Macroeconomics Aims of Government

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Grade 10
The government’s major macroeconomic objectives are:
•Economic Growth: economic growth refers to an increase in the
gross domestic product (GDP), the amount of goods and services
produced in the economy, over a period of time. More output means
economic growth. But if output falls over time (economic recession),
it can cause:
• fall in employment, incomes and living standards of the people
• fall in the tax revenue the govt. collects from goods and
services and incomes, which will, in turn, lead to a cut in govt.
• fall in the revenues and profits of firms
• low investments, that is, people won’t invest in production as
economic conditions are poor and they will yield low profits
•Price Stability: inflation is the continuous rise in the average price levels
in an economy during a time period. Governments usually target an
inflation rate it should maintain in a year, say 3%. If prices rise too quickly
it can negatively affect the economy because it:
• reduces people’s purchasing powers as people will be able to buy less
with the money they have now than before
• causes hardship for the poor
• increases business costs especially as workers will demand higher
wages to support their livelihood
• makes products more expensive than products of other countries with
low inflation. This will make exports less competitive in the
international market.
•Full Employment: if there is a high level of unemployment in a country,
the following may happen:
• the total national output (goods produced) will fall
• The government will have to give out welfare payments
(unemployment benefits) to the unemployed, increasing public
expenditure while income taxes fall – causing a budget deficit
• large unemployment causes public unrest and anger towards the

•Balance of Payments Stability: economies export (sell) many of their

products to overseas residents, and receive income and investment from
abroad; they also import (buy) goods and services from other economies,
and make investments in other countries.
•Income Redistribution: to reduce the inequality of
income among its citizens, the government will
redistribute incomes from the rich to the poor by imposing
taxes on the rich and using them to finance welfare
schemes for the poor. All governments struggle with
income inequality and try to solve it because:
• widening inequality means higher levels of poverty
• poverty and hardship restrict the economy from
reaching its maximum productive capacity.
Conflict of Macroeconomic Aims
When a policy is introduced to achieve one macroeconomic aim, it tends to conflict with one or
more other aims. In other words, as one aim is achieved, another aim is undone. Let’s look at some
conflicts of government macroeconomic aims.

Full Employment v/s Price Stability

Low rates of unemployment will boost incomes of businesses and workers. This rise in incomes
mean higher demand and consumption in the economy, which causes firms to raise their prices –
resulting in inflation. This is probably the most prominent policy conflict in the study of Economics.

Economic Growth & Full Employment v/s BoP Stability

Once again, as incomes rise due to economic growth and low unemployment, people will import
more foreign products and consume relatively less domestic products. This will cause a rise in
imports relative to exports and a deficit may arise in the balance of payments.
Economic Growth v/s Full Employment
In the long run, when economic growth is continuous, firms may start
investing in more capital (machinery/equipment). More capital-intensive
production will make a lot of people unemployed.

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