EGRA Powerpoint Final
EGRA Powerpoint Final
EGRA Powerpoint Final
2. こんにちは
What is your name? 2. o namae wa?
5. station?
Where is the train 5. densha
電車の駅はどこですか ? no eki wa doko desu ka?
Why Do We
Why Assess
Need Early
Why Assess
What Is EGRA?
EGRA stands for “Early Grade Reading
The assessment is used to measure
children’s progress toward learning to read.
EGRA is administered orally by an assessor,
one –on -one with a child.
Purpose of EGRA
To diagnose strengths and
weaknesses in early reading.
To provide immediate feedback to the
To update educators and parents on
the status of reading of their children.
To provide information for teachers
upon which to base their planning.
The continuous cycle of improving
student learning
3. 2.
EGRA Content
Key Components of Early Reading that EGRA Measures
> <
01. 02.
Alphabetic principle Phonemic awareness
> <
Can be improved
Predictive of later Reliably and easily
through effective
reading acquisition measured
How Can EGRA Results Be Used?
Examine gaps in reading competencies to raise awareness, improve
policy, curriculum, etc. (country or regional level)
Identify key skills, or areas of instruction, that need to be improved in
order to target interventions (teacher training, materials, etc.)
Inform education sector strategic planning, resource allocation and
Identify changes over time
Evaluate outcomes of program designed to improve specific early grade
reading skills
Develop reading indicators and benchmarks
Limitations of EGRA and Its Results
EGRA measures a specific set of critical early grade reading skills, not
necessarily all important literacy skills.
Assessors Responsibilities:
1. Administer the EGRA or EGMA instruments to students properly, following all test
administration guidelines.
2. Ensure that the information in all completed instruments is clear, complete and consistent.
3. Inform the supervisor or team leader of any problems or difficulties encountered during
administration and help identify appropriate solutions.
4. Bring needed materials to the school.
5. Strictly follow all instructions and protocols on selecting students.
6. Encode results of the assessment accurately, following the prescribed format set by BEA.
7. Submit data gathered to the Schools Division Supervisor and BEA focal person within a
month of data gathering.
Test Administration
Supervisor’s Responsibilities
Ensure that the list of sampled or identified schools (with the replacement) in the schools divisions is
Ensure that all assessors have specific assignment of schools in the schools division assigned.
Oversee, plan, and organize fieldwork data collection prior to deployment
Guarantee the team’s on time arrival at each school, with all the necessary materials.
Introduce the team and explain the purpose of the visit to school authorities (i.e., school head or
Guarantee that the sample of students is drawn following proper procedures for randomization.
Supervise the work of assessors during the assessment period to guarantee friendly and professional
treatment of students as well as correct application of instructions for each subtask including use of
stopwatch or timer.
Provide guidance to assessors to help them improve the quality of their work.
Guarantee that every student instrument administered is collected in order and complete.
Receive the data submission from the assessors ensuring the correct use of encoding template.
Ensure the completeness of data submission from the assessors to the BEA focal person.
Data Submission and Processing
The trained assessors shall encode the assessment results immediately, and
submit the results to the focal person in BEA within a month.
A. Assessors’ training
B. Data gathering
C. Data encoding and submission
“Once you Learn to Read, You
will be Forever Free.”
—Frederick Douglas
Assessments are important for measuring learning
and for knowing whether the education system is
producing the desired results for learners. Without
effective assessment it is impossible to know
whether learners are learning, as well as knowing if
the curriculum reviews are working. “Assessment
goes to the heart of what matters in education: not
just enrollment and completion rates, but the
ultimate goal of student learning”
VII. References
Brombacher, A. et al. (2015). National Assessment of Learning Achievement at Grade 2: Results
for Early Grade Reading and Mathematics in Zambia. Retrieved from
Department of Education Memo No. 127, s.2014, “Administration of School Year (SY) 2014-
2015 National Achievement Test (NAT) and Language Assessment for Primary Grades
Pouezevara, S. et al. (2013). PhilEd Data: Strengthening Information for Education, Policy,
Planning and Management in the Philippines: Component 2: Early Grade Reading
Assessment Results (Grade 3 English and Filipino, Grade 1 Ilokano). Retrieved from
UP NISMED. (2015). Results of the Field Validation of the Five Sets of the Early Grade
Mathematics Assessment Tools.
UP NISMED. (2015). Results of the Field Validation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment
Tools in Five Philippine Mother Tongues.