05 Unit V DTE

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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s


Data Converters &
Department Of Electronics And
Telecommunication Engineering
Digital Techniques
EJ3I Subject Code: 22320 Second Year EJ

Amit Nevase
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering,
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 2

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
 PEO 1. Provide socially responsible, environment friendly
solutions to Electronics and Telecommunication
engineering related broad-based problems adapting
professional ethics.
 PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering broad-based technologies
to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
 PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a
team member communicating effectively in the world of
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 3
Programme Outcomes (POs)
 PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering

 PO 2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunication engineering

knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering
related problems.

 PO 3. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunication engineering

 PO 4. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications

technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

 PO 5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural
issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Electronics
and Telecommunication engineering.

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Programme Outcomes (POs)
 PO 6. Environment and sustainability: Apply Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering solutions also for sustainable development
practices in societal and environmental contexts.

 PO 7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics,

responsibilities and norms of the practice also in the field of Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering.

 PO 8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team

member in diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.

 PO 9. Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.

 PO 10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning

activities in the context of technological changes also in the Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering and allied industry.
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Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

 PSO 1. Electronics and Telecommunication

Systems: Maintain various types of Electronics
and Telecommunication systems.

 PSO EDA Tools Usage: Use EDA

tools to simple
Telecommunication and circuits.
engineering related

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 6

Course Outcomes

 Use number system and codes for interpreting working

of Digital System.

 Use Boolean Expressions to realize the logic circuits.

 Build simple combinational circuits.

 Build simple sequential circuits.

 Test data converters and PLDs in digital

electronics systems.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 7

Teaching & Examination Scheme

l Examination Scheme
Teachin Cred
g its
Scheme (L+T Theory Marks Practical Marks

L T P C ESE PA Total ESE PA Total

Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min

04 -- 02 06

3 70 28 30 00 100 40 25# 10 25 10 50 20

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 8

Passing Criterion for Theory Course
 Each Theory course consists of 2 components, ESE (End Semester
Examination) and PA (Progressive Assessment)
 The passing criterion for each theory course is obtaining minimum
40% of marks allotted to ESE & PA component together. [i.e. for total
marks of ESE (70 marks) + PA(30 marks) together = (Total 70+30 =100),
obtaining minimum 40 marks are mandatory for passing the Theory
 To qualify for above condition (i), obtaining minimum 40% of marks
allotted to ESE component is mandatory. [i.e. for total marks of ESE =
70, obtaining minimum 28 marks are mandatory. For passing ESE

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 9

Specification table for Question Paper

Distribution of Theory Marks

Unit Teaching
No. Unit title Hours
R Level U Level A Level Marks

I Number System and Codes 06 2 2 4 08

II Logic Gates and Logic Families 10 4 4 4 12

III Combinational Logic Circuits 16 4 6 8 18

IV Sequential Logic Circuits 16 4 6 8 18

V Data Converters and PLDs 16 4 4 6 14

Total 64 18 22 30 70
Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A = Apply and above
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 10
Unit I – Number System and Codes
 Number System: Base or radix of number
systems, Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal
number system.
 Binary arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
 Subtraction using 1’s complement and 2’s complement

 Codes: BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3, ASCII code

 BCD Arithmetic: BCD Addition

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 11
Unit II – Logic Gates & Logic Families
 Logic Gates: Symbol, diode/transistor switch circuit and logical
expression, truth table of basic gates (AND, OR, NOT), Universal
gates (NAND, NOR) and special purpose gates (Ex-OR, Ex-NOR),
Tristate Logic.
 Boolean Algebra: Laws of Boolean algebra, Duality Theorem, De-
Morgan’s Theorem
 Logic Families: Characteristics of Logic families: Noise Margin,
Power Dissipation, Figure of merit, Fan in and Fan out, Speed of
operation, Comparison TTL, CMOS, Types of TTL NAND gate.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 12

Unit III – Combinational Logic Circuits
 Standard Boolean representation: Sum of Product (SOP) &
Product of Sum (POS), Maxterm and Minterm , Conversion
between SOP and POS forms, realization using NAND/NOR gates.
 K-map reduction technique for the Boolean expression:
Minimization of Boolean functions up to 4 variables (SOP & POS
 Design of Airthmetic circuits and code converter using K-map:
Half and Full Adder, Half and Full Subtractor, Gray to Binary and
Binary to Gray Code Converter (up to 4 bit).

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 13

Unit III – Combinational Logic Circuits
 Airthmetic Circuits: (IC 7483) Adder & Subtractor, BCD Adder

 Encoder/Decoder: Basics of Encoder, decoder, comparison, (IC

7447) BCD to 7- Segment decoder/driver.
 Multiplexer and Demultiplexer: Working, truth table and
applications of Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, MUX tree, IC
74151 as MUX, DEMUX tree, DEMUX as decoder, IC 74155 as
 Buffer: Tristate logic, Unidirectional and Bidirectional buffer (IC
74LS244 and IC 74LS245)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 14

Unit IV – Sequential Logic Circuit
 Basic Memory Cell: RS Latch- using NAND & NOR.

 Triggering Methods: Edge Trigger & Level Trigger.

 SR Flip Flops: SR Flip Flop, Clocked SR FF with preset & clear,

Drawbacks of SR FF

 JK Flip Flops: Clocked JK FF with preset & clear, Race around

condition in JK FF, Master Slave JK FF, D and T type Flip Flop,

Excitation Tables of Flip Flops, Block schematic and function table

of IC 7474, IC 7475.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 15
Unit IV – Sequential Logic Circuit

 Shift Register: Logic diagram of 4 bit shift registers - SISO, SIPO,

PIPO, PISO, 4 Bit Universal Shift Registers.

 Counters: Asynchronous Counter: 4 bit Ripple Counter, 4 Bit

Up/Down Counter, Modulus of counter, Synchronous Counter:

Design of 4 bit Synchronous up/down counter. Decade Counter:

Block schematic of IC 7490, IC 7490 as MOD-N Counter, Ring

Counter and Twisted Ring Counter

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 16

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

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Data Converters & PLDs

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Unit Outcomes
 Calculate the output voltage of the R-2R ladder for the given
specified digital input.
 Calculate the output voltage of Weighted Resistor DAC for the
given specified digital input.
 Explain with sketches the working principle of the given type
of ADC.
 Explain with sketches the working principle of the given types
of memories.
 Explain with basic block diagram the working of the
given type of Programmable Logic Devices.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 19
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

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 An analog quantity is one that can take on any value over a

continuous range of values. It represents an exact value.
 Most physical variables are analog in nature. Temperature,
pressure, light, sound intensity, position, rotation and
speed etc. are examples of analog quantities.
 The digital quantity takes on only discrete values. The
value is expressed in a digital code such as a binary or BCD

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Necessity of Converters

 When a physical process is monitored or controlled by

a digital system such as a digital computer, the physical

variables are first converted into electrical signal using

transducers and then these electrical analog signals

are converted into digital signals using Analog to

Digital Converters (ADC).

