"Association Rules": Market Baskets Frequent Itemsets A-Priori Algorithm
"Association Rules": Market Baskets Frequent Itemsets A-Priori Algorithm
"Association Rules": Market Baskets Frequent Itemsets A-Priori Algorithm
Market Baskets
Frequent Itemsets
A-priori Algorithm
The Market-Basket Model
◆ A large set of items, e.g., things
sold in a supermarket.
◆ A large set of baskets, each of
which is a small set of the items,
e.g., the things one customer buys
on one day.
◆ Simplest question: find sets of
items that appear “frequently” in
the baskets.
◆ Support for itemset I = the
number of baskets containing all
items in I.
◆ Given a support threshold s, sets
of items that appear in > s baskets
are called frequent itemsets. 3
◆ Items={milk, coke, pepsi, beer,
◆ Support = 3 baskets.
B1 = {m, c, b} B2 = {m, p, j}
B3 = {m, b} B4 = {c, j}
B5 = {m, p, b} B6 = {m, c, b, j}
B7 = {c, b, j} B8 = {b, c}
◆ Frequent itemsets: {m}, {c}, {b},
{j}, {m, b}, {c, b}, {j, c}.
Applications 1
◆ Real market baskets: chain stores
keep terabytes of information
about what customers buy
◗ Tells how typical customers navigate
stores, lets them position tempting
◗ Suggests tie-in “tricks,” e.g., run sale
on hamburger and raise the price of
ketchup. 5
Applications 2
◆ “Baskets” = documents; “items” =
words in those documents.
◗ Lets us find words that appear
together unusually frequently, i.e.,
linked concepts.
◆ “Baskets” = sentences, “items” =
documents containing those
◗ Items that appear together too often 6
could represent plagiarism.
Applications 3
◆ “Baskets” = Web pages; “items” =
linked pages.
◗ Pairs of pages with many common
references may be about the same
◆ “Baskets” = Web pages p ; “items”
= pages that link to p .
◗ Pages with many of the same links
may be mirrors or about the same 7
Important Point
◆ “Market Baskets” is an abstraction
that models any many-many
relationship between two
concepts: “items” and “baskets.”
◗ Items need not be “contained” in
◆ The only difference is that we
count co-occurrences of items
related to a basket, not vice-versa. 8
Scale of Problem
◆ WalMart sells 100,000 items and
can store hundreds of millions of
◆ The Web has 100,000,000 words
and several billion pages.
Association Rules
◆ If-then rules about the contents of
◆ {i1, i2,…,ik} -> j means: “if a
basket contains all of i1,…,ik, then it
is likely to contain j.
◆ Confidence of this association rule
is the probability of j given i1,…,ik.
+ B1 = {m, c, b} B2 = {m, p, j}
B3 = {m, b} B4 = {c, j}
B5 = {m, p, b} + B6 = {m, c, b, j}
B7 = {c, b, j} B8 = {b, c}
◆ An association rule: {m, b} -> c.
◗ Confidence = 2/4 = 50%.
◆ The interest of an association rule
is the amount (positive or
negative) by which the confidence
differs from what you would
expect, were items selected
independently of one another.
B1 = {m, c, b} B2 = {m, p, j}
B3 = {m, b} B4 = {c, j}
B5 = {m, p, b} B6 = {m, c, b, j}
B7 = {c, b, j} B8 = {b, c}
◆ For association rule {m, b} -> c,
item c appears in 5/8 of the
◆ Interest = 5/8 – 2/4 = 1/8 --- not
very interesting. 13
Relationships Among Measures
◆ Rules with high support and
confidence may be useful even if
they are not “interesting.”
◗ We don’t care if buying bread causes
people to buy milk, or whether simply
a lot of people buy both bread and
◆ But high interest suggests a cause
that might be worth investigating. 14
Finding Association Rules
◆ A typical question: “find all association
rules with support > s and confidence
> c.”
◗ Note: “support” of an A.R. is the support
of the set of items it mentions.
◆ Hard part: finding the high-support
(frequent ) itemsets.
