SC 17

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Transform Coding

Quantization and Coding of Transform coefficients

If the amount of information conveyed by each coefficient is different, it makes

sense to assign differing numbers of bits to the different coefficients.

There are two approaches to assign bits.

One approach relies on the average properties of the transform coefficients, while
the other approach assigns bits as needed by individual transform coefficients.

In the first approach, we first obtain an estimate of the variances of the transform

These estimates can be used by one of two algorithms to assign the number of bits
used to quantize each of the coefficients.
We assume that the relative variance of the coefficients corresponds to
the amount of information contained in each coefficient.

Thus, coefficients with higher variance are assigned more bits than
coefficients with smaller variance.

Let us find an expression for the distortion, then find the bit allocation
that minimizes the distortion.

To perform the minimization we will use the method of Lagrange.

If the average number of bits per sample to be used by the transform

coding system is R, and the average number of bits per sample used by
the kth coefficient is Rk then

where M is the number of transform coefficients.

• The most frequently used filter banks in subband coding
consist of a cascade of stages, where each stage consists of
a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter, as shown below
• The most popular filters are the quadrature
mirror filters (QMF).

• These filters have the property that if the

impulse response of the low-pass filter is
given by {h(n)}. then the high-pass impulse
response is given by {(-1 )nh (N-1-n)}
Quantization of Subbands
• Different subbands contain differing amounts of information.
• Therefore, we need to allocate the available bits among the subbands
according to some measure of the information content.
• There are a number of different ways we could distribute the available
• For example, suppose we were decomposing the source output into
four bands and we wanted a coding rate of 1 bit per sample. We could
accomplish this by using 1 bit per sample for each of the four bands.
• On the other hand, we could simply discard the output of two of the
bands and use 2 bits per sample for the two remaining bands. Or, we
could discard the output of three of the four filters and use 4 bits per
sample to encode the output of the remaining filter.
• The bit allocation procedure discussed earlier can have a
significant impact on the quality of the final reconstruction,
especially when the information content of different bands
is very different.
• If we use the variance of the output of each filter as a
measure of information, and assume that the compression
scheme is scalar quantization, we can use the simple bit
allocation schemes discussed in transform coding.
• If we use a slightly more sophisticated model for the
outputs of the filters (like psychoacoustic model) , we can
arrive at significantly better bit allocation procedures) as in
MPEG Audio coding)
• The quantized and coded coefficients are used to reconstruct a
representation of the original signal at the decoder.
• First, the encoded samples from each subband are decoded at the
• These decoded values are then upsampled by inserting an
appropriate number of 0s between samples.
• Once the number of samples per second has been brought back to
the original rate, the upsampled signals are passed through a bank of
reconstruction filters.
• The outputs of the reconstruction filters are added to give the final
reconstructed outputs.
• We can see that the basic subband system is simple.
• The three major components of this system are the analysis and
synthesis filters, the bit allocation scheme, and the encoding scheme

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