Lec 1 Site Selection
Lec 1 Site Selection
Lec 1 Site Selection
Procedure: Site Characterization
1. Set objectives
Climatic Requirement
65% of 35% of
ornamental crops ornamental crops
Crop and Light
• response to daylength
Soil Requirement
Biological Considerations
Socioeconomic/Cultural Considerations
Environmental Concerns
• Anticipated pesticide use
• Residue management and waste disposal
• Postharvest activities
• Processing requirement
About the Crop --- Summary
Biological Considerations
Pest/disease resistance/susceptibility
Suited cropping pattern
Socioeconomic/Cultural Considerations
Labor requirement
Production volume
Diurnal & Seasonal Fluctuations in Temperature
Low night temperatures --- best for fruit development
Low temperature months --- favors planting of cool season crops
Soil Fertility Status
Organic matter --- indicator of N fertility (>2%)
Nutrient levels --- limiting?
Soil Texture
Sand-silt-clay composition of the soil
Soil pH --- acidity or alkalinity of a soil (1–14 units)
pH Range Soil Characteristics Nutrient Availability
3 – 3.9 Strongly acid High or toxic levels of Al &
Poor structure
Low microbial activity
4 – 5.9 Moderately acid Low levels of Ca, Mg, P & Mo
Poor structure
Low microbial activity
Soil depth --- soil surface to lower layer of the soil
• Obstructions below the root zone are: bedrock, gravel, hardpan
• Water (at least 80 cm)
• Deep soils --- appropriate for trees and typhoon-prone areas
Climate Soil
Diurnal/Seasonal fluctuations in temperature Soil fertility status
Rainfall pattern and distribution Soil texture
Typhoon frequency Soil pH
Wind movement and velocity Soil depth
Physical Biological
Water resources Presence of pests and diseases
Drainage Existing cropping patterns/farming system
Slope Production practices in the area
Historical changes in cropping
Labor/skills availability
Available infrastructures related to CP Other Constraints to
Nearness to market and urban areas Productivity
Supply and demand --- community preference
Tenurial situation/landholdings
Thank You