1.-SCR Eee174

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EEE174 : Electronic Systems

and Design
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)

Engr. Kevin O. Maglinte, MSEE

Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)

SCR is unquestionably of the greatest interest today.

Was first introduced in 1956 Bell Telephone Laboratories.
some common application:
- relay controls - battery charges
- time delay circuits - protective circuits
- regulated power supply - heater
- static switches - etc.
Recently, SCR have been design to control powers as high as
10MW with rating as high as 2000 A at 1800 V

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Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
● A silicon controlled rectifier is a semiconductor device that acts as a true
electronic switch. It can change alternating current into direct current and at
the same time can control the amount of power fed to the load. Thus SCR
combines the features of a rectifier and a transistor.

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Working of SCR

When there’s no gate voltage supply (gate is open)

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Working of SCR

When there’s a gate voltage supply (gate is closed)

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Working of SCR
Conclusion. The following conclusions are drawn from the working of SCR :

(i) An SCR has two states i.e. either it does not conduct or it conducts heavily. There is no
state in between. Therefore, SCR behaves like a switch.

(ii) There are two ways to turn on the SCR. The first method is to keep the gate open and
make the supply voltage equal to the breakover voltage. The second method is to operate
SCR with supply voltage less than breakover voltage and then turn it on by means of a
small voltage ( typically 1.5 V, 30 mA) applied to the gate.

(iii) Applying small positive voltage to the gate is the normal way to close an SCR because
the breakover voltage is usually much greater than supply voltage.

(iv) To open the SCR (i.e. to make it non-conducting ), reduce the supply voltage to zero.
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Equivalent Circuit of SCR

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Equivalent Circuit of SCR

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Important Terms
(i)Breakover voltage. It is the minimum forward voltage, gate being open, at which SCR
starts conducting heavily i.e. turned on.
(ii) Peak reverse voltage (PRV). It is the maximum reverse voltage (cathode positive w.r.t.
anode) that can be applied to an SCR without conducting in the reverse direction.
(iii) Holding current. It is the maximum anode current, gate being open, at which SCR is
turned off from ON conditions.
(iv) Forward current rating. It is the maximum anode current that an SCR is capable of
passing without destruction.
(v) Circuit fusing (I2t) rating. It is the product of square of forward surge current and the
time of duration of the surge i.e.,
Circuit fusing rating = I2t

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Example SCR analysis
● An SCR has a breakover voltage of 400 V, a trigger current of 10 mA and holding
current of 10 mA. What do you infer from it ? What will happen if gate current is made
15 mA ?

○ An SCR in a circuit is subjected to a 50 A surge that lasts for 12 ms. Determine

whether or not this surge will destroy the device. Given that circuit fusing rating
is 90 A2s.

○ An SCR has a circuit fusing rating of 50 A2s. The device is being used in a circuit
where it could be subjected to a 100 A surge. Determine the maximum allowable
duration of such a surge.

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Example SCR analysis
● A 220 resistor is connected in series with the gate of an SCR as shown in the figure.
The gate current required to fire the SCR is 7mA. What is the input voltage (Vin)
required to fire the SCR ?

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V-I Characteristics of SCR
● It is the curve between anode-cathode voltage (V) and anode current (I) of an SCR at
constant gate current. The figure below shows the V-I characteristics of a typical SCR.

(i) Forward characteristics. When anode

is positive w.r.t. cathode, the curve
between V and I is called the forward

(ii) Reverse characteristics. When

anode is negative w.r.t. cathode, the
curve between V and I is known as
reverse characteristic.

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SCR in Normal Operation
In order to operate the SCR in normal operation, the following points are kept in view :

(i) The supply voltage is generally much less than breakover voltage.

(ii) The SCR is turned on by passing an appropriate amount of gate current (a few mA)
and not by breakover voltage.

(iii) When SCR is operated from a.c. supply, the peak reverse voltage which comes during
negative half-cycle should not exceed the reverse breakdown voltage.

(iv) When SCR is to be turned OFF from the ON state, anode current should be reduced to
holding current.

(v) If gate current is increased above the required value, the SCR will close at much
reduced supply voltage.
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SCR as a Switch
Advantages of SCR as a switch. An SCR has the following advantages over a
mechanical or electromechanical switch (relay) :

(i) It has no moving parts. Consequently, it gives noiseless operation at high


(ii) The switching speed is very high up to 109 operations per second.

(iii) It permits control over large current (30–100 A) in the load by means of a
small gate current (a few mA).

(iv) It has small size and gives trouble free service

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SCR Switching
1. SCR turn-on methods. In order to turn on the SCR, the gate voltage VG is increased up
to a minimum value to initiate triggering. This minimum value of gate voltage at which
SCR is turned ON is called gate triggering voltage VGT. The resulting gate current is called
gate triggering current IGT.

(i) D.C. gate trigger circuit (ii) A.C. trigger circuit.

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SCR Switching
2. SCR turn-off methods.

(i) Anode current interruption. When the anode (ii) Forced commutation. The method of
current is reduced below a minimum value discharging a capacitor in parallel with an
called holding current, the SCR turns off. The SCR to turn off the SCR is called forced
simple way to turn off the SCR is to open the commutation.
line switch S as shown in figure below

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SCR Half-Wave Rectifier
Operation. The a.c. supply to be converted into d.c. supply is applied to the
primary of the transformer. Suppose the peak reverse voltage appearing
across secondary is less than the reverse breakdown voltage of the SCR. This
condition ensures that SCR will not break down during negative half-cycles
of a.c. supply.

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SCR Half-Wave Rectifier
Example: 1. A half-wave rectifier circuit employing an SCR is adjusted to have a gate
current of 1mA. The forward breakdown voltage of SCR is 100 V for I g = 1mA.
If a sinusoidal voltage of 200 V peak is applied, find :

(i) firing angle (ii) conduction angle (iii) average current.

Assume load resistance = 100 and the holding current to be zero.

2. An SCR half-wave rectifier has a forward breakdown voltage of 150 V when a

gate current of 1 mA flows in the gate circuit. If a sinusoidal voltage of 400 V peak is applied,
(i) firing angle (ii) average output voltage (iii) average current for a load resistance of 200
(iv) power output
Assume that the gate current is 1mA throughout and the forward breakdown voltage is more
than 400 V when Ig = 1 mA.

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SCR Half-Wave Rectifier
Example: 2. An SCR half-wave rectifier has a forward breakdown voltage of 150 V when a
gate current of 1 mA flows in the gate circuit. If a sinusoidal voltage of 400 V peak is
applied, find:
(i) firing angle
(ii) average output voltage
(iii) average current for a load resistance of 200
(iv) power output
Assume that the gate current is 1mA throughout and the forward breakdown voltage is
more than 400 V when Ig = 1 mA.

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SCR Full-Wave Rectifier

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SCR Full-Wave Rectifier
Example: 3. An SCR full-wave rectifier supplies to a load of 100 . If the peak a.c.
voltage between centre tap and one end of secondary is 200V,
find (i) d.c. output voltage and (ii) load current for a firing angle of 60°.

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SCR Full-Wave Rectifier
Example: 4. Power (brightness) of a 100 W, 110 V lamp is to be varied by controlling
firing angle of SCR full-wave circuit; the r.m.s. value of a.c. voltage
appearing across each SCR being 110 V. Find the r.m.s. voltage and current
in the lamp at firing angle of 60°.

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