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 22

Necessity of Converters

 These digital signals are processed by digital computer

and the output of the digital computer is

converted into analog signals using Digital to Analog



 The output of DAC is modified by an actuator and the

output of actuator is applied

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase as the control variable. 23
Interfacing a digital system to the analog word

Bit 1 Bit 1 Output

Bit 2 Bit 2
Bit 3 Bit 3


To control
Physical n-bit Digital n-bit Variable
m Actuator
Bit n-1 Bit n-1
Bit n Bit n

Digital Digital
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase Inputs 24
Types of Data Converters
Data Converters

Analog to Digital Digital to Analog

Converter Converter
R-2R Ladder
Counter Type ADC
Type DAC
Tracking Type ADC

Flash Type ADC

Single Slope ADC Resistor
Type DAC
Dual Slope ADC

Successive Approximation ADC

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 25
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 26
Digital to Analog Conversion (D/A)

 Basically, D/A conversion is the process of converting a

value represented in a digital code, such as straight

binary or BCD, into a voltage or current which is

proportional to the digital value.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 27

Digital to Analog Conversion (D/A)
C Vout
Digital Inputs DAC Analog Output

 Each of Athe digital inputs A, B, C, and D can assume a value 0 or

a 1, S
therefore, there are 24=16 possible combinations of inputs.
 For each input number 0000, 0001, ………,1111, the D/A
converter outputs a unique value of voltage. The analog output
voltage Vout is proportional to the input binary number, that is
Analog Output = K X Digital Input

Where, K is the proportionality factor and constant value for a given DAC.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 28
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

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Types of DACs

 Weighted Resistor DAC

 R-2R Ladder Type DAC

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Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

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Binary Weighted Resistor DAC

 Utilizes a summing op-amp circuit

 Weighted resistors are used to distinguish each

bit from the most significant to the least significant

 Transistors are used to switch and


ground (bit high or low)

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Binary Weighted Resistor DAC

(MSB) R Rf
D2 -
4R Vo

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Binary Weighted Resistor DAC


Vin -


(Inverting operational amplifier configuration)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 34
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC


R1 If +VCC
Iin V1 Ib
- Vo


9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 35

Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
(MSB) R I1 Rf
2R I2
D2 -
Iin V1 Vo
4R I3
8R I4
Output voltage for inverting amplifier is given

V 0  IinRF
But for above circuit,
Iin  (I 1  I 2  I
3  I 4)

Therefore, output voltage for above circuit is

given by,
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 36
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
V 0  (I 1  I 2  I 3  I
4 )R F

From given circuit, (D1 V

(D3 V (D 2 V I3 (D 0 V 1)
I1  I 2 1) 4R I 4
1) R 1) 2R
 8R
But according to Virtual ground concept, V1=0,
D3 D2 D1
I1  I 2 I3 D0
R 2R I 4  8R
D3 D 2  D1 D0
V 0  (   )RF
R 2R 4R
Taking R common 8R
D 2 D1 D 0 R F
V 0  (D3    )( )
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 37
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC


 Simple Construction/Analysis

 Fast Conversion

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 38

Binary Weighted Resistor DAC

 Requires large range of resistors (2000:1 for 12-bit
DAC) with necessary high precision for low
 Requires low switch resistances in transistors

 Can be expensive. Therefore, usually limited to 8-

bit resolution.

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Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

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R-2R Ladder DAC



2R 2R 2R 2R 2R


D0 D1 D2 D3

Digital Inputs

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 41

R-2R Ladder DAC
Only one source will be active at a time (using superposition theorem)
i.e. D3 active

2R 2R 2R 2R 2R
D0 D1 D2 D3 (MSB)


=2R 2R Vou
2R Vou  E( 2R ) 
t +E E
2R  2R
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 42
R-2R Ladder DAC
Only one source will be active at a time (using superposition theorem)
i.e. D2 active

2R 2R 2R 2R 2R
D0 D1 D2
(LSB) D3 (MSB)
Req=2R R

=2R 2R 2R Vout
+E 2R

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R-2R Ladder DAC
Thevenins equivalent

2R R 2R

VTH  i1  2R E
E 2
i1 2R VTH  2
RTH  [(2R 2R)  R] 


E 2 E
VTH  2R E
2 Vout  ( R )
2 2R  2R

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 44

R-2R Ladder DAC
Only one source will be active at a time (using superposition principal)
i.e. D1 active

2R 2R 2R 2R 2R
D0 D1 D2
(LSB) D3 (MSB)

=2R 2R 2R 2R Vou

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R-2R Ladder DAC
Loop Current method

2R R R 2R

VTH  i2  2R E
E 4
i1 2R i2 2R VTH  4

RTH  2R)  2R]  R 

[((2R R) 2R

E 2 E
VTH  2R E
4 Vout  ( R )
4 2R  2R

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 46

R-2R Ladder DAC
Only one source will be active at a time (using superposition theorem)
i.e. D0 active

2R 2R 2R 2R 2R
(LSB) D0 D1 D2
D3 (MSB)

2R R R R

+E 2R i 2R 2R
i1 2 i3 VTH

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 47

R-2R Ladder DAC
Thevenins equivalent and Loop Current method

E VTH  i3  2R 
 RTH  [{(((2R 2R)  2R)  R}2R]  R 
R) 2R


E 2 E
VTH  2R E
8 Vout  ( R )
8 2R  2R

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 48

R-2R Ladder DAC



2R 2R
2R 2R 2R
D0 D1 D3

Digital Inputs
Using Superposition Principle, E E E E
Vo u t  2   4
D2 D1 D0
2  4  8 1 6 1 6
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 49
D 3
R-2R Ladder DAC


 Only two values of resistors are used; R and 2R.

 The actual value used for R is relatively less

important as long as extremely large values, where

stray capacitance enter the picture, are not employs

only ratio of resistor values is critical.

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R-2R Ladder DAC


 R-2R ladder network are available in monolithic

chips,. These are laser trimmed to be within 0.01%

of the desired ratios.

 The staircase voltage is more likely to be monotonic

as the effect of the MSB resistor is not many times

grater than that for LSB resistor.

