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Standard First Aid and CPR For Professional Rescuer1

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Standard First Aid

and CPR for

Professional Rescuer
Introduction to First Aid
First Aid
Is immediate help provided to a sick or injured person until professional medical help arrives
or becomes available.

Scope and Limitation

First Aid does not imply medical treatment and is by no means a replacement for it.
Objectives of First Aid

First aid aims to accomplish the following goals:

 Preserve life.
Prevent further harm and complications.
Seek immediate medical help.
Provide reassurance.
Legal Concerns
 Consent ( Express Consent and Implied Consent)
 Duty to Act
 Standard of Care (Good Samaritan Law)
 Negligence
 Abandonment
 Confidentiality
According to the Article 12 no. 4 of Act No. 3815 of the Philippine Revised Penal Code
Book One

“ any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care, causes an injury by mere
accident without fault or intention of causing it” is exempt from criminal liability.

According to the Article 275 no. 1&2 of Act No. 3815 of the Philippine Revised Penal Code
Book Two: “Abandonment of person in danger and abandonment of one’s own victim”.
1. Anyone who shall fail to render assistance to any person whom he shall in an
uninhabited place wounded or in danger of dying, when he can render such assistance
without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall constitute a more serious
2. Anyone who shall fail to help or render assistance to another whom he has
accidentally wounded or injured.
Health Hazards and Risks:

Common Transmittable Diseases:

 Herpes
 Meningitis
 Tuberculosis
 Hepatitis
 Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) / Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Disease Transmission

Infectious disease are those that can spread from one person to
another through the following ways:
 Direct Contact
 Indirect Contact
 Airborne Transmission
 Vector
Prevention and Protection
Universal Precautions are a set of strategies developed to
prevent transmission of blood borne pathogens. These
preventive measures focus on blood and selected body fluids
such as cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid and amniotic fluid.
Body Substance Isolation (BSI) are precautions taken to
isolate or prevent risk of exposure from body secretions and
any other type of body substance such as urine, vomit,
feces, or sputum.
Cardiac Chain of Survival

Adult Chain of Survival Pediatric Chain of Survival

1. Early Access 1. Early Prevention
2. Early Cardio – Pulmonary 2. Early Cardio – Pulmonary
Resuscitation Resuscitation
3. Early Defibrillation 3. Early Access
4. Early Advance Cardiac Life 4. Early Pediatric Life Support
5. Post Cardiac Arrest Care
5. Post Cardiac Arrest Care
Emergency Action Principles
SCENE SIZE-UP To obtain consent, do the following:
 Identify yourself to the victim.
I. Scene safety  State your level of training.
II. Knowing what happened  Ask the victim whether you may help.
 Cause of Injury  Explain what you observe.
 Nature of Illness  Explain what you plan to do.
III. Role of bystanders
IV. Number of casualties
V. Asking permission or consent
Primary Assessment
I. Assessing Responsiveness
A patient’s response level can be summarized in the AVPU mnemonic as follows:
 A – Alert
 V – Responsive to Voice
 P – Responsive to Pain
 U – Unresponsive / Unconscious
Primary Assessment can be done with the patient in the position in which you
find him or her, and begins with checking the patient’s responsiveness.
II. Activate Medical Help
Ask someone to call for local emergency number and get an Automated External
Defibrillator (AED)

Call First or Care First Information to be remembered in activating

medical help:
If you are ALONE, it is important to know  What happened?
when to call during emergencies.
 Location of emergency?
CALL FIRST situations are likely to be
cardiac emergencies, where time is a critical  Number of person injured or ill?
factor.-HEART RELATED. Cause and extent of injury and nature of
illness and first aid given?
 Telephone number from where call is made?
CARE FIRST situations, the conditions often
are related to breathing emergencies.-  Name of person who called medical help
RESPIRATORY RELATED EVENT. (person must identify him/ herself and hang
up the phone last).
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

