Hermizan Halihanafiah
• 12 pairs are:-
– Olfactory nerve (I)
– Optic nerve (II)
– Oculomotor nerve (III)
– Trochlear nerve (IV)
– Trigeminal nerve (V)
– Abducens nerve (VI)
– Facial nerve (VII)
– Vestibulocohlear nerve (VIII)
– Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
– Vagus nerve (X)
– Accessory nerve (XI)
– Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Olfactory Nerve (I)
• Sensory nerve
• Contain axons that
conduct impulses for
olfaction, the sense of
• The olfactory
epithelium occupies the
superior part of the
nasal cavity, covering
the inferior surface of
the cribriform plate and
extending down along
the superior nasal
conchae. Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Olfactory Nerve (I)
• The olfactory receptors
within the olfactory
epithelium are bipolar
• Each has a single odor
sensitive dendrite projecting
from one side of the cell body
and an unmylinated axons
extending from the other
• Bundle of axons of olfactory
receptors extend through
about 20 olfactory foramina
in the cribriform plate of the
ethmoid bone. Hermizan Halihanafiah
Olfactory Nerve (I)
• Olfactory nerves end in the brain in paired masses of
gray matter called the olfactory bulbs. Two extensions
of the brain that rest on the cribriform plate.
• Within the olfactory bulbs, the axon terminals of
olfactory receptor form synapses with the dendrite and
cell bodies of the next neurons in the olfactory
• The axons of these neuron make up the olfactory tract,
which extend posteriorly from the olfactory bulbs.
• Axons in the olfactory tract end in the primary olfactory
area in the temporal lobe of the temporal cerebral
cortex. Hermizan Halihanafiah
Optic Nerve (II)
• Sensory nerve
• Contains axons that conduct nerve impulses for
• In the retina, rods and cones initiate visual signals
and relay them to bipolar cells, which transmit the
signals to ganglion cells.
• Axons of all ganglion cells in the retina of each eye
join to form an optic nerve, which pass through the
optic foramen.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Optic Nerve (II)
• Posterior to the eyeball, the two optic nerves merge
to form the optic chiasm.
• Within the chiasm, axons from the medial half of
each eye cross to the opposite side, axons from the
lateral half is remain on the same side.
• Posterior to the chiasm, the regrouped axons, some
from each eye, form the optic tracts.
• Most axons in the optic tracts end in the lateral
geniculate nucleus of the thalamus.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Optic Nerve (II)
• There, they synapse with neuron whose axons
extend to the primary visual area in the occipital lobe
of the cerebral cortex.
• A few axons pass through the optic chiasm and then
extend to the superior colliculi of the midbrain.
• They synapse with motor neurons that control the
extrinsic (move the eyeball) and intrinsic eye
muscles (control light intensity).
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Oculomotor Nerve (III)
• Motor nerve
• Oculomotor nerve extends anteriorly and divides into
superior and inferior branches, both of which pass
through the superior orbital fissure into the orbit.
• Axons in the superior branch innervate the superior
rectus (extrinsic eyeball muscle) and the levator
palpebrae superioris (muscles of upper eyelid).
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Oculomotor Nerve (III)
• Axons in the inferior branch supply the medial rectus,
inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles (all
extrinsic eyeball muscles).
• Theses somatic motor neurons control movements of
the eyeball and upper eyelid.
• The inferior branch of the oculomtor nerve also
provides parasympathetic innervation to intrinsic
eyeball muscles, which are smooth muscles.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Oculomotor Nerve (III)
• They include the ciliary muscles of the eyeball and the
circular muscles (sphincter pupillae) of the iris.
• Parasympatethic impulses propagate from oculomotor
nucleus in the midbrain to the ciliary ganglion, a relay
centre of the autonomic nervous system.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Oculomotor Nerve (III)
• Proprioceptive sensory axons from the extrinsic
eyeball muscles begin their course towards the brain
in the oculomotor nerve but eventually leave the
nerve to join ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve.
• They do not return to the brain in the oculomotor
• The cell bodies of the sensory axons reside in the
trigeminal ganglion, and they enter the midbrain via
trigeminal nerve.