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R-2R Ladder DAC


 Lower conversion speed than binary weighted DAC

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Comparison of Weighted R & R-2R Ladder

Weighted Resistor DAC R-2R Ladder Type


1. Simple Construction 1. Slightly Complicated

2. Wide range of resistors are Resistors of two values are
2. required required

3. One resistors per bit are Two resistors per bit

3. required are required

4. Noteasy to expand for Easy to expand for

4. more number of bits more number of bits

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 53

Specifications of DAC

 Resolution of a DAC is defined as the smallest change that can occur in
an analog output as a result of a change in the digital input.
 The resolution of DAC is also defined as the reciprocal of the number
of discrete steps in the full scale output of DAC.
 The resolution is always equal to the weight of the LSB and is also
referred to as the step size.

step size
% Re solution  full scale 100

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 54

Specifications of DAC

 It is a measure of the difference between actual output
and expected output.
 It is expressed as a percentage of the maximum output

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Specifications of DAC
 Linearity means that equal increments in digital input of D/A converter
should result in equal increment in analog output voltage.
 If the values of resistance are very accurate and the other components are
also ideal, there would be perfectly liner relation between output and input
and output-input graph would be a straight line.
 Because of the fact that resistances used in the circuit have some tolerances,
perfectly linear of the fact that resistance used in the circuit have some
tolerance, perfectly linear relation between input and output is not obtained.
A special case of liner error is offset error which is the output voltage when
digital input is 0000.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 56

Specifications of DAC


Linearity (Ideal) Non-Linearity

a a
n n
Analog Output Signal

Analog Output Signal

g g
Si Si
t t
tp tp
u u
u u
lo lo
g g
a a
A 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 A 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101
n 0000 0001 0010 0011
Digital Input Signal 0100 0101 n 0000 0001 0010 0011
Digital Input Signal 0100 0101

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 57
0 0
0 0
Specifications of DAC


 A DAC is said to be monotonic if its output increases as the

binary input is incremented from one value to the next.

 This means that the staircase output will have

no downward steps as the binary input is incremented
to full0scale value.

 The DAC is said to be non-monotonic, its

if decreases when the binary input is
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Specifications of DAC

Settling Time:

 When the input signal charges, it is desirable that analog output

signal should immediately show the new output value.

 However, in actual, the D/A converter takes sometimes to settle

at the output voltage.

 Setting time is defined as the time taken by the D/A converter to

settle with  LSB of its final value when a change in
input 2
digital signal occurs.
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Specifications of DAC

Settling Time:

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 60

Specifications of DAC

Temperature Sensitivity:
 The reference voltage supplies and resistors of a D/A converter are all

temperature sensitive.

 Therefore, the analog output voltage depends, at least to some extent,

on temperature.

 The temperature sensitivity of the offset voltage and the bias current

of op-amp also affect the output voltage. The range of temperature

sensitivity for D/A converter is from about  50 to  1.5 ppm*/0C.

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Specifications of DAC
 Rate of conversion of a single digital input to its analog
 Conversion rate depends on
- clock speed of input signal

- settling time of converter

 When the input changes rapidly, the DAC

conversion speed must be high.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 62
Specifications of DAC

Reference Voltages:
 Used to determine how each digital input will
be assigned to each voltage division
 Types:
- Non-multiplier DAC: Vref is fixed

- Multiplier DAC: Vref provided by external source

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 63

Specifications of DAC

Offset Voltage:

 Ideally, the output of a DAC should be zero when the

binary input is zero.

 In practice, however, there is a very small

output voltage under this situation called the “Offset


 This offset error, if not corrected, will be added to the

expected DAC output forAmitallNevase

input cases. 64
Specifications of DAC

Offset Voltage:

Output Voltage

Ideal Output

Digital Input

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 65

Applications of DAC

 Digital Motor Control

 Computer Printers

 Sound Equipment (e.g. CD/MP3 Players, etc.)

 Electronic Cruise Control

 Digital Thermostat

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 66

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 67

 D/A converters, as well as sample and hold amplifiers,

are readily obtainable commercial products.

 Each unit is constructed in a single package; general

purpose economy units are available with 6, 8,10, and

12 bit resolution and high resolution units with up to

16 bit resolution are available.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 68

IC DAC 0808

 An expensive and very popular D/A converter is the

DAC 0808, an 8 bit D/A converter available from

National Semiconductor.

 Motorola manufactures an 8 bit D/A converter, the


9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 69

IC DAC 0808

 Relative Accuracy: ± 0.19% error maximum

 Full Scale Current match: ± 1 LSB (typically)

 Fast settling time: 150ns (typically)

 Non-inverting Digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible

 High speed multiplying input slew rate: 8mA/µs

 Power Supply Voltage Range: ± 4.5 V to ± 18 V

 Low Power Consumption: 33mW@ ± 5V.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 70
IC DAC 0808

Pin Configuration:

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IC DAC 0808

Circuit Diagram:

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 72

IC DAC 0808

 A DAC 0808 is connected to provide a full scale output

voltage of Vo=+10Vdc when all 8 digital inputs are 1s
 If the digital inputs are all 0s (LOW), the output voltage
will be Vo=0Vdc.
 First of all, two dc power supply voltages are required
for the DAC0808: VCC = +5Vdc and VEE = -15Vdc.
 The 0.1µF capacitor is to prevent unwanted
circuit oscillations, and to isolate any variations in VEE.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 73
IC DAC 0808

 Pin 2 is ground (GND), and pin is also referenced to

ground through resistor.
 The output pin 4 is designed to provide an output
current Io. The minimum current (all the digital inputs
low) is 0.0mA and the maximum current (all digital
inputs High), is Iref.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 74

IC DAC 0808

Output Equation:

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
Vo  Vref (       A8
2 4 8 16 32 64 )
128 256

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 75

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 76
Analog to Digital Conversion (A/D)

 Analog to digital converter (ADC) produces a digital

output that is proportional to the value of the input

analog signal.

 When an analog signal is processed by a digital system,

an ADC is used to convert the analog voltage to a

digital form suitable for processing by a digital system.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 77

What is Analog to Digital Conversion?

 ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) is an electronic device that

converts a continuous analog input signal to discrete digital
numbers (binary)
 Analog

– Real world signals that contain noise

– Continuous in time

 Digital

– Discrete in time and value

– Binary digits that contain values 0 or 1

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 78
What is Analog to Digital Conversion?

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 79

Why Analog to Digital Conversion (A/D) important?

 All microcontrollers store information using digital logic

 Compress information to digital form for efficient storage

 Medium for storing digital data is more robust

 Digital data transfer is more efficient

 Digital data is easily reproducible

 Provides a link between real-world signals and data storage

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 80

How ADC Works?

