on me, and there is disharmony in the in harmony at other levels, atleast it will not
family. contradict. For example, if I am working for
harmony at the individual level, as a human
being, I will ensure right understanding and
right feeling in the self. This will certainly
facilitate my being in harmony at the family
level because I can now ensure mutual
fulfillment in my behaviour with right feelings.
Similarly, I can better participate in ensuring
harmony at the level of society and nature. 14
Balance between profession and 3 generations living together
persona/family life
People are migrating for work Getting uprooted migrating from village to city to
big city to US Canada etc.
(present day education is inadvertently setting
up a world view… this type of mindset that Empty houses, empty villages, fallow land… a
village… working with land etc. is not OK, a disturbed society (crowd)
Compromised social base / family/social security…
losing out on family… community… culture… for
some type of work
Question(s) 1: Four Levels Response
• Few people in the history have said that the • There have been two experiments tried out in
biggest hurdle in the development of society the history-
is family. They propounded the concept of One says that family is a hurdle in the
commune. Where do we place the commune development of the society, therefore, get rid
here? of the family,
the other says that family is a hurdle in the
development of the individual, therefore, get
rid of the family,
What we are saying is that if harmony in the
family is understood properly and ensured,
then family will provide the appropriate
environment including education- sanskar for
the development of the individual; and it will
also work as the basic building block for
development of the society.
In fact, what they visualised as commune was
essentially a version of harmonious family of a
bigger size.. 16
Question(s) 2: Four Levels Response
• If there is disharmony in the society, I will • If there is harmony in the society, then
also be in disharmony as I am part of certainly it will provide appropriate
society. Then how can I ensure happiness in environment including education- sanskar for
continuity? Similar with nature. my development. However, even if this is not
there, it is possible for me to work for self-
development through sef-exploration and if I
ensure this, then I can be in a state of
harmony within and happiness within in
continuity. In fact, i will even became a help
in the process of development of harmony in
the society. But, this is going to be a much
more difficult task for me than in case there
is harmony in the society.
Question(s) 3: Four Levels Response
• How do I demarcate between family and • The range of family is from family (blood-
society? e.g. my in-laws, extended family relation) to world family. What matters really
members, neighbors, friends, etc. is my feeling of relationship (and my
competence for its fulfillment), how extended
it is i.e. how many people I feel related to;
that will define the size of the family. Atleast
we should be able to have this feeling of
relationship for the members of the family
(blood-relation) with three generations.
• I have a pet, and I treat it like a family • It is fine to do it with animals too, but we
member. Is it fine to do it as it is not a human must be able to do this human being as well.
being? It should not happen that we are not able to
do it for human beings in the family and we
are using the pet as a substitute.
Question(s) 4: Four Levels Response
• Where do I put my organization or place of • If I have the feeling of relationship and
work here? In family or society? competence for its fulfillment with all the
members of the organisation, I will take it as
a family. Otherwise I have to place it in the
society, if there is a common goal; if there is
a no common goal, it will be more like a
crowd than society.
• Why have we put nature and existence • When it comes to fulfillment, we have to
together at the fourth level? work with nature only. At the level of
existence, we only have to understand the
existence as co-existence, we do not have to
do anything for it, it is ever-present anyway.
Question(s) 5: Four Levels Response
• How can I be in harmony with the entire • We have to understand that there is
nature/existence? I don’t even know so many harmony at the level of nature and existence
things in the nature/existence. and we have to have that feeling of harmony
for every unit in nature. That is what is
important. When it comes to fulfillment, we
will get the necessary information about the
concerned unit as and when required.