An open airway allows air to enter the lungs for the person to breathe. If the airway is blocked,
the person cannot breathe.
While maintaining an open airway, quickly check unconscious person for breathing by doing
the LLF technique no more than 10 seconds. L- LOOK, L- LISTEN , F- FEEL
 Bleeding - Quickly look for severe bleeding by looking over the person’s body from head to
toe for signals such as blood-soaked clothing or blood spurting out of a wound.
 Shock - If left untreated, shock can lead to death. Always look for signals of shock whenever
you are giving care.
 Skin color, temperature and moisture
Assessment of skin temperature, color , and condition can tell you more about the patient’s
circulatory system.
Secondary Assessment
If you determine that an injured or ill person is not in an immediate life-threatening condition,
you can begin to check for other conditions that may need care.
 Interviewing the person and bystanders.
 Checking the person from head to toe.
To gain essential information about the patient's medical history, ask the patient questions
based on the SAMPLE approach:
S – Signs and Symptoms
A - Allergies
M - Medications
P – Pertinent past and medical history
L – Last Intake and Output
Head to Toe Examination
D – Deformity
C - Contusions
A - Abrasions
P - Punctures
B – Burn / Bleeding
T - Tenderness
L - Laceration
S - Swelling
Cardiac Emergencies

Heart Attack
-Also called myocardial infarction occurs when the blood and oxygen
supply to the heart is reduced causing damage to the heart muscle and
preventing blood from circulating effectively. It is usually caused by
coronary heart disease.

The term “angina pectoris” means literally “a constriction of the chest”.

Angina occurs when coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle
with blood, become narrowed and cannot carry sufficient blood to
meet increased demands during exertion or excitement.
Signs and Symptoms

What to Look for:

 Chest pain, discomfort or pressure.
 Pain may be associated from discomfort to unbearable crushing
sensation in the chest.
 Person may describe it as pressure, squeezing, tightness, aching or
heaviness in the chest.
 Some individual may not show signals at all.
What to do:

 Have patient stop what he or she is doing and sit or lie him/her down
in a comfortable position. Do not let him/her to move around.
 Have someone call the physician or ambulance for help.
 If patient is under medical care, assist him/ her in taking his/her
prescribed medicine/s.
Cardiac Arrest

- Is a condition occurs when the heart stops contracting and no blood

circulates thru the blood vessels and vital organs are deprived of

Cardio – Pulmonary Resuscitation

A combination of chest compression and rescue – breathing.
Criteria for not starting CPR When to STOP CPR
All patients in cardiac arrest receive  Spontaneous signs of breathing and
resuscitation unless: circulation.
 Turned over to professional provider.
 The patient has a valid DO NOT Attempt  Operator is exhausted.
Resuscitation (DNAR) order.
 Physician assumes responsibility.
 The patient has signs of irreversible
death; rigor mortis, decapitation, or  Scene become unsafe.
dependent lividity .
Airway and Breathing Emergencies

Breathing Emergencies
In breathing emergencies, the oxygen supply to the body is either
greatly reduced or cut off entirely.
Foreign body Airway Obstruction – Also known as choking.- is a
common breathing emergency that occurs when the person’s airway is
partially or completely blocked by a foreign object.
Types of Obstruction
1. Anatomical Obstruction
2. Mechanical Obstruction
Signals of breathing emergencies include:

