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Unit 4

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Unit - 4

Design Principles for Connected


•IoT and M2M Systems layers, and design standardization

• Communication technologies

•Data Enrichment, Data consolidation and device

management at gateway

•Ease of designing and affordability

• Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
• International Telecommunication Union for
Telecommunication (ITU-T)
• European Telecommunication Standards
Institute (ETSI)
• Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Modified OSI Model for the IoT/M2M Systems:

• OSI protocols mean a family of information

exchange standards developed jointly by the ISO
and the ITU-T.
• The seven-layer OSI model is a standard model. It
gives the basic outline for designing a
communication network.
– Various models for data interchanges consider the
layers specified by the OSI model, and modify it for
simplicity according to the requirement. Similarly,
IETF suggests modifications in the OSI model for the
Contd.. Modified OSI Model for the IoT/M2M Systems:
IETF The modifications for the model proposed by IETF

Figure: Seven-layer generalized OSI model (on left) and IETF six layer modified OSI model
for IoT/M2M (in the middle), and similarity with the conceptual framework Equation 1.2
(on right) for IoT applications and services
Contd..Modified OSI Model for the IoT/M2M
• Data communicates from device end to application end.
Each layer processes the received data and creates a
new data stack which transfers it to the next layer.
• The processing takes place at the in-between layers, i.e.
between the bottom functional-layer to the top layer.
Device end also receives data from an
application/service after processing at the in-between
• The above Figure also shows a similarity with the
conceptual framework in Equation 1.2:
Gather + Enrich + Stream + (Manage + Acquire +
Organise +Analyse) = IoT Applications and Services
ITU-T Reference Model:

Figure: ITU-T reference model RM1, its correspondence with six layers of modified OSI
and a comparison with seven levels suggested in CISCO IoT reference model RM2
ETSI M2M Domains and High-level Capabilities

Figure: ETSI M2M domain architecture and its high-level capabilities, and its
correspondences with six layers of modified OSI and four layers of ITU-T reference model
•Physical cum data-link layer
in the model consists of a
area network/personal area
•A local network of IoT
or M2M device deploys one
of the two types of
wireless or wired
communication technologies.
The connectivity between the devices
(left-hand side) is
by using RF, Bluetooth Smart Energy,
ZigBee IP, ZigBee NAN
(neighbourhood area network), NFC or Figure: Connected devices 1st to ith connected to
6LoWPAN or mobile. the local network and gateway using the WPAN or
LPWAN network protocols
Wireless Communication Technology
Physical cum data-link layer uses wired or wireless communication technologies.
Examples of wireless communication technologies are
Bluetooth (BT),
RF transceivers and RF modules.

Near-Field Communication (NFC)

• Near-Field communication (NFC) is an enhancement of ISO/IEC214443
standard for contact-less proximity-card.
• NFC is a short distance (20 cm) wireless communication technology. It
enables data exchange between cards in proximity and other devices.
• Examples of applications of NFC are
– proximity-card reader/RFID/IoT/M2M/mobile device, mobile payment
wallet,electronic keys for car, house, office entry keys and biometric passport
NFC devices transmit and receive data at the
same instance and the setup time (time taken
to start the communication) is 0.1 s.
Features of an NFC device are:
• Range of functioning is within 10 to 20 cm.
• The device can also communicate with
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices in order to extend
the distance from 10 cm to 30 m or higher.
• The device is able to receive and pass the data
to a Bluetooth connection or standardised LAN
or Wi-Fi using information handover functions.
• Device data transfer rates are 106kbps, 212
kbps, 424 kbps and 848 kbps (bps stands for bit
per second, kbps for kilo bit persecond).

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic

identification method.
The RFID system mainly consists of two parts.

1) RFID Reader or Interrogator

In this RFID system, this RFID reader continuously sends radio waves of a particular
frequency. If the object, on which this RFID tag is attached is within the range of
this radio waves then it sends the feedback back to this RFID reader. And based
on this feedback, RFID reader identifies the object.

