Golden Hour Final Handout
Golden Hour Final Handout
Golden Hour Final Handout
• This is a priority
• After admission to neonatal unit VLBW /ELBW babies should be
started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (dextrose, lipids and
protein) within the first hour of post-natal life
• Enteral feeding with mothers’ milk should be started within the
Golden Hour in the absence of contraindications (e.g. surgical
7. Prevention and treatment of infection
• At NICU, a brief clinical history of mother & baby’s birth history should
be noted
• This information should be given by the transporting team(doctor and
a nurse) accompanying the baby to the NICU.
• It is important to note, the baby may become destabilized during
• Stabilization at NICU - if the baby has respiratory distress, respiratory
support should be instituted immediately.
• Body temperature, blood sugar & blood pressure should also be
checked & interventions done when needed
Communication and counseling of family