 Trouble breathing or no  Dizziness or light – headedness

 Pain in the chest or tingling in
 Slow or rapid breathing the hands, feet or lips
 Unusually deep or shallow  Unusually moist or cool skin
 Flushed, pale , ashen or bluish
 Gasping for breath skin
 Wheezing , gurgling or making  Apprehensive or fearful feelings.
high – pitched noises
 Shortness of breath
Foreign – body Airway Obstructions
 MILD airway obstruction  Clutching the throat with one or both hands.
 SEVERE airway obstruction  Coughing, either forcefully or weakly.
 Inability to cough, speaks, cry or breathe.
 Making high – pitched noises while inhaling or
noisy breathing.
 Panic
 Bluish skin color
 Losing consciousness if blockage is not
The most common cause of choking in adults is airway obstruction caused
by food, such as when:
 Swallow large pieces of poorly chewed food;
 Drinking alcohol
 Wearing dentures
 Eating while talking excitedly, laughing, or eating too fast;
 Walking, playing or running with food or objects in the mouth;
 In infants and children, choking occurs while eating or by putting non-
food items such as coins or toys inside the mouth while playing.
Abdominal/ Chest Thrust
- is a first aid procedure that is performed by a person who is choking. This is
done by applying pressure to the abdomen or at the chest or at the center of
the breastbone from the back so as to remove the choking object.

Rescue breathing
- Is a technique of breathing air into a person to supply him or her with the
oxygen needed to survive.
Asthma Attack
Asthma is an illness in which SIGNS AND SYMTOMS
certain substances or
conditions; called “triggers”,  Hoarse whistling sound during exhalation
cause inflammation and (wheezing)
constriction of the airways,  Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
making breathing difficult.
 Rapid, shallow breathing
 Sweating
 Tightness in the chest
 Inability to talk without stopping for a breath
First Aid Management

 Remain Calm.
 Help the person to sit comfortably.
 Loosen any tight clothing around the neck and abdomen.
 Assist the person with his or her prescribed quick – relief medication
under the following conditions:
 The victim states that he or she is having an asthma attack and has
medications (e.g. a prescribed bronchodilator) or an inhaler.
 The victim identifies the medication and is unable to administer it
without assistance.

Hyperventilation occurs when an person’s breathing is faster and more shallow than
normal. When this happens, the body does not take in enough oxygen to meet its


People who are hyperventilating feel as if they cannot get enough air. Often they are
afraid and anxious or seem confused. They may say that they feel dizzy or that their
fingers and toes feel numb or tingly
First Aid Management

 Help the person rest in a comfortable position.

 If the person is conscious, check for other conditions.
 Try to reassure the person to reduce their anxiety.
 If bystanders are present ask them what they know about the person’s condition.
 Tell the person to relax and breathe slowly.
 Seek medical help immediately.
Bleeding Techniques to Control Bleeding:
Is the loss of blood escaping from the circulatory
 Direct Pressure
 Pressure Bandage
Types of Bleeding:
1. Arterial Bleeding
2. Venous Bleeding
3. Capillary Bleeding
Is a condition in which the circulatory system fails to deliver
enough oxygen – rich blood to the body’s tissues and vital organs.


 Restlessness or irritability
 Hypovolemic
 Altered level of consciousness
 Pump Failure
 Pale, ashen or greyish color, moist skin.
 Dilation of peripheral
 Rapid breathing blood vessel.
 Rapid and weak pulse
 Excessive thirst
First Aid Management

 Make the person lie down.

 Control any external bleeding.
 Legs may be raised 6 to 12 inches.
 Help the person maintain normal body temperature.
 Do not give the person anything to eat or drink.
 Reassure the person every so often.

A wound is any physical injury involving a break in the layers of the skin.
Wounds are generally classified as either closed or open.

 Bleeding
 Infection
 Tetanus
 Rabies
A closed wound is a wound where the outer layer of the skin is intact and the
damage lies below the surface.


 Tender, swollen, bruised or hard areas of the body.
 Rapid, weak pulse.
 Skin that feels cool or moist or looks pale or bluish.
 Vomiting of blood or coughing up blood
 Excessive thirst
 An injured extremity that is blue or extremely pale
 Altered mental state
First Aid Management

 Apply an ice pack.

 Elevating the injured part
 Do not assume that all closed wounds are minor injuries.
 Help the person to rest.
 Provide comfort and reassure the person.
In an open wound, the outer layer of skin is broken. The break in the skin can be as
minor as a scrape of the surface layers or as severe as a deep penetration.