Three Stages:
 Sampling
 Quantizing
 Encoding

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 81


In Sampling, the amplitude of the analog signal is

sampled regularly at uniform intervals, and each
sample is quantized to the nearest value within a range
of digital steps.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 82


ADCs sample the input signal and then apply a process

called Quantization. The quantized forms of the

samples are then converted to binary digits and are

outputted in the form of 1's and 0's.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 83


Output Discrete Voltage

Example: States Ranges (V)
0 0.00-1.25
You have 0-10V signals.
1 1.25-2.50
Separate them into a set
2 2.50-3.75
of discrete states with 3 3.75-5.00
1.25V increments. 4 5.00-6.25
5 6.25-7.50
6 7.50-8.75
7 8.75-10.0

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 84


The number of possible states that the converter can output is:


where n is the number of bits in the AD converter


For a 3 bit A/D converter, N=23=8.

Analog quantization size:

Q=(Vmax-Vmin)/N = (10V –
0V)/8 = 1.25V

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 85


Output Output Binary Equivalent

 Here we assign
digital value (binary 0 000

number) to each 1 001

2 010
state for the
3 011
computer to read.
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 86
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 87
Types of ADC

 Flash ADC

 Delta-Sigma ADC

 Single Slope ADC

 Dual Slope (integrating) ADC

 Successive Approximation ADC

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 88

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 89
Control Single Slope ADC

Counter Counter Counter
Control Flip Flop Flip Flop Flip
Latch Latch Flop
Circuit Latch

7-Segment 7-Segment 7-
Control Decoder Decoder Segment

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 90

1 Conversion Cycle

0 t1 t2

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 91
1 Conversion Cycle


Ramp VB
0 t1 t2

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 92
Single Slope ADC


 Linear conversion from voltage to time or frequency.

 The output is affected by any sudden changes.

 High accuracy

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 93

Single Slope ADC

 The comparators are assumed to be perfect i.e. their

gain is infinite and offset zero. It is practically impossible

 This A/D converter cannot take bipolar signals. This difficulty can

be overcome by some modifications.

 Any noise of zero means, riding the input analog signal is not

rejected by system.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 94

I/p Dual Slope ADC

R Comparator
- Counter Counter Counter

Vref Clk Osc

RESET Flip Flop Flip Flop Flip

Latch Flop
Control Latch
Switch Circuit STROBE
7-Segment 7-Segment 7-
Decoder Decoder Segment

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 95

Dual Slope ADC
 The sampled signal charges a capacitor for a fixed amount of
 By integrating over time, noise integrates out of the conversion

tFIX tmeas t

 Then the ADC discharges the capacitor at a fixed rate with the
counter counts the ADC’s output bits. A longer discharge time
results in a higher count

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 96

Dual Slope ADC


 Input signal is averaged

 Greater noise immunity than other ADC types

 High accuracy

 Low cost

 Offset correction can be introduced by a relatively simple circuit,

facilitating auto zeroing.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 97

Dual Slope ADC

 Long conversion time as compare with other ADCs.

 High precision external components to achieve

required accuracy

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 98

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 99
Successive Approximation ADC
+ Control CLK
Logic (SAR) STAR
- T

….. O/P


9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 100

Conversion Process In Successive Approximation ADC

 STEP 1: The MSB is initially set to 1 with the remaining

three bits set as 0. The digital equivalent is compared with

the unknown analog input voltage

 STEP 2: If the analog input voltage is higher than the digital

equivalent, the MSB is retained as 1 and the second MSB is

set to 1. Otherwise the MSB is reset to 0 and the second

MSB is set to 1.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 101
Conversion Process In Successive Approximation ADC

 STEP 3: Comparison is made as given in step 1


decide whether to retain or reset the second MSB. The

third MSB is set to 1 and the operation is repeated

down to LSB and by this time, the converted digital

value is available in SAR.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 102

Conversion Process In Successive Approximation ADC

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 103

Successive Approximation ADC

 The conversion time is equal to the “n” clock cycle period for an

n-bit ADC.

 Conversion time is constant and independent of the amplitude

of analog signal

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 104

Successive Approximation ADC


 Circuit is complex.

 The conversion time is more as compared to flash type ADC.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 105

Comparison between ADCs
Sr. Successive
No. Parameter Approximation Dual Slope

1 Conversion Time Less More

2 Speed Greater Less

Accuracy of
3 conversion Less Accurate More Accurate

4 Cost More Less

In data acquisition In applications where

5 Applications systems accuracy is required

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 106

Specifications of ADC

 Resolution of the ADC is the change in voltage input
necessary for a one bit change in output. It can
also be expressed as percent.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 107

Specifications of ADC

 The accuracy of A/D conversion is limited by the 

due to quantization error and the other errors of the

system. It is the maximum deviation of digital output
from the ideal liner references line. Ideally it
approaches  12 LSB.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 108

Specifications of ADC

Gain and Drift:

 Gain of ADC is the voltage output divided by the voltage
input at the linearity reference line. It can usually be zeroed
 Drift means change in circuit parameters with time. Drift
errors of up to  2LSB will cause a maximum errors of one
LSB between the first and the last transition. Very low drift
is quite difficult to achieve and increase cost of the device.
5 ppm/0C is the best commercial value available.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 109

Specifications of ADC

 It can be defined in two ways i.e. either the time
necessary to do one conversion or time between
successive conversion at the highest rate possible.
 Speed depends on the setting time of components and
the speed of the logic.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 110

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 111
 The ADC0804 is an inexpensive and very popular A/D
converter which is available from a number of different
manufacturers, including National Semiconductor.
 The ADC0804 is an 8 bit CMOS microprocessor compatible
successive approximation A/D converter that is supplied in
a 20 pin DIP.
 It is capable of digitizing an analog input voltage within the
range 0 to +5Vdc, and it only requires a single DC supply
voltage usually - +5Vdc.
 The digital outputs are both TTL and CMOS compatible
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 112
IC ADC 0804
 80C80/8085 Bus compatible- No interfacing Logic is required
 Conversion Time < 100µs
 Easy interface to microprocessors
 Operate in stand alone mode
 Differential Analog Voltage Inputs
 TTL Compatible Inputs and outputs
 On chip clock generator
 Analog voltage Input range – 0V to +5V
 No zero adjust required.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 113
IC ADC 0804

Pin Configuration:

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 114

IC ADC 0804

Circuit Diagram:

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 115

IC ADC 0804

 In circuit diagram of ADC0804, the controls are wired

such that the converter operates continuously .
 This is also called free running mode.