2) RFID Tags
RFID tags: Now, three different kinds of RFID tags are commercially available.
Passive tags
Active tags
Semi-passive tags
The passive tags do not have any power supply. They used to get their power from
the incoming radio waves from the Readers. While active tags have a power
source for their internal circuitry. And for sending the response to the reader
also, it uses its own power supply. In the case of semi-passive tags, they have a
power supply for internal circuitry, but for sending the response it relies on the
radio waves received from the Reader.
Operating Frequency:
This RFID system is mainly operated in three
frequency bands.
LF: Low-Frequency band
HF: High-Frequency band
UHF: Ultra High-Frequency band
The exact frequency of operation varies from
country to country.
• An RFID device functions as a tag or label, which may be
placed on an object.
The object can then be tracked for the
movements. The object may be a parcel, person, bird or
an animal.
IoT applications of RFID are in business processes,
such as parcels tracking and inventory control, sales log-
ins and supply-chain management.
Bluetooth BR/EDR and Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth devices follow IEEE 802.15.1 standard protocol for L1 (physical cum data link
layer). BT devices form a WPAN devices network.
Two types of modes for the devices are
Bluetooth BR/EDR (Basic Rate 1 Mbps/Enhanced Data Rate 2 Mbps and 3 Mbps)
Bluetooth low energy (BT LE 1Mbps).
A latest version is Bluetooth v4.2. BT LE is also called Bluetooth Smart.

Bluetooth v4.2 (December 2014) provides the LE data packet length

extension, link layer privacy and secure connections, extended scanner and filter link
layer policies and IPSP.
BT LE range is 150 m at 10 mW power output, data transfer rate is 1 Mbps and setup
time is less than 6 s.
Bluetooth v5, released in June 2016, has increased the broadcast capacity by 800%,
quadrupled the range and doubled the speed.
Zigbee is a wireless technology developed
as an open global standard to address the
unique needs of low-cost, low-power
wireless IoT networks. The Zigbee
standard operates on the IEEE 802.15.4
physical radio specification and operates
in unlicensed bands including 2.4 GHz,
900 MHz and 868 MHz.
The specification is a packet-based radio protocol intended for low-
cost, battery-operated devices.
The protocol allows devices to communicate in a variety of
network topologies and can have battery life lasting several years.
Zigbee protocol features include:
• Support for multiple network topologies such as point-to-
point, point-to-multipoint and mesh networks

• Low duty cycle – provides long battery life

• Low latency
• Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
• Up to 65,000 nodes per network
• 128-bit AES encryption for secure data connections
• Collision avoidance, retries and acknowledgement
• Wi-Fi is an interface technology that uses IEEE 802.11 protocol
and enables the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).
– Wi-Fi devices connect enterprises, universities and offices
through home AP/public hotspots. Wi-Fi connects
distributed WLAN networks using the Internet.
• Automobiles, instruments, home networking, sensors,
actuators, industrial device nodes, computers, tablets,
mobiles, printers and many devices have Wi-Fi interface. They
network using a Wi-Fi network.
• Wi-Fi is very popular. The issues of Wi-Fi interfaces, APs and
routers are
– higher power
– Consumption
– interference and performance degradation.
The Wi-Fi interfaces, access points, routers
features are as follows:
● Generally used are the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b adapters or 5 GHz
(802.11a or 802.11g) or 802.11n or other 802.11 series
● Interfaces use 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz antenna
● Offers mobility and roaming
● Have easy installation simplicity and flexibility
● Coverage range is 30 m to 125 m
● Uses the 802.11b in wider coverage range because that is
unaffected by walls and is meant for hotspots for public usage
having range data rate 11 Mbps (802.11b) within 30 m
● Uses 802.11g for high data rates up to 54 Mbps, and 802.11n
for very high 600 Mbps, using multiple antennas to increase
data rates
RF Transceivers and RF Modules