Types of Open Wounds

 Abrasions
 Lacerations
 Avulsion
 Amputation
 Puncture
First Aid Management
General care for open wounds includes controlling bleeding, preventing
infection and using dressings and bandages correctly.
Minor Open Wounds
 Use a barrier between your hand and the wound.
 Apply direct pressure.
Wash abrasions and other superficial wounds.
 Apply a Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) antiseptic solution or, if available, a
triple antibiotic ointment or cream.
 Cover the wound with a sterile dressing.
 Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
Major Open Wounds
 Call the local emergency number- E.g. BFP, PNP, RHU, MDRRMC
 Put on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
 Control bleeding by applying direct pressure or employing a pressure bandage.
 Monitor airway and breathing
 In cases where the injured party is in shock, keep him or her from experiencing
chills or feeling overheated.
 Have the person rest comfortably and provide reassurance.
 Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
Burns are injuries to the skin and to other body tissues that is caused by
heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation.
Superficial (first-degree) burns
Partial-thickness (second-degree) burns
Full-thickness (third-degree) burns
First Aid Management
 Check the scene for safety.
 Stop the burning by removing the victim from the source of the burn.
 Check for life-threatening conditions.
 Cool the burn with large amounts of cold running water.
 Cover the burn loosely with a sterile dressing.
 Prevent infection. Do not break blisters.
 Apply a triple antibiotic ointment if the person has no known allergies or sensitivities to
the medication
 Take steps to minimize shock.
 Comfort and reassure the victim.
 Remove the chemical from the skin as quickly as possible.
 Flush the burn with large amounts of cool running water.
 If an eye is burned by a chemical, flush the affected eye with water until advanced
medical personnel take over.
 If possible, have the person remove contaminated clothes to prevent the spread of
infection while you continue to flush the area.

 Never go near the person until you are sure that he or she is no longer in contact
with the power source.
 Turn off the power at its source and be aware of any life threatening conditions.
 Call the local emergency number.
 Be aware that electrocution can cause cardiac and respiratory emergencies.
 Care for shock and thermal burns.
 Look for entry and exit wounds and give appropriate care.
 Remember that anyone suffering from electric shock requires advanced medical

 Care for a radiation burn, i.e. sunburn, as you would for any thermal burn.
 Always cool the burn and protect the area from further damage by keeping the
person away from the burn source.
Poison is any substance that can cause injury, illness or death when introduced into
the body. Poisons include solids, liquids, gases and vapors. A poison can enter the
body through four ways – ingestion, inhalation, injection and absorption.

Is considered any substance that’s harmful to the body when ingested, whether
intentionally or unintentionally.
 Food Poisoning, Caustics, Hydrocarbons, Drug Overdose
First Aid Management
 If the person is in a toxic area, remove the person from the scene.
 Check the person’s level of consciousness and breathing.
 Check for any life-threatening conditions
 Ask questions to get more information if the person is conscious.
 Look for any containers and take them with you to the telephone area.
 Call the National Poison Management and Control Center (NPMCC) or the
local/regional poison control center.
 Follow the directions of the NPMCC or local/regional poison control center.
 If unable to contact the NPMCC or local/regional poison center, bring the patient
immediately to the hospital
 DO NOT give the person anything to eat or drink. Do not induce vomiting unless
instructed by a medical professional.
 Save some samples of the person’s vomit if you do not know how to classify the
 A person who has swallowed a caustic substance should not be made to vomit.
 DO NOT dilute acids with water, especially sulfuric acid.
 The Department of Health recommends giving six to eight egg whites to a child
and eight to twelve egg whites to an adult who has ingested a watusi.

Poisoning by inhalation occurs when a person breathes in toxic fumes.

Poisoning by Inhalation:
EX: Carbon Monoxide, Cyanide, Chlorine, Tear Gas


 Remove the victims from the toxic environment.
 Open all doors and windows.
 Maintain a patient’s airway if the victim is unconscious.
 Seek medical attention.
Injected Poison

Injected poisons enter the body through the bites or stings of insects,
spiders, ticks, snakes and some marine life. It could also enter the body
through the insertion of a hypodermic needle.

