Macroeconomics Aims of Government
Macroeconomics Aims of Government
Macroeconomics Aims of Government
Grade 10
The government’s major macroeconomic objectives are:
•Economic Growth: economic growth refers to an increase in the
gross domestic product (GDP), the amount of goods and services
produced in the economy, over a period of time. More output means
economic growth. But if output falls over time (economic recession),
it can cause:
• fall in employment, incomes and living standards of the people
• fall in the tax revenue the govt. collects from goods and
services and incomes, which will, in turn, lead to a cut in govt.
• fall in the revenues and profits of firms
• low investments, that is, people won’t invest in production as
economic conditions are poor and they will yield low profits
•Price Stability: inflation is the continuous rise in the average price levels
in an economy during a time period. Governments usually target an
inflation rate it should maintain in a year, say 3%. If prices rise too quickly
it can negatively affect the economy because it:
• reduces people’s purchasing powers as people will be able to buy less
with the money they have now than before
• causes hardship for the poor
• increases business costs especially as workers will demand higher
wages to support their livelihood
• makes products more expensive than products of other countries with
low inflation. This will make exports less competitive in the
international market.
•Full Employment: if there is a high level of unemployment in a country,
the following may happen:
• the total national output (goods produced) will fall
• The government will have to give out welfare payments
(unemployment benefits) to the unemployed, increasing public
expenditure while income taxes fall – causing a budget deficit
• large unemployment causes public unrest and anger towards the