• These axons convey nerve impulses for
proprioception, the nonvisual perception of the
movements and position of the body, from extrinsic
eyeball muscles. Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trochlear Nerve (IV)
• Motor nerve
• Smallest cranial nerve
• Arises from posterior part of the brainstem.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trochlear Nerve (IV)
• The motor neurons originate in the trochlear nucleus
in the midbrain, and axons from the nucleus pass
through the superior orbital fissure of orbit.
• These somatic motor axons innervate the superior
oblique muscles of the eyeball. (extrinsic eyeball
muscle that control movement of the eyeball)
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trochlear Nerve (IV)
• Like those of the oculomotor nerve, these axons
convey nerve impulses for proprioception, the
nonvisual perception of the movements and position
of the body, from extrinsic eyeball muscles.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Mixed nerve
• Largest cranial nerve
• 2 roots from
venterolateral of the
• Have large sensory
root and small motor
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Large sensory root
– Has swelling part –
trigeminal ganglion
– Trigeminal ganglion
located in the fossa inner
surface of petrous
– The trigeminal ganglion
contain cell bodies of
most of the primary
sensory neurons.
• Small motor root
– Originate from nucleus in
Hermizan Halihanafiah
the pons
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Consists 3
– Ophtalmic
– Maxillary
– Mandibular
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Ophthalmic Branch
– Smallest branches of T.N
– Enter orbit through superior orbital fissure
– Contain sensory axon from; (1) skin over upper
eyelid, (2) eyeball, (3) lacrimal gland, (4) upper part
of nasal cavity, (5)side of the nose, forehead,
anterior half of the scalp.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Maxillary Branch
– Intermediate in size
– Enter the foramen rotundum of sphenoid
– Contain sensory axon from; (1)mucosa layer of the
nose, (2) palate, (3) part of the pharynx, (4) upper
teeth, (5) upper lips, (6) lower eyelid.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Mandibular Branch
– Largest T.N
– Exits through the foramen ovale of sphenoid
– Contain sensory axons from : (1) anterior 2/3 tongue,
(2) cheek and mucosa deep into it, (3) lower teeth, (4)
skin over the mandible and side of the head anterior
to the ear, (5) mucosa of the floor of the mouth.
• The sensory axons from 3 branches enter the
trigeminal ganglion and terminate in the nuclei in the
• The trigeminal nerve also contain sensory fiber from
proprioceptors located in the muscles of the
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
• Somatic motor axons of the trigeminal nerve are part of
the mandibular nerve and supply muscles of
• Masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid,
anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid and tensor
• Important control chewing movements.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Abducens Nerve (VI)
• Motor nerve
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Abducens Nerve (VI)
• Somatic motor axons
extend from the nucleus to
the lateral rectus muscle of
the eyeball, through the
superior orbital fissure of
the orbit.
• Nerve impulses cause
abduction of the eyeball
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Abducens Nerve (VI)
• Proprioceptive sensory axons from the lateral rectus
muscle begin their course toward the brain in the
abducens nerve but eventually leave the nerve to
join ophtalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve.
• They do not return to the brain in the abducens
• The cells body of sensory neurons reside in the
trigeminal ganglion, and they enter the midbrain via
trigeminal nerve.
• These axons convey nerve impulses for
proprioception, the nonvisual perception of the
movements and position of the body, fro extrinsic
eyeball muscles.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Facial Nerve (VII)
• Mixed nerve
• Sensory axons extend from the taste buds of the
tongue (anterior 2/3) through the geniculate ganglion
(a cluster of cell bodies of sensory neuron that lies
beside facial nerve, and end in the pons)
• Sensory portion of the facial nerve also contain axons
from proprioceprors in muscles of the face and scalp
and from skin in the ear canal.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Facial Nerve (VII)
• Axons of somatic motor
neurons arise from nucleus in
the pons, pass through petrous
portion of temporal and
innervate facial, scalp and neck
• Innervations this axons cause
contraction of facial
expression muscles, plus
stylohyoid, posteriorbelly of
digastric, and stapedius in the
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• Axons of parasymapthetic
neuron that are part of the
facial nerve end in 2
parasymapthetic ganglia;
pterygopalatine and
submandibular ganglion.