Poisoning by Injecting
1. Snakebites
2. Bee Stings
3. Marine Life with Poisonous Spines
First Aid Management
 Reassure the patient who may be very anxious.
 Avoid any interference with the bite wound such as incising, rubbing, vigorous
cleaning, massaging or applying herbs or chemicals to it.
 Immobilize the whole of the patient’s body by laying him/her down in a
comfortable and safe position.
 Ideally, a broad elastic roller bandage should be used for the person.
 Do not remove the trousers as the movement of doing so will only assist the
venom into entering the blood stream.
 As far as the snake is concerned – do not attempt to kill it as this may be
First Aid Management for Bee Stings
 Remove any visible stinger.
 Wash the site with soap and water.
 Cover the site with a dressing.
 Apply a cold pack to the area to reduce pain and swelling.
 Call the local emergency number if the person has any
trouble breathing or shows any other signals of
Prevention for Marine Life Poisoning
 Always wear suitable footwear when exploring intertidal area or wading in
shallow water.
 Avoid handling sea urchins.
 First Aid Management
 Immerse the wound in 45 C water, or as can be tolerated, for 30 to 90 minutes.
 Many marine toxins are proteins which are destroyed by heat. A hot soak can
dramatically reduce the pain and the amount of damage caused by a sting.
 Soak the affected area in vinegar. This inhibits bacterial infection and dissolves
the spine skeleton which is made of calcium carbonate- the same basic material as
human bones. This material fizzes and dissolves readily in any acid such as
 Leave an inaccessible spine alone and only if it hasn’t penetrated a joint, nerve or
blood vessel.
 Cleanse the wound with an antiseptic solution.
 Washing out remaining venom and pieces of spine will help minimize damage,
speed healing and prevent infection.

An absorbed poison enters the body after it comes in contact with the skin.
Poisoning by Absorption:
1. Jellyfish Stings
2. Stinging Nettles or Nettle Trees
First Aid Management for Jellyfish Stings

 Limit further discharge by minimizing patient movement.

 Wash out wounds or injury with vinegar.
 Remove any remnant of allergen such as jellyfish tentacles and other
foreign materials by scraping them off.
 Keep the patient warm.
First Aid Management who has come in
contact with a poisonous plant.

 Remove contaminated clothing and jewelry which may constrict

circulation when swelling occurs.
 Rinse the affected area immediately.
 Seek medical advice if a rash or weeping lesion (oozing sore) develops.
Soothe the area with medicated lotions.
 Stop or reduce itching with antihistamines that will dry up the lesions.
 Advice the victim to see a physician if the condition worsens and large
areas of the body or the face are affected.
 Give care for severe allergic reactions if it does develop.
Head and Spine Injuries
 Head Injury
 Concussion
 Spinal Injury

Prevent injuries to the head, neck and back by practicing these safety guidelines.
 Wear safety belts (lap and shoulder restraints) and place children in car safety seats.
Wear approved helmets, eyewear, faceguards and mouth guards.
 Climb steps carefully to prevent slipping or falling
 Obey rules in sports and recreational activities.
 Avoid inappropriate alcohol use.
 Inspect work and recreational equipment regularly.
 Think and talk about safety.

First Aid Management:

 Call the local emergency number.
Minimize movement of the head, neck and back.
 Check for life-threatening conditions.
 Maintain open airways.
 Monitor consciousness and breathing.
 Control any external bleeding with direct pressure unless the bleeding is located
directly over a suspected fracture.
 Help victim normal body temperature.



 Pain
 Significant bruising and swelling
 Significant deformity
 Inability to use affected body parts normally
 Bone fragments sticking out of a wound
 Grating sensations after hearing a bone pop or snap.
 Cold, numb and tingly sensations on the injured area
 When the cause of injury suggests that it may be severe.
Triangular Bandage Techniques:

A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood
and oxygen supply to the heart is reduced.


