The Rice Tariffication and Liberalization Law:
1) Replaces quantitative restrictions on rice imports with tariffs of 35% and establishes a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund of PHP 10 billion annually for six years.
2) The fund will be used for farm machinery, inbred seeds, credit assistance, and extension services through government agencies.
3) It aims to improve farm productivity and incomes while liberalizing the rice trade.
The Rice Tariffication and Liberalization Law:
1) Replaces quantitative restrictions on rice imports with tariffs of 35% and establishes a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund of PHP 10 billion annually for six years.
2) The fund will be used for farm machinery, inbred seeds, credit assistance, and extension services through government agencies.
3) It aims to improve farm productivity and incomes while liberalizing the rice trade.
The Rice Tariffication and Liberalization Law:
1) Replaces quantitative restrictions on rice imports with tariffs of 35% and establishes a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund of PHP 10 billion annually for six years.
2) The fund will be used for farm machinery, inbred seeds, credit assistance, and extension services through government agencies.
3) It aims to improve farm productivity and incomes while liberalizing the rice trade.
The Rice Tariffication and Liberalization Law:
1) Replaces quantitative restrictions on rice imports with tariffs of 35% and establishes a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund of PHP 10 billion annually for six years.
2) The fund will be used for farm machinery, inbred seeds, credit assistance, and extension services through government agencies.
3) It aims to improve farm productivity and incomes while liberalizing the rice trade.
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Rice Tariffication and
Liberalization Law Republic Act No. 112031 Republic Act No. 112031
The law amends RA No. 8178 or the
An act liberalizing the importation, Agricultural Tariffication Act of 1996 exportation and trading of rice, and replaces the quantitative lifting for the purpose the restrictions (QR) on rice imports quantitative import restriction on with tariffs and repeal certain rice, and for other purposes provisions of Presidential Decree No. 4, as amended Highlights of RA No. 11203
In- and out-quota imports A Rice Competitiveness
The Minimum Access from countries of the Enhancement Fund will be Volume (MAV) will revert Association of Southeast created consisting of an to its 2012 level of Asian Nations (ASEAN) will annual P10 billion ($192.3 350,000 tons from be levied a uniform 35 million) appropriation 805,200 tons. percent duty. through the next six years.
The role of the National To implement provisions
Food Authority (NFA) role of this RA, Implementing is confined to buffer- Rules and Regulations stocks management. (IRRs) will be followed. Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund PHP 10 BILLION PHP 5 BILLION PHP 3 BILLION FARM MACHINERIES INBRED SEEDS PHP 1 BILLION PHP 1 BILLION CREDIT CAPABILITY BUILDING Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – There is hereby created a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, herein referred to as the ‘Rice Fund. The Rice Fund shall consist of an annual appropriation of Ten billion pesos (P10,000,000,000.00) for the next six (6) years; – The amount allocated shall be released directly to the implementing agencies as provided for in this Act based on the objectives and plans of the rice industry roadmap; – The Rice Fund (i) shall not be subject to any ceiling by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM); (ii) shall not revert to the General Fund and (iii) shall continue to be used for the purpose for which it was set aside; Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – Any program undertaken shall only be deemed complementary and supplementary to and shall not be a replacement of any existing programs for rice and rice farmers already implemented by the Department of Agriculture and other agencies concerned; – the Rice Fund shall be allocated and disbursed to rice producing areas, as follows: a. Rice Farm Machineries and Equipment – 50% of the Rice Fund shall be released to and implemented by PhilMech as grant in kind to eligible farmer associations, registered rice cooperatives and LGUs, in the form of rice farm equipment, such as tillers, tractors, seeders, threshers, rice planters, harvesters, irrigation pumps, small solar irrigation, reapers, driers,rice mills and the like, for purposes of improving farm mechanization; Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – the Rice Fund shall be allocated and disbursed to rice producing areas, as follows:… b. Rice Seed Development, Propagation and Promotion – 30% of the Rice Fund shall be released to and implemented by PhilRice and shall be used for the development, propagation and promotion of inbred rice seeds to rice farmers and the organizations of rice farmers into seed growers associations and/or cooperatives engaged in seed production and trade. c. Expanded Rice Credit Assistance – Ten percent (10%) of the Rice Fund shall be made available in the form of credit facility with minimal interest rates and with minimum collateral requirements to rice farmers and cooperatives, to be managed equally by the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP); and Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – the Rice Fund shall be allocated and disbursed to rice producing areas, as follows:… d. Rice Extension Services – 10% of the Rice Fund shall be made available for the extension services provided by PhilMech, PhilRice and ATI and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for teaching skills on rice crop production, modern rice farming techniques, seed production, farm mechanization, and knowledge/technology transfer through farm schools nationwide as follows: 70% to TESDA, 10% each to ATI, PhilRice and PhilMech. Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – The Secretary of Agriculture shall be accountable and responsible for the Rice Fund in coordination with other government agencies concerned; – Provided that the percentage allocation will be reviewed on the 3rd year of the effectivity of this Act for possible revisions should intervention change; – At the end of the sixth (6th) year, a mandatory review shall be conducted by the COCAFM to determine whether the Rice Fund and its use as provided for under this Act shall be continued, amended, or terminated. Increase or decrease in farmers’ incomes as a primary benchmark in determining the effectiveness of the interventions under the program and its possible extension. Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 13 - RICE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND (RCEF) – Provided furthermore that if the annual tariff revenues from rice importation exceeds 10B in any given year within 6-year period following the effectivity of this act, the excess tariff revenues shall be earmarked by Congress and included in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of the following year: a) Rice Farmer Financial Assistance b) Titling of Agricultural Rice Lands c) Expanded Crop Insurance Program on Rice d) Crop Diversification Program Highlights of RA 11203 A. Rice Farmer Financial Assistance – A portion of the excess rice tariff revenues shall be released to the DA and shall be used for providing direct financial assistance to rice farmers who are farming two (2) hectares and below regardless of whether they continue farming rice or not as compensation for the projected reduction or loss of farm income arising from the tariffication of the quantitative import restrictions on rice; B. Titling of Agricultural Rice Lands – A portion of the excess rice tariff revenues shall be released to the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Land Registration Authority (LRA), and shall be used for the subdivision and titling of agricultural rice lands or parts thereof awarded to farmer-beneficiaries under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and other similar programs of the government; Highlights of RA 11203 C. Expanded Crop Insurance Program on Rice – A portion of the excess tariff revenues shall be released to the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) and shall be used for the provision of crop insurance to qualified rice farmer-beneficiaries under its existing agricultural insurance programs; and D. Crop Diversification Program – A portion of the excess tariff revenues shall be released to the DA and shall be used for productivity- enhancement programs for rice farmers seeking to diversify production towards other crops. Highlights of RA 11203 • Section 14– Beneficiaries of the Rice Fund – The beneficiaries of the rice fund shall be those farmers and farmworkers and their dependents listed listed in the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) and rice cooperatives and associations accredited by DA. – The DA, in consultation with farmers’ cooperatives and organizations and LGUs, shall validate and update the masterlist of eligible beneficiaries to ensure those listed are legitimate farmers, farmworkers and rice cooperatives and associations. Thank your very much! #farmersmyheroes