 The 10KΩ resistor, along with the 150pF

capacitor, establishes the frequency of operation
according to 1
f 
1.1R C
 A momentary activation of the START switch
is necessary.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 116
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 117

 A memory unit is a device to which binary

information is transferred for storage and from
which information is retrieved when needed for
 A memory unit stores binary information in groups
of bits called words. The internal structure of
memory unit is specified by the number of words it
contains and the number of bits in each word.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 118

 The memory unit is an essential component in any

digital computer since it is needed for storing
programs and data. Not all accumulated
information is needed by the CPU at the same
 Therefore, it is more economical to use low-cost
storage devices to serve as a backup for storing
the information that is not currently used by CPU
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 119

 Sequential circuits all depend upon

the presence of memory
 A flip-flop can store one bit of information

 A register can store a single “word”

• typically 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits

 Memory stores a large number of words

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 120

Organization of Memory
Address Data
 You can think of memory as being one 00000000 0110101100111101

big array (list) of data

00000002 1001110011110111

 The address serves as an array index .

 Each address refers to one word .
of data (e.g., 8-bits, 16-bits, etc.) .
 You can read (or modify) the data at any .
given memory address, just like you can .
read (or modify) the contents of an FFFFFFFD 0000101100001111

array at any given index


FFFFFFFE 0110101111010000

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase
word 121
Organization of Memory
Memory signals fall into three groups:
 Address Bus - selects one of many memory locations
 Data Bus -
 Read (ROM/RAM): the selected location’s stored data is put
on the data bus
 Write (RAM): The data on the data bus is stored
into the selected location
 Control Bus - specifies what the memory is to do
 Control signals are usually active low
 Most common signals are:
• CS: Chip Select; must be active to do anything
• OE: Output Enable; active to read data
• WR: Write; active to write data
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase
Classification of Memory

Non Volatile Volatile


PROM Static





Hard-Disk, CD, DVD, Floppy Disk, Magnetic Tape, USB Flash

9/16/2018 mmA eimt Noevrayes , SD Card 123
Computer Memory Hierarchy

Processor Registers
Very Fast, Very
Small Size Expensive
Capacity Processor Cache
Very Fast, Expensive
Power ON
Medium Size Immediate Term
Random Access Memory
Capacity Power ON Fast, affordable
Very Short Term
Small Size
Power OFF Flash/USB
Slower, Cheap
Capacity Short
Large Size Power OFF
Very Mid Term Hard Drives
Large Slow, Very Cheap
Power OFF
Large Size Long Term
Large CDs, DVD’s and Tape
Capacity Backup
Very Slow, Affordable

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 124

Comparison between Volatile & Non-volatile Memory

Volatile Memory Non-volatile Memory

 Information stored is  Information stored is does not
lost if power turns lost if power turns off.
off.  Types - All ROMs,
 Types – All RAMs, EPROM, EEPROM
Used forDRAM
temporary storage  Used for permanent storage

 Uses mainly Solid state devices  Uses magnetic, optical or sold

state devices

 Fast operation  Slow operation

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 125
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 126
RAM – Random Access Memory

 RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is


called "direct access memory".

 Random access means that each individual byte

in entire memory can be access directly.

 RAM is used to store data and instructions temporarily.

A program must be loaded into RAM before execution.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 127
RAM – Random Access Memory

 RAM is volatile memory. It means that its contents are

lost when the power is turned off.
 RAM is read/write memory. CPU can read data
from RAM and write data to RAM.
 It is used to store data and instruction while it is being
 RAM is also called main memory or primary storage.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 128

RAM – Random Access Memory

 RAM plays very important role in the processing speed of a

 A bigger RAM size provides larger amount of space for
processing. So the processing speed is increased.
 The amount of data that can be stored in RAM is measured
in bytes.
 Most desktop computers typically have 2 GB to 4 GM of
RAM. It also allows the addition of more memory if
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 129
RAM – Random Access Memory

General Block Diagram

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 130

Types of RAMs

 Static RAM (SRAM)

 Memory behaves like Latches or Flip-Flops
 Data remains stored as long as power applied

 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

 Charged or discharged capacitor
 Memory lasts only for a few milliseconds
 Data must be refreshed periodically by
reading and rewriting

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 131

Types of RAMs

Typical Microprocessor Memory Configuration

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 132


 SRAM stands for Static Random Access Memory.

 It can store data without any need of frequent recharging.

 CPU does not need to wait to access data from

SRAM during processing. That is why it is faster than
 It utilizes less power than DRAM. SRAM is more expensive
as compared to DRAM.
 It is normally used to build a very fast memory
known as cache memory.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 133

 Static random access memory (SRAM) is a type of volatile

semiconductor memory to store binary logic '1' and '0' bits.

 SRAM uses bi-stable latching circuitry made of

Transistors/MOSFETS to store each bit. Compared to
Dynamic RAM (DRAM), SRAM doesn't have a capacitor to
store the data, hence SRAM works without refreshing.

 In SRAM the data is lost when the memory is not

electrically powered.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 134
 SRAM is faster and more reliable than the more common DRAM.
While DRAM supports access times (access time is the time
required to read or write data to/from memory) of about 60
nanoseconds, SRAM can give access times as low as 10
 In addition, its cycle time is much shorter than that of DRAM
because it does not need to pause between accesses.
Unfortunately, it is also much more expensive to produce than
DRAM. Due to its high cost, SRAM is often used only as a
memory cache.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 135
 The SRAM cell consists of a bi-stable flip-flop connected to
the internal circuitry by two access transistors.
 When the cell is not addressed, the two access
transistors are closed and the data is kept to a stable state,
latched within the flip-flop.
 The flip-flop needs the power supply to keep the
information. The data in an SRAM cell is volatile (i.e., the
data is lost when the power is removed).
 However, the data does not "leak away" like in a DRAM, so
the SRAM does not require a refresh cycle.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 136
 Static RAM is fast because the six-transistor configuration
(shown in Fig.) of its flip-flop circuits keeps current flowing in
one direction or the other (0 or 1).
 The 0 or 1 state can be written and read instantly without
waiting for a capacitor to fill up or drain (like in DRAM).
 However, the six transistors take more space than DRAM cells
made of one transistor and one capacitor. When opposite
voltages are applied to the column wires, the flip-flop is
oriented in one of two directions for a 0 or 1.
 At that point, the flip-flop becomes a self-perpetuating storage
cell as long as a constant voltage is applied.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 137

A six Transistor CMOS SRAM Cell

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 138

SRAM Timing Diagram

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 139

Applications of SRAM
 SRAM can be found in the cache memory of a computer or as
part of the RAM digital to analog converter on a video card.
 Static RAM is also used for high-speed registers, caches and
small memory banks like a frame buffer on a display adapter.
 Several scientific and industrial subsystems, modern appliances,
automotive electronics, electronic toys, mobile phones,
synthesizers and digital cameras also use SRAM.
 It is also highly recommended for use in PCs, peripheral
equipment, printers, LCD screens, hard disk buffers, router
buffers and buffers in CDROM / CDRW drives.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 140

 DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory.
 It is used in most of the computers. It is the least expensive
kind of RAM.
 It requires an electric current to maintain its electrical
state. The electrical charge of DRAM decreases with time
that may result in loss of DATA.
 DRAM is recharged or refreshed again and again to
maintain its data.
 The processor cannot access the data of DRAM when it is
being refreshed. That is why it is slow.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 141

 DRAM memory technology has MOS technology at the

heart of the design, fabrication and operation.
 The basic dynamic RAM or DRAM memory cell uses a
capacitor to store each bit of data and a transfer device - a
MOSFET - that acts as a switch.
 The level of charge on the memory cell capacitor
determines whether that particular bit is a logical "1" or "0"
- the presence of charge in the capacitor indicates a logic
"1" and the absence of charge indicates a logical "0".
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 142

 The basic dynamic RAM memory cell has the format

that is shown below. It is very simple and as a result it
can be densely packed on a silicon chip and this makes
it very cheap.
bit line

word line

1-bit DRAM cell

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 143


 Two lines are connected to each dynamic RAM cell - the Word
Line (W/L) and the Bit Line (B/L) connect as shown so that the
required cell within a matrix can have data read or written to it.

 The basic memory cell shown would be one of many thousands

or millions of such cells in a complete memory chip. Memories
may have capacities of 256 Mbit and more.

 To improve the write or read capabilities and speed, the overall

dynamic RAM memory may be split into sub-arrays.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 144


 The presence of multiple sub-arrays shortens the word

and bit lines and this reduces the time to access the

individual cells. For example a 256 Mbit dynamic RAM,

DRAM may be split into 16 smaller 16Mbit arrays.

 The word lines control the gates of the transfer lines,

while the bit bines are connected to the FET channel

and are ultimately connected to the sense amplifiers.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 145

DRAM Array

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 146

DRAM Timing
 No clock

 DRAM operations are initiated and completed on both the

rising and falling edges of RAS_L and CAS_L
 The timing for RAS-only refresh cycle is shown on next slide

 This cycle is used to refresh a row of memory without

actually reading or writing any data at the external pins of
the DRAM chip
 The cycle begins when a row address is applied to
the multiplexed address inputs & RAS_L is asserted
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 147
DRAM – Refresh Timing
 The DRAM stores the row-address in an internal row-
address register on the falling edge of RAS_L and reads the
selected row of memory array into an on-chip row latch
 When RAS_L is negated the contents of the row are written
back from the row latch

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 148

DRAM Refreshing

 Typical devices require each cell to be refreshed once

every 4 to 64 ms.
 During “suspended” operation, notebook
computers use power mainly for DRAM refresh

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 149

DRAM Refreshing

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 150

DRAM – Read Timing
 Begins like a refresh cycle, selected row is read into the row

 Next a column address is applied to the multiplexed

address inputs & is stored in an on-chip column address
register on the falling edge of CAS_L

 It selects one bit of the just read row which is made

available on the DRAM’s DOUT pin which is enabled as long
as CAS_L is asserted

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 151

DRAM – Read Timing

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 152

DRAM – Write Timing

 Begins like a refresh or read cycle, WE_L must be

asserted before CAS_L is asserted, this disables DOUT
for the rest of the cycle, even though CAS_L will be
asserted subsequently
 Once the selected row is read into the row latch, WE_L
forces the input bit on DIN to be merged into the row
latch in the bit position selected by the column address

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 153

DRAM – Write Timing

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 154

Types of DRAM

 Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)

 Double Data Rate SDRAM (DDR SDRAM)

 Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO DRAM)


 Rambus DRAM (RDRAM)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 155

Applications of DRAM

 DRAM memories are high volume memories. Some DRAMs

have high speed interfaces such as DDR and DDRII SDRAM,
and some have speed enhancing internal architectures.
 DRAMs with low power internal design techniques are used
in battery operated systems.
 Some DRAM memories are also used for graphics
enhancements like high speed point-to-point interfaces as
well as several internal graphics functions.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 156

Applications of DRAM

 DRAMs can also be used in networking and battery

operated synchronous and asynchronous applications.
 The main memory (the random access memory) in
personal computers is DRAM. DRAM is also the type of
RAM used in workstations and laptop computers as
well as some video game consoles.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 157

Comparison between SRAM & DRAM
 Flip flops using bipolar or MOS  Flip flops using MOS
transistors are used as
& parasitic capacitance
basic memory cells.
are used.
 Refreshing is not required.
 Refreshing is required
as charge leaks.
 Access time is less
 Access time is more
hence these are faster
hence these are slower
 More power consumption.
 Less power consumption.158
Amit Nevase
 More expensive.
Comparison between SRAM & DRAM
 A SRAM possesses more space in  A DRAM possesses less
the chip than DRAM.
in the chip than SRAM.
 Storage Capacity is Less.
 Storage Capacity is More.
 More number of components are
 Less number of
required per cell.
components are required per cell.
 Bits stored in the form of voltage.
 Bits stored in the form
 Applications- Used in cars,
of charge.
household appliances, handheld
 Applications- Used
electronic devices.
computer memory
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 159
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 160

 ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The data and instructions in
ROM are stored by the manufacturer at the time of its
 This data and programs cannot be changed or deleted after
wards. The data or instructions stored in ROM can only be read
but new data or instructions cannot be written into it.
 This is the reason why it is called Read Only Memory. ROM
stores data and instructions permanently. When the power is
turned off, the instructions stored in ROM are not lost. That is
the reason ROM is called non-volatile memory.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 161


 ROM is used to store frequently used instructions and

data to control the basic input & output operations of
the computer.
 Mostly, frequently used small programs like operating
system routines and data, are stored into the ROM.
When the computer is switched on, instructions in the
ROM are automatically activated. These instructions
help the booting process of computer.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 162

General Block Diagram

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 163

Internal ROM Structure
Typically Implementation

Diode means a
“1” is stored at
this location

active low

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 164

Timing Diagram of ROM
 tAA access time from address
access time from chip select
tACS output-enable/disable time
 tOE/tOZ
output-hold time
 tOH

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 165

Types of ROM

 Masked ROM

 Programmable ROM (PROM)

 Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM)

 Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 166


 PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory.

