10 Neonatal Care and Nutrition
10 Neonatal Care and Nutrition
10 Neonatal Care and Nutrition
San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Level II
Presented by: Dr. Archie Guitche
Newborn Care
● Also known as
Unang Yakap by
● Series of time bound
ordered, standard
procedures that a
baby receives at birth
Essential Newborn Care
• Uninterrupted skin-to-
skin contact → prevents
hypothermia, increases
colonization with protective
family bacteria and
improves breastfeeding
initiation and exclusivity.
Essential Newborn Care
• Non-separation of
mother and baby.
Breastfeeding within first
hour of life prevents
19.1% of all neonatal
Mechanism Description
Convection Heat energy to cooler surrounding air
Conduction Heat to colder materials touching the infant
Radiation Transfer of heat to nearby cooler objects
Evaporation Losses from skin and lungs (respiration)
APGAR Scoring System
● New milk, called hind milk, is formed after the let-down reflex.
Hind milk, which is higher in fat than fore milk, is the milk that
makes a breastfed infant grow most rapidly.
To the mother:
• The release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland aids
in uterine involution.
• Breastfeeding may serve a protective function in preventing
breast cancer and possibly ovarian cancer.
• A woman may return to her prepregnant weight sooner, and if
menstruation is delayed, this may serve as a temporary family
planning method.
Advantages of Breastfeeding
To the infant:
● Breast milk contains secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), which
binds large molecules of foreign proteins, including viruses
and bacteria, thus keeping them from being absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract.
● Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein in breast milk that
interferes with the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Advantages of Breastfeeding
To the infant:
● The enzyme lysozyme in breast milk apparently actively
destroys bacteria by lysing (dissolving) their cell membranes,
possibly increasing the effectiveness of antibodies.
● Macrophages, responsible for producing interferon (a protein
that protects against viruses), help interfere with virus growth.
Advantages of Breastfeeding
To the infant:
● Leukocytes in breast milk provide protection against common
respiratory infectious invaders.
● The presence of Lactobacillus bifidus in breast milk interferes
with the colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract, thus reducing the incidence of diarrhea
Advantages of Breastfeeding
To the infant:
● It is high in lactose, an easily digested sugar that provides
ready glucose for rapid brain growth.
● The protein in breast milk is easily digested, and the ratio of
cysteine to methionine (two amino acids) in breast milk favors
rapid brain growth in the early months.
Advantages of Breastfeeding
To the infant:
● Formation of the dental arch because babies suck differently
from a breast than from a bottle
● That may make breastfeeding the best preparation for forming
common speech sounds
Breastmilk Composition
Transitional Milk
Mature Milk
As feeding
High fat (5x the
progresses until
Hind milk Creamy fat content of
towards the end of
Techniques of Breastfeeding
Cradle Hold
Cradle Hold
Cross-cradle Hold
Cross-cradle Hold