• RF transmitters, receivers, and transceivers are the

simplest RF circuits.
• A transceiver transmits the RF from one end and
receives the RF from the other end, but internally has
an additional circuit, which separates the signals from
both ends. An oscillator generates RF pulses of required
active duty cycle and connects to a transmitter.
• RF modules are most often used in medium and low
volume products for consumer applications such as
garage door openers, wireless alarm or monitoring
systems industrial remote controls, smart sensor
applications, and wireless home automation systems.
RF Transceivers and RF Modules

• Several carrier frequencies are commonly used in

commercially available RF modules - 433.92 MHz,
915 MHz, and 2400 MHz.
• Short range devices may also use frequencies available
for unlicensed such as 315 MHz and 868 MHz.
• RF modules typically incorporate a printed circuit board,
transmit or receive circuit, antenna, and serial interface
for communication to the host processor.
– Transmitter module
– Receiver module
– Transceiver module
GPRS/GSM Cellular Networks-Mobile Internet
• General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a best-effort packet-
switching protocol for wireless and cellular network
communication services.
• What made GPRS technology different from other cellular
wireless technologies, like Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM), available at the time was the use of
packet-switched data instead of the traditional circuit-
switched data.
GPRS/GSM Cellular Networks-Mobile Internet
• With GPRS technology, mobile devices could support data
functions across cellular internet connections. GPRS
revolutionized GSM by providing real data capability and
enabling emails and simple web browsing
• Sometimes called a 2.5G network, GPRS provided data rates
from 56 kilobits per second to 171.2 Kbps and uninterrupted
connectivity to the internet for mobile phones and
Wireless USB
• Wireless USB is a wireless extension of USB 2.0 and it
operates at ultra-wide band (UWB) 5.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz
Wired Communication Technology
Wired communication can be serial asynchronous communication (for example,
UART interface) or synchronous serial communication (for example, SPI interface or
parallel I/O) .
• Blocks - constant rate
• Start & End – Specific bytes/bit patterns
• Character
• Identified by Start bit, 1 or 2 Stop bits
• Each – Individually identified,
• Characters can be sent at any time(asynchronously Ex:Keyboard)
•Baud rate
• Inverse of time between signal transitions
• To interface MicroComputer-Serial data lines
PISO- SIPO, Hand shaking
• USART (Intel 8251)
• UART (National INS8250)
Serial Peripheral Interface
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is one of the widely used serial synchronous communication

Source of serial synchronous output or input is called master when it also controls
the synchronising clock information to the receiver.
A receiver of serial synchronous input or output is called a slave, when along with
the serial data it also receives the synchronising clock information from the master.
Four sets of signals, viz.,
MOSI, and
SS(slave select) are used on four wires. When SS is active, then
the device functions as a slave.
Serial Peripheral Interface

Master Input Slave Output (MISO) and Master Output Slave Input (MOSI) are
synchronous serial bits I/Os at the master and slave and IOs are as per synchronising
clock of the master SCLK.

MOSI is output from master and input at slave and SCLK (clock information or signal)
is from the master to slave. Slave synchronises and receives the input bits at MOSI from
the master as per the SCLK input at slave.

MISO is synchronous serial input at the master for the serial output from slave. Slave
synchronises output as per SCLK of the master. Master synchronises the input as per
SCLK of the master.
I2C Bus
A number of device integrated circuits for sensors, actuators, flash memory and
Touch screens need data exchanges in a number of processes. ICs mutually network
through a common synchronous serial bus, called Inter-integrated circuit (I2C).

The I2C was originally developed at Philips Semiconductors. There are three I2C bus
standards: Industrial 100 kbps I2C, 100 kbps SM I2C and 400 kbps I2C.

I2C bus has two lines that carry the signals—one line is for the clock and one is for
bidirectional data. I2C bus protocol has specific fields. Each field has a specific number of
bits, sequences and time intervals between them.
Data Enrichment, Data consolidation and
device management at gateway
A gateway at a data-adaptation layer has several functions. These are data privacy, data
security, data enrichment, data consolidation, transformation and device management.