This form of ROM is initially blank.
 The user or manufacturer can write data/program on it
by using special devices. However, once the program or
data is written in PROM chip, it cannot be changed.
 If there is an error in writing instructions or data in
PROM, the error cannot be erased. PROM chip
becomes unusable.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 167


 EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only

Memory. This form of ROM is also initially blank.
 The user or manufacturer can write program or data on it
by using special devices.
 Unlike PROM, the data written in EPROM chip can be
erased by using special devices and ultraviolet rays.
 So program or data written in EPROM chip can be changed
and new data can also be added. When EPROM is in use, its
contents can only be read.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 168
Applications of EPROM
 The most frequent use for an EPROM memory chip is to store
computer BIOS which is used in order to bootstrap the operating
system of a computer.
 EPROMs are also often found in the development of video game
cartridges. Some microcontrollers use an on-chip EPROM in
order to store their program. Examples are some versions of the
Intel 8048 as well as the "C" versions of the PIC microcontroller.
 These microcontrollers were built with a window for debugging
and program development purposes. The same chips are also
developed in opaque OTP packages for production purposes.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 169


 EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable

Read Only Memory.
 This kind of ROM can be written or changed with
the help of electrical devices.
 So data stored in this type of ROM chip can be easily

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 170

Applications of EEPROM
 EEPROM memory is used in computers as well as other electronic
devices in order to store small amounts of data which must be saved
when the power is removed such as in calibration tables or device
 If larger amounts of static data need to be stored, like in USB flash
drives, a flash EEPROM is more economical to use than a traditional
EEPROM device.
 EEPROM memory can also be found in various other products which
are not strictly memory products, including digital potentiometers,
digital clocks and digital temperature sensors.
 These devices can have a small amount of EEPROM in order to store
calibration information or other data which needs to be available in
case there is a loss of power.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 171
Comparison between RAM & ROM


 Operations involved- Read  Operations involved- Read.

& Write.
 Temporary Storage.  Permanent Storage.
 Types- SRAM, DRAM  Types- EPROM,
 Applications Calculators,  Applications-
- Computers Computers, Microprocessors

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 172

Comparison between EPROM & EEPROM


 Exposure EEPROM
to ultraviolet light  A voltage of 20V 25V
to technique used to erase data. applied to erase
 data.
Selective erasing not  Selective erasing is possible. A
is All get particular locations
possible. can be
 10 locations
to 15 mins. i.e. Long time  erased.
10ms. i.e. A very short
required for erasing time required for erasing
 Less expensive  More expensive
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 173
Comparison between EPROM & EEPROM


 It is necessary
EEPROM to remove  It is not necessary to remove
EPROM from circuit for erasing EEPROM from circuit for
data. erasing data.
 Applications- In computer to  Applications- Cell phones,
store operating System Digital cameras etc.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 174

Comparison between EPROM & Flash Memory

Flash Memory
 Data can be erased only byte  Data can be erased only block
by byte by giving electrical by block.

 Byte programmable.  Block programmable.

 Cost is more.  Cost is less.

 Less speed than flash memory.  More speed than EPROM.

 Life time is greater than flash  Life time is less than

EPROM memory.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 175
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, Read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 176
Memory Read Operation
 To read data from the memory, the read cycle is initiated by applying the
address signals. The valid address needs to be maintained stable for a
specified duration tRC the read cycle time.

 Next, the CS and OE signals are activated, after a delay of tGQ, the output
enable access time measured with respect to the High to Low transition of
the OE signal, valid data appears on the data lines.

 The tAQ, address access time is measured from the beginning of the valid
address that appears on the address lines to the appearance of valid data on
the data lines.

 The tEQ measures the chip enable access time which is the time for the valid
data to appear after the High to Low transition of the chip select signal CS.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 177

Memory Read Operation

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 178

Memory Write Operation
 To write data from the memory, the write cycle is initiated by applying the
address signals. The valid address needs to be maintained stable for a
specified duration tWC the write cycle time.

 Next, the CS and WE signals are activated. The write enable signal WE is
activated after a minimum time of tS(A) the address setup time which is
measured from the beginning of the valid address.
 The time for which the WE signal remains active is known as the write pulse
width. After the WE signal becomes active the data that is to be written in
the memory at the addressed location is applied at the data lines.
 The WE signal must remain valid after data is applied at the data input lines
and must remain valid for a minimum time duration tWD. The data must
remain valid for a time th(D), hold time after WE signal is deactivated.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 179
Memory Write Operation

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 180

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 181
Programmable Logic Devices
 PLDs are semiconductor devices can be
that programmed to obtain required logic
 device.
Because of the advantage of re-programmability, they
have replaced special purpose logic devices like Logic
gates, flip-flops, counters and multiplexers in many
semicustom applications.
 It reduces design time and thus reduces time for the
product to reach the market.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 182

Programmable Logic Devices
 It consists of arrays of AND and OR gates, which can be
programmed to realize required logic function.
 Device programmer blows fuses on the PLD to control
each gate operation.
 Inexpensive software tools are used for quick
development, simulation and testing, therefore design
cost is comparatively low.
 Another important advantage is that customer can
modify their design, based
on changes in requirement.
Amit Nevase 183
Programmable Logic Devices
 Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are the integrated circuits. They contain
an array of AND gates & another array of OR gates.
 There are three kinds of PLDs based on the type of array(s), which has
programmable feature.
- Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)
-Programmable Array Logic (PAL)
-Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
-Generic Array Logic (GAL)
 The process of entering the information into these devices is
as programming.
 Basically, users can program these devices or ICs electrically in order to
implement the Boolean functions based on the requirement.
9/1sHere, the term programming
refers to hardware programming but
Amit Nevase
not 184
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 185
Programmable Read Only Memory
 Read Only Memory (ROM) is a memory device,
which stores the binary information permanently.
 That means, we can’t change that stored information
by any means later.
 If the ROM has programmable feature, then it is
called as Programmable ROM (PROM).
 The user has the flexibility to program the
binary information electrically once by using PROM
 PROM is a programmable logic device that has fixed AND
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 186
array & Programmable OR array.
Programmable Read Only Memory

 Here, the inputs of AND gates are not of programmable type. So, we have to
generate 2n product terms by using 2n AND gates having n inputs each. We can
implement these product terms by using nx2n decoder. So, this decoder
generates ‘n’ min terms.
 Here, the inputs of OR gates are programmable. That means, we can program
any number of required product terms, since all the outputs of AND gates are
applied as inputs to each OR gate. Therefore, the outputs of PROM will be in
the form of sum of min terms.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 187
Programmable Read Only Memory
Example: Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PROM.