 The presence of chest pain, discomfort or pressure.
 Discomfort in other areas of the upper body in addition to the chest.
 Trouble breathing.
 Skin color may be pale and ashen-grey and damp with sweat.
 Feel dizzy, become nauseous or vomit.
 They may become fatigued, lightheaded or lose consciousness.
 There are differences in signals of heart attack for males and females.


 Call the local emergency number immediately.
 Make the person stop what he or she is doing.
 Loosen any tight or uncomfortable clothing.
 Closely monitor the person until advanced medical personnel take over.
 Be prepared to perform CPR and use an AED, if available, should the person lose consciousness and
stops breathing.
 Ask the person if he or she has a history of heart disease.
 Offer aspirin only if it is prescribed by their physician for their condition.
 Be calm and reassuring
 Talk to bystanders
 Blood Clot/Thrombosis
A stroke is a disruption of blood flow to a part of
the brain which may cause permanent damage to  Bleeding from ruptured artery
the brain tissue. This is also called a  Fat deposit to the artery
cerebrovascular accident (CVA).
 Head Injury
 Brain tumor
For stroke assessment, think F.A.S.T., which
stands for the following:

 Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on

one side of the body.
 Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.
 Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
 Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
 Sudden, severe headache with no known cause.

 Recognize the “signals” and take action.

 Call the local emergency number immediately. Minutes count!
 Have the person stop what he or she is doing and have them rest
comfortably by sitting or lying down.
 Give the victim supportive care and reassurance.
 Be prepared to perform CPR if the victim becomes unresponsive.

Diabetes is the inability of the body to change sugar (glucose) from

food into energy.


 Too much sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia).
The person may not have taken enough insulin or may be reacting
adversely to a large meal that is high in carbohydrates.
 Too little sugar in the blood (hypoglycemia). The person may have
taken too much , eaten too little, or has suffered from overexertion.

 Changes in level of consciousness, including dizziness, drowsiness

and confusion.
 Irregular breathing.
 Abnormal pulse (rapid or weak).
 Feeling or looking ill.
First Aid Management

 First, check and determine if there are any life-threatening conditions.

 A person with diabetes who is experiencing a diabetic emergency must be
instructed to test his or her blood glucose level.
 A victim experiencing a diabetic emergency due to hypoglycemia must be
encouraged to treat himself/herself with food or drink that contains sugar. The
same action is advised if the condition still is to be determined or still remains
unknown (Are they hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic?
 If the diabetic person is conscious and is able to swallow and then states that
they need sugar
 If the person is unconscious or is about to lose consciousness, call the local
emergency number. Maintain an open airway and do not give anything by

Seizures is when the normal functions of the brain are disrupted by

injury, disease, fever, poisoning or infection, the electrical activity of
the brain becomes irregular.


 Chronic – This condition occurs suddenly and without warning.
 Febrile – This condition brings about a rapid increase in body

 Unusual sensations or feelings such as visual hallucination.

 Irregular breathing patterns
 Drooling
 Upward rolling of the eyes
 Rigid body
 Sudden, uncontrollable, rhythmic muscle contractions and convulsions
 Decreased level of responsiveness
 Loss of bladder or bowel control
First Aid Management
 Reassure the victim that you are going to help
 Remove nearby objects that might cause injury
 Protect the victim’s head by placing a thinly folded towel or piece of clothing beneath it.
 Do not hold or restrain the patient when a seizure is in progress.
 Do not place anything between the victim’s teeth or put anything in the victim’s mouth.
 Loosen clothing and fan the victim if the seizure was caused by a sudden rise in body
 Ensure that the victim’s airway is open and check for breathing and other injuries once
the seizure is over.
 Stay and watch over the victim until the victim is fully conscious.
An allergy is caused by the over-activity of the immune
system against specific antigens.

