Factor Affecting Flooring
Factor Affecting Flooring
Factor Affecting Flooring
6. Damp resistance
The floor material should exhibit good resistance against dampness
especially in places like kitchens and bathrooms otherwise they may
deteriorate or cause slipperiness to the flooring.
7. Cleanliness
The floor selected should be easy to clean. It should not absorb any
solutions such as oils, greases, etc. It should not allow the formation of
stains on it.
8. Slipperiness
The smoothness of the top surface of flooring should not cause
slipperiness especially when it is wet. Slipperiness occurs when floor
material is over polished. The floor tiles used in bathrooms should be
coated with an anti-slippery solution.
9. Fire resistance
The floor should have good fire resistance, especially upper floors.
Concrete, marble, terrazzo are having good fire resistance but materials
like timber, cork, rubber are weak against fire hence, fire resistance
base layer should be provided when these materials are selected.
10. Maintenance
The maintenance required by flooring materials should be as least as
possible. It should not allow the dust to settle on it. In case of repairs,
they should be easily treatable at low cost. Materials like stone, marble,
concrete require less maintenance compared to other materials such as
wood, brick, etc.
11. Thermal Insulation
The floor material should offer good thermal resistance. PVC, asphalt,
cork, rubber, etc. are good thermal insulators.
12. Sound Insulation
The floor material should be good in sound insulating otherwise it will
produce noise when users walk on it. Timber, cork, rubber, etc. are
good sound insulators.