A( X ,Y , Z )  m(5, 6, 7)
B( X ,Y , Z )  m(3, 5, 6, 7)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 188

Programmable Read Only Memory
 The given two functions are in sum of min terms form
and each function is having three variables X, Y & Z. So,
we require a 3 to 8 decoder and two programmable OR
gates for producing these two functions.
 Here, 3 to 8 decoder generates eight min terms. The
two programmable OR gates have the access of all
these min terms. But, only the required min terms are
programmed in order to produce the respective
Boolean functions by each OR gate. The symbol ‘X’ is
used for programmable Amit
Nevase 189
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 190
Programmable Logic Array (PLA)

 PLA is a programmable logic device that has


Programmable AND array & Programmable OR

array. Hence, it is the most flexible PLD.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 191

Programmable Logic Array (PLA)

 Here, the inputs of AND gates are programmable. That means each AND gate
has both normal and complemented inputs of variables. So, based on the
requirement, we can program any of those inputs. So, we can generate only
the required product terms by using these AND gates.
 Here, the inputs of OR gates are also programmable. So, we can program any
number of required product terms, since all the outputs of AND gates are
applied as inputs to each OR gate. Therefore, the outputs of PAL will be in the
form of sum of products form.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 192

Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
Example: Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PLA.
A  XY  X Z
B  XY  YZ  X Z

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 193

Programmable Logic Array (PLA)

 The given two functions are in sum of products form.

The number of product terms present in the given

Boolean functions A & B are two and three

respectively. One product term, Z′XZ′X is common in

each function.

 So, we require four programmable AND gates & two

programmable OR gates for producing those two

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 194
Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
 The programmable AND gates have the access of both
normal and complemented inputs of variables. In the above

figure, the inputs X , X ,Y ,Y , Z & Z , are available at the

inputs of each AND gate. So, program only the required
literals in order to generate one product term by each AND
 All these product terms are available at the inputs of each
programmable OR gate. But, only program the required
product terms in order to produce the respective Boolean
9/1 6/ by each OR gate. The symbol ‘X’ is used 195
Applications of PLA

 PLA is used to provide control over datapath.

 PLA is used as a counter.

 PLA is used as a decoders.

 PLA is used as a BUS interface in programmed I/O.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 196

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 197
Programmable Array Logic
 PAL is a programmable logic that has

Programmable AND array & fixed OR array.

 The advantage of PAL is that we can generate only the

required product terms of Boolean function instead of

generating all the min terms by using programmable

AND gates.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 198

Programmable Array Logic

 Here, the inputs of AND gates are programmable. That means each AND gate
has both normal and complemented inputs of variables. So, based on the
requirement, we can program any of those inputs. So, we can generate only
the required product terms by using these AND gates.
 Here, the inputs of OR gates are not of programmable type. So, the number
of inputs to each OR gate will be of fixed type. Hence, apply those required
product terms to each OR gate as inputs. Therefore, the outputs of PAL will be
in the form of sum of products form.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 199

Programmable Array Logic
(PAL) Let us implement the following Boolean functions using PAL.
A  XY  X Z
B  XY  Y

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 200

Programmable Array Logic
 The given two functions are in sum of products form.

There are two product terms present in each Boolean

function. So, we require four programmable AND gates

& two fixed OR gates for producing those two


9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 201

Programmable Array Logic
 The programmable AND gates have the access of both normal
and complemented inputs of variables. In the above figure, the
inputs X , X ,Y ,Y , Z & , are available at the inputs of each AND
gate. So, program only the required literals in order to generate
one product term by each AND gate. The symbol ‘X’ is used for
programmable connections.
 Here, the inputs of OR gates are of fixed type. So, the necessary
product terms are connected to inputs of each OR gate. So that
the OR gates produce the respective Boolean functions. The
symbol ‘.’ is used for fixed connections.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 202
Advantages of PAL

 Highly efficient

 Low production cost as compared to PLA

 Highly secure

 High Reliability

 Low power required for working.

 More flexible to design.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 203

Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 204
Generic Array Logic (GAL)

 A GAL or Generic Array Logic device consists of a


programmable PAL matrix and a programmable output-cell.

 GAL is an improved form of PAL which uses electrically erasable

CMOS cells instead of fuses. Therefore, AND matrix of GAL can

be re-programmed several times unlike one time programmable

PAL devices.

 AND matrix is followed by fixed OR matrix (inside output cell),

used to sum off all min termsAmitfrom

9/16/2018 Nevase the AND output. 205
Block Diagram of Generic Array Logic (GAL)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 206

Generic Array Logic (GAL)
 Another added feature of GAL is that it also has reprogrammable
output logic called OLMC (Output Logic Macro-cell).

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 207

Output Logic Macro-cell (OLMC)
 As shown in the figure three main components of an output cell are:
- N-input OR,
- D-flip-flop,
- Multiplexers.

 Like in PAL, OR gates are used to sum off min terms from the output of the
AND gates.
 An OLMC cell consists of a D-flip-flop, which is used to implement sequential
 Multiplexers in the OLMC cells are used to select the routing of the input
signals to the external output or to the feedback output.
 It is also used to select from the sequential and non-sequential output taken
from the input and output of the D-flip-flop depending on the requirement.
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 208
Unit V – Data Converters and PLDs
 Data Converters: DAC: Types, weighted resistor circuit and R-2R

Ladder circuit, DAC IC 0808 specifications, ADC: Block diagram,

types and working of Dual Slope ADC, SAR ADC, ADC IC

0808/0809 specification

 Memory: RAM and ROM basic building blocks, read and write

operation, types of semiconductor memories.

 PLD: Basic building blocks and types of PLDs, PLA, PAL, GAL.

 CPLD: Basic building blocks and functionality.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 209
Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD)

 CPLD is defined as the network of PLDs that are


together through a switching matrix.

 The global interconnection matrix, as shown in the figure, is

reconfigurable and so we can change the connections between

the Functional Blocks depending on our requirement.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 210

Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 211

Logic Block Structure (LB)

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 212

Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD)

 Each Functional Block (FB) in the CPLD contains a re-programmable

AND/OR array along with a bank of macro-cells. Therefore, multiple

types of logic functions, both combinational and sequential circuits,

can be implemented using CPLD.

 As shown in the figure, it is connected to the external world through

the I/O blocks. The entire device contains thousands to tens of

thousands of logic gates. Therefore, more complex designs, other than

PLD devices, can be implemented using CPLD.

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 213

Applications of CPLD
 Complex programmable logic devices are ideal for high performance,
critical control applications.
 CPLD can be used in digital designs to perform the functions of boot
 CPLD is used for loading the configuration data of a
programmable gate array from non-volatile memory.
 Generally, these are used in small design applications like address
 CPLDs are frequently used many applications like in cost sensitive,
battery operated portable devices due to its low size and usage of low
9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 214

 Digital Principles by
Malvino Leach
 Modern Digital Electronics
R.P. Jain
 Digital Electronics,
Principles and Integrated
Circuits by Anil
K. Maini

 Digital Techniques by A. Anand
Amit Nevase 215
Online Tutorials
 http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117108038/
 https://www.mepits.com/tutorial/80
/vl si/programmable-logic-device-pld
 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/digital
 http://ecetutorials.com/digital-
- adc-analog-to-digital-converter/

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 216

9/16/2018 Amit Nevase 217

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