• From this 2 ganglia, other
parasympathic axons
extends to the lacrimal
gland, nasal gland, palatine
gland, sublingual and
submandibular gland.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII)
• Acoustic @ Auditory nerve
• Sensory nerve
• Has 2 branches; vestibular
and cochlear branches.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII)
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII)
• Vestibular branch
– Carry impulses fro equibilirium
– Sensory axons in the vestibular branch arise from semicircular
canals, the saccule, and the utricle of the inner ear.
– Then extend to the vestibular ganglion, where the cell bodies
are located.
– And end in the vestibular nuclei in the medulla oblongata.
– Some sensory axons enter the cerebellum via the inferior
cerebellar peduncle.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• Cochlear Branch
– Carry impulses for hearing
– Sensory axons in the cochlear branch arise in the spiral
organ (Organ of Corti) in the cochlea of the inner ear.
– The cell bodies of cochlear branch sensory neurons are
located in the spiral ganglion of the cochlea.
– From there axons extend to cochlear nuclei in the
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)
• Mix nerve
• Sensory axons of GN arise from :
– Taste buds and somatic sensory receptor on the
posterior 1/3 of tongue
– Proprioceptors in swallowing muscles supply
by motor portion
– Baroreceptors in the carotid sinus
– Chemoreseptor in the carotid body
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)
• The cell bodies of these sensory neurons are
located in the superior and inferior ganglia.
• From these ganglia, sensory axons pass through
the jugular foramen and end in the medulla
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• Axons of motor neurons in GN arise in nuclei of the
MO and exit the skull through the jugular foramen.
• Somatic motor neuron innervate the stylopharyngeus
muscle and autonomic motor neurons
(parasympathetic) stimulate the parotid gland to
secrete saliva.
• Some of the sell bodies of parasymapthetic motor
neuron are located in the otic ganglion.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Vagus Nerve (X)
• Mixed nerve
• Sensory axon arise from:
– Skin of the external ear
– A few taste bud in the epiglottis and pharynx
– Proprioceptors in muscles of the neck and throat
– Baroreceptor in the arch of aorta
– Chemoreceptor in the aortic bodies
– Visceral sensory receptors in the most organs of thoracic and
abdominal cavities.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• These axons pass
through the jugular
foramen and end in
the MO and pons
• The somatic motor
neurons, arise from
nuclei in the MO
and supply muscle
of the pharynx,
larynx, and soft
palate that used in
swallowing and
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• Axons autonomic motor neuron (parasympathetic) in
the vagus nerve originate in nuclei of MO and end in
the lungs and heart.
• Vagal parasympathetic axons also supply gland of GIT
and smooth muscles of respiratory tract, esophagus,
stomach, gallbladder, small intestine and most of the
large intestine.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Accessory Nerve (XI)
• Motor nerve
• Motor axons arise in the anterior gray of the 1st 5
segments of the cervical portion of the spinal cord.
• The axons from the segment exit the spinal cord
laterally and come together, pass through the foramen
magnum and exit through the jugular foramen along
with the vagus nerve.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• The AN convey motor impulses to the
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles to
coordinate head movement.
• Sesnory axons in the AN originate from proprioceptors
in the muscles supplied by its motor neurons begins
their course toward the brain in the AN but eventually
leave the nerve and to join the cervical plexus.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• From cervical plexus, they enetr the spinal cord via the
posterior root of the cervical spinal nerve to pass to
and end in the MO.
• The sensory axon do not return to the barin in the AN
and, like all sensory axon, have their cell bodies in
posterior root ganglion.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Hypoglossal Nerve (XII)
• Motor nerve
• Somatic motor axons originate in the hypoglossal
nuclei in the MO, pass through the hypoglossal canal,
and supply the muscles of the tongue.
• These axons conduct impulses for speech and
Hermizan Halihanafiah
• Sensory axons that originate from proprioceptors in
the tongue muscles begin their course towards the
brain in the hypoglossal nerve.
• They leave the nerve and join cervical spinal nerve and
end in the MO, again entering the CNC via posterior
root of cervical spinal nerve.
• The sensory axons do not return to the brain in the
hypoglossal nerve.
Hermizan Halihanafiah
Nice To Know!!!
• Who can read this???
• fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I
was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs taht menas you
are nromal.
Hermizan Halihanafiah