Jurnal Kelompok Anestesi
Jurnal Kelompok Anestesi
Jurnal Kelompok Anestesi
Jurnal Reading
Anesthethic Drugs :
A Comprehensive Overview For
Pembimbing :dr. Zulfikar Tahir. M.Kes, Sp. An-TI
Pipit Fitriyanti (105501107721)
Kholifah Wirdayana Dahlan (105501107621)
Khalidinah Iriansyah (105505419817)
This paper is a unique document as it is unlike other papers whose main focus is on expanding
knowledge or summarizing it, whereas the purpose of this document is to use of different anesthetic
drugs and the key clinical pearls for ensuring patient safety.
The hope of the authorial team is to create a centralized document that gets updated and edited as
necessary with the potential for growth and modification based on the information as it becomes
available. This first, improves patient safety; second, ease in teaching and educating on the topic of
the different and numerous anesthetic drugs is increased; and third, providers feel more comfortable
with utilizing a more diverse array of medications to treat the specific individualized needs of the
Opioid/Narcotic Anesthetics
SIDE EFFECTS : Respiratory depression, blurred vision, chest pain, unsual tiredness or weakness
NAME BRANDS : Duragesic, Fentanyl Transdermal System, Sublimaze, Ionsys, Lazanda, and Fentora
Opioid/Narcotic Anesthetics
Respiratory depression, blurred vision, quick onset bradycardia, chest pain, unsual
SIDE EFFECTS : tiredness or weakness
Common interactants may include, but are not limited to any drugs that cause
MAJOR INTERACTIONS : sleepiness or slow breathing such as opioids, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, or
medication for anxiety or seizures.
SIDE EFFECTS : Respiratory depression, blurred vision, chest pain, unsual tiredness or weakness
Although the below values are considered the normal accepted minimum alveolar concentrations
(MAC), each should be adjusted as needed based on the patient’s age, comorbidities, additional
medications, and substance use history.
For inhalation in adult patients, the minimum alveolar concentration, or MAC, for which 50% of
patients do not respond to surgical incision ranges from 7.3%, for 25-yearolds, to 6%, for 45-year-olds.
The concentration at which loss of awareness and amnesia occur is 2.4%, and surgical levels of
anesthesia are achieved with consciousness between 2.5-8.5% with or without nitrous oxide.
For geriatric patients, the typical MAC is reduced to 5.2% for 70-year-olds, where amnesia and loss of
awareness occurs at 2.4%, and surgical levels are achieved at 2.5-8.5% with or without nitrous oxide.
In pediatric patients, the MAC should be highly individualized, however, the surgical levels of
anesthesia will increase to 5.210% with or without nitrous oxide.
Droperidol can increase the risk of an irregular heart rhythm that may be serious or
potentially life-threatening, although rare, when used with desflurane. Individuals with
MAJOR INTERACTIONS : congenital long QT syndrome or other cardiac diseases, conduction abnormalities, or
electrolyte disturbances may be more susceptible.
SIDE EFFECTS : Blush lips or skin, respiratory depression, difficulty swallowing, tightness of the chest
SIDE EFFECTS : Nausea, chills, dizziness, increased saliva, drowsiness, headaches, or vomiting.
Total list of 197 interactants should be reviewed, Any drugs that cause sleepiness or
MAJOR INTERACTIONS : slow breathing
Medication such as vecuronium could potentially interact with many other drugs and
MAJOR INTERACTIONS : cause dangerous side effects, or even death.
For light sedation in a typical adult under In pediatric patients, the recommended
60 years, 0.07-0.08mg/kg IM oral dose should be 0.25-0.5mg/kg/dose