 Bee or insect venom
 Pollen
 Latex
 Certain antibiotic and drugs
 Certain foods like nuts, peanuts, shellfish and dairy

 Skin becomes swollen and turns red

 Difficulty in breathing, wheezing or shortness of breath
 Tight feeling in the chest and throat
 Swelling of the face, throat or tongue
 Weakness, dizziness or confusion
 Rashes or hives
 Low blood pressure
 Shock
First Aid Management

 Call the local emergency number.

 Calm and reassure the person.
 Help the person to rest in the most comfortable position for breathing.
 Monitor the person’s breathing. Look for any changes in their condition.
 Assist the person with the use of a prescribed epinephrine auto-injector,
if available.
 Give care for life-threatening emergencies.
 Document any changes in the person’s condition over time.

Fainting is a partial or complete loss of consciousness resulting from a

temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain.

 An emotionally stressful event;
 Pain;
 Standing for long periods of time or overexertion,
 Pregnant women and the elderly are more likely than others to faint
when suddenly changing positions.
 Light-headedness or dizziness
 Signs of shock, such as pale, cool or moist skin.
 Nausea and numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes.


 Position the victim on his or her back.
 Keep the victim in a lying position.
 Loosen any restrictive clothing, such as a tie or a buttoned- up collar.
 Check for any other life-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions.
 Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
Heat cramps are painful involuntary muscle cramps that can occur during
and after exercise or work in a hot environment.


 Remove the patient from the hot environment.
 Encourage the patient to drink a beverage containing salt.
 If ORS packets are not available, make an oral rehydration solution.
 Stretch the affected muscle and massage the area once the spasm has
1 Liter Water
½ Level Teaspoon Salt
8 Teaspoonful Sugar

Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after
exposure to high temperatures. This may also be a result of inadequate fluid intake
or the insufficient replacement of fluids.

 Heavy sweating Nausea or vomiting

 Paleness  Fainting
 Muscle cramps  Cool, moist skin
 Tiredness and weakness  Fast, weak pulse rate
 Dizziness
 Headache
First Aid Management

 Remove the patient from the hot environment. Fan the body, place
ice bags, or spray water on the skin.
 Start oral rehydration with a beverage containing salt, or make them
drink an Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).
Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia. Prolonged exposure to high
temperatures can contribute to failure of the body’s temperature
control system.

 Strange behavior, headaches, dizziness, hallucinations, confusion,

agitation, disorientation, and coma.
 High body temperature.
 Absence of sweating.
 Red, hot, dry and flushed skin.
 Rapid pulse and difficulty breathing.
 Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness.
First Aid Management

 Call or have someone call the local emergency number.

 Move the person into a cool place, a shaded area, or an air-
conditioned room.
 Cool the patient immediately by immersing him/her in water.
 If water immersion is not possible or is delayed, the following actions
can be performed: Douse the patient with copious amounts of cold
water, spray the patient with water, fan the patient, or cover the
patient with ice towels or surround the patient with ice bags.
 Respond to any life-threatening conditions that may come about.
Hypothermia is the general cooling of the entire body. In hypothermia, body temperature
drops below 35 °C.


 Shivering (may be absent in later stages of hypothermia).
 Numbness
 Glassy stare or a blank expression
 Apathy or decreasing level of consciousness
 Weakness
 Impaired judgment
First Aid Management
 Gently move the person to a warm place.
 Care for any life-threatening conditions.
 Call the local emergency number.
 Remove any wet clothing and dry the person.
 Warm the person by wrapping him/her in blankets or by replacing the
person’s clothes with dry clothing (passive re-warming)
 If available, apply heat pads or other heat sources to the body.
 Do not warm the person too quickly, such as by immersing him or her in
warm water. Rapid warming may cause dangerous heart rhythms.
 If the person is alert, give warm liquids that do not contain alcohol or caffeine.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Evacuation Drill
A physical or mental exercise aimed at perfecting facility or skill especially by
regular practice. One good example of earthquake drill is performed by
children in grade school.