Figure: IoT or M2M gateway consisting of data enrichment and consolidation, device management and
communication frameworks at the adaptation layer
Data Management and Consolidation Gateway
Gateway includes the provisions for one or more of the following functions:
Transcoding and data management.
Following are data management and consolidation functions:
● Transcoding
● Privacy, security
● Integration
● Compaction and fusion
Transcoding means data adaptation, conversion and change of protocol, format or code
using software.
The gateway renders the web response and messages in formats and
representations required and acceptable at an IoT device.
Similarly, the IoT device requests are adapted, converted and changed into required
formats acceptable at the server by the
transcoding software.
For example, use of transcoding enables the message request characters to be in ASCII
format at the device and in Unicode at the server.

Data such as patient medical data, data for supplying goods in a company from and to
different locations, and changes in inventories, may need privacy and protection from
conscious or unconscious transfer to untrustworthy destinations using the Internet.
Contd..Data Management and Consolidation Gateway
Privacy is an aspect of data management and must be remembered while designing an
application. The design should ensure privacy by ensuring that the data at the receiving
end is considered anonymous from an individual or company.

Following are the components of the privacy model:

● Devices and applications identity-management
● Authentication
● Authorisation
● Trust
● Reputation
Secure Data Access
Access to data needs to be secure. The design ensures the authentication of a request for
data and authorisation for accessing a response or service.
Data Gathering and Enrichment
Data gathering refers to data acquisition from the devices/devices network.
Data enrichment refers to adding value, security and usability of the data.
Data Dissemination
Consider the following three steps for data enrichment before the data disseminates to the
network as
and fusion.
Contd..Data Management and Consolidation Gateway
Aggregation refers to the process of joining together present and previously received
data frames after removing redundant or duplicate data.

Compaction means making information short without changing the meaning or context;
for example, transmitting only the incremental data so that the information sent is short.

Fusion means formatting the information received in parts through various data frames
and several types of data (or data from several sources), removing redundancy in the
received data and presenting the formatted information created from the information
parts. Data fusion is used in cases when the individual records are not required and/or
are not retrievable later.
Energy Dissipation in Data Dissemination
Energy consumption for data dissemination is an important consideration in many devices
in WPANs and in wireless sensor nodes (WSNs). This is due to limited battery life.
Energy is consumed when performing computations and transmissions.
Higher the data rate, the greater will be the energy consumed.
Higher is RF used, the greater will be the energy consumed.
Higher the gathering interval, the lower will be the energy consumed.

Energy efficient computations can be done by using concepts of data aggregation,

compaction and fusion.
Lesser the data bytes communication, greater the acquisition intervals, and lower
the data rate for data transfer, lesser the energy dissipation.
Device-management Gateway
Device Management (DM) means
provisioning for the device ID or address which is distinct from other resources,
device activating,
configuring (managing device parameters and settings),
attaching and
Device management also means accepting subscription for its resources.
Device fault management means course of actions and guidelines to be followed in case if a
fault develops in the device.

Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)-DM and several standards are used for device management.
OMA-DM model suggests the use of a DM server which interacts with devices through
a gateway in case of IoT/M2M applications. A DM server is a server for assigning the
device ID or address, activating, configuring (managing device parameters and settings),
subscribing to device services or opting out of device services and configuring device
Ease of designing and affordability

Design for connected devices for IoT applications, services and business processes
considers the ease in designing the devices’ physical, data-link, adaption and gateway layer.
It means availability of SDKs (software development kits), prototype development
boards with smart sensors, actuators, controllers and IoT devices which are low in cost
and hardware which embeds and are preferably open source software components and

Hardware which includes the device should embed minimum number of

components and use ready solutions for ease in designing local devices personal area
network and secure connectivity with the Internet.

Designing also considers ease as well as affordances for example, RFID or card. The
card has an embedded microcontroller, memory, OS, NFC peripheral interfaces, access
point-based device activation, RF module and transceiver at low cost.

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