Mathew Arnold As A Critic
Mathew Arnold As A Critic
Mathew Arnold As A Critic
Assistant professor
Institute of English language & Literature,
University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Mathew Arnold As A Critic
Mathew Arnold As A Critic
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), the eminent, prose, poet
and most influential force among the Victorians, was 'the
first modern critic' and could be called 'the critic's critic',
being a champion not only of great poetry, but of literary
The purpose of literary criticism, in his view, was 'to
know the best that is known and thought in the world, and
by in its turn making this known, to create a current of
true and fresh ideas‘.
In the time of Arnold uses the term ‘criticism’ it has a
wider application upon society, religion, politics and life
in general.
Mathew Arnold As A Critic