3 Types of Drill
1. Scheduled Drill
2. Unannounced Drill
3. In-Services Drills
Emergency Childbirth

Causes of Emergency Childbirth

 Rupture tubal pregnancy with concealed hemorrhage into the abdominal
 Unusual bleeding from the vagina at any stage
 Convulsions associated with pregnancy
 Miscalculations in the anticipated delivery
 Premature onset of labor after an accident.
 Delay in transportation
 Other factors which may abbreviate delivery.

 If labor contractions are approximately 2 minutes apart

 If the woman is straining or pushing down with contractions.
 If the woman is crying out constantly.
 Warning from the woman that the baby is coming.
Materials and supplies needed:
▪ At home en route to the hospital:
 Assemble clean cloth, plastic bags or other materials to protect bed clothes or car
 Clean towels, one or two folded sheets.
 Set of sterile cord ties or sterilized shoelaces.
 New razor blade in protective paper.
 Diaper
 Alcohol
 Sanitary napkins
 Receiving blanket for the baby.
 Safety pins.
▪ For a long automobile ride:
 The mother should wear a nightgown, or slip and a robe (no other underclothing)
and place a sanitary napkin or clean folded towel between her thighs if the bag of
water has broken or if the blood and mucous are draining from the birth canal.
 Take along a flashlight, if the trip will be at night.
 Blanket and pillow.
 Container of sorts for the after birth.
An emergency can happen to anyone in, on or around water. Regardless of how
good a person is at swimming, anyone can get into trouble because of a sudden
illness or injury.

 Panic
 Exhaustion in the water
 Losing control and getting swept into water that is too deep.
 Losing support (as in sinking boat)
 Getting trapped or entangled in the water
 Using drugs or alcohol before getting into the water
 Suffering from a medical emergency while in the water.
 Using poor judgment while in the water
 Hypothermia
 Trauma
 Having a diving accident.
Emergency Actions

 Make sure that the scene is safe.
 Always check first to see whether a lifeguard or other trained professional is present
before helping someone who may be having trouble in the water.
 DO NOT swim out to a victim unless you have the proper training, skills and
 if the appropriate safety equipment is not available and there is a chance that you
cannot safely help a person in trouble, call for help immediately.
 If you must assist someone who is having trouble in the water, you must have the
appropriate equipment both for your own safety and the victim’s.
 Send someone else to call the local emergency number while you start the rescue.

▪ If a victim is at or near the bottom of the pool in deep water, call for
trained help immediately.
 If the victim is in shallow water that is less than chest deep, carefully
wade into the water with some kind of flotation equipment.
 Reach down and grasp the victim.
 Pull the victim to the surface.
 Turn the victim face-up and bring him or her to safety.
 Remove the victim from the water.
 provide emergency care.
Lifting and carrying are dynamic processes. A patient can be moved to safety in
many different ways, but no one way is best for every situation. The objective is to
move a patient to safety without causing injury to either the patient or the first

Emergency Move
Is the movement of a patient when both the scene and the patient are stable.
Non – emergency Move
Is the movement of a patient when both the scene and the patient are stable.
Lifting and Moving Guidelines

 Dangerous conditions at the scene

 The size and weight of the victim.
 Physical ability of the first aider
 Presence of other rescuers
 The victim’s condition
 Available carrying device.
 Terrain and distance to travel.
Lifting and Moving Guidelines:
 Only attempt to move persons who you are sure you can comfortably handle.
 Bend your body at the knees and hips.
 Lift with your legs, not with your back.
 Walk carefully using short steps.
 When possible, move forward rather than backward.
 Always look where you are going.
 Support the victim’s head, neck and back, if necessary.
 If supine, lift and carry the patient’s entire body as one unit.
 Avoid banding or twisting a victim with a possible head, neck or back injury.
 Use the log-roll technique when placing a blanket or a spine board under the patient in
preparation for a carry.

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