◗ Checking the confidence of association
rules involving those sets is relatively 15
Computation Model
◆ Typically, data is kept in a “flat
file” rather than a database
◗ Stored on disk.
◗ Stored basket-by-basket.
◗ Expand baskets into pairs, triples, etc.
as you read baskets.
Computation Model --- (2)
◆ The true cost of mining disk-
resident data is usually the
number of disk I/O’s.
◆ In practice, association-rule
algorithms read the data in passes
--- all baskets read in turn.
◆ Thus, we measure the cost by the
number of passes an algorithm
takes. 17
Main-Memory Bottleneck
◆ In many algorithms to find
frequent itemsets we need to
worry about how main-memory is
◗ As we read baskets, we need to count
something, e.g., occurrences of pairs.
◗ The number of different things we can
count is limited by main memory.
◗ Swapping counts in/out is a disaster.
Finding Frequent Pairs
◆ The hardest problem often turns
out to be finding the frequent
◆ We’ll concentrate on how to do
that, then discuss extensions to
finding frequent triples, etc.
Naïve Algorithm
◆ A simple way to find frequent pairs
◗ Read file once, counting in main
memory the occurrences of each pair.
• Expand each basket of n items into its
n (n -1)/2 pairs.
◆ Fails if #items-squared exceeds
main memory.
Details of Main-Memory
◆ There are two basic approaches:
◆ Count all item pairs, using a
triangular matrix.
◆ Keep a table of triples [i, j, c] = the
count of the pair of items {i,j } is c.
◆ (1) requires only (say) 4
bytes/pair; (2) requires 12 bytes,
but only for those pairs with >0
counts. 21
Details --- (1)
◆ Number items 1,2,…
◆ Keep pairs in the order {1,2},
{1,3},…, {1,n }, {2,3}, {2,4},…,
{2,n }, {3,4},…, {3,n },…{n -1,
n }.
◆ Find pair {i, j } at the position
(i –1)(n –i /2) + j – i.
◆ Total number of pairs n (n –1)/2;
total bytes about 2n 2. 22
Details --- (2)
◆ You need a hash table, with i and j
as the key, to locate i-j-c triples
◗ Typically, the cost of the hash structure
can be neglected.
◆ Total bytes used is about 12p, where
p is the number of pairs that actually
◗ Beats triangular matrix if at most 1/3 23of
A-Priori Algorithm 1
◆ A two-pass approach called a-priori
limits the need for main memory.
◆ Key idea: monotonicity : if a set of
items appears at least s times, so
does every subset.
◗ Contrapositive for pairs: if item i does
not appear in s baskets, then no pair
including i can appear in s baskets.
A-Priori Algorithm 2
◆ Pass 1: Read baskets and count in
main memory the occurrences of
each item.
◗ Requires only memory proportional to
◆ Pass 2: Read baskets again and count
in main memory only those pairs both
of which were found in Pass 1 to have
occurred at least s times.
◗ Requires memory proportional to square
Picture of A-Priori
Counts of
Pass 1 Pass 2
Detail for A-Priori
◆ You can use the triangular matrix
method with n = number of
frequent items.
◗ Saves space compared with storing
◆ Trick: number frequent items
1,2,… and keep a table relating
new numbers to original item
numbers. 27
Frequent Triples, Etc.
◆ For each k, we construct two sets
of k –tuples:
◗ Ck = candidate k – tuples = those
that might be frequent sets (support
> s ) based on information from the
pass for k –1.
◗ Lk = the set of frequent k –tuples.
A-Priori for All Frequent
◆ One pass for each k.
◆ Needs room in main memory to
count each candidate k –tuple.
◆ For typical market-basket data and
reasonable support (e.g., 1%), k =
2 requires the most memory.
Frequent Itemsets --- (2)
◆ C1 = all items
◆ L1 = those counted on first pass to
be frequent.
◆ C2 = pairs, both chosen from L1.
◆ In general, Ck = k –tuples each k –1
of which is in Lk-1.
◆ Lk = those candidates with support
> s. 30