01.nursing Foundation
01.nursing Foundation
01.nursing Foundation
practice of nursing.
During this time beliefs, about the cause of disease were embedded
in superstition and magic and thus treatment often involved
magical cures.
In 460 BC Hippocrates born and credited with being the Father of medicine.
She saw nursing as a separate profession from the church, yet she
began her career as the result of the spiritual experience.
The religious people were also providing care for the sick or
The Dejasmatch Balcha Hospital was established in 1948 under the agreement
with Soviet Red Cross.
The Princes Tsehai memorial Hospital was opened in 1951, to now known as
Army Hospital.
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Ethiopian Nurses
Princess Tsehai was the first graduated national nurse from Ormand street
hospital in London.
In 1948 the Ethiopian Red cross nursing school established by his Imperial
majesty in the private Hospital Bet-Saida which later changed to Halesilassie I
Then during the Derg regime, this hospital is changed its name to Yekatit 12
hospital,which still exists.
In March 1953, the first eight nurses from Ethiopian Red Cross of nursing and
nine from Empress Zewditu memorial hospital were graduated.
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female nurses.
In 1959 the post basic training started at princess Tsehai memorial hospital for
midwifery nursing and four nurses graduated in 1960.
In 1954 the Gonder Health College and training center opened and gave training
to community nurses.
3 Value, beliefs and Ethics are not Prominent Value beliefs, and Ethics are integral
features of preparation part of preparation
The global propositions that state the relations between and among the
1. Human being/person
2. Environment
3. Health
4. Nursing
Assumptions-truth that represents the value and beliefs of the theory and
conceptual framework.
Quality practice
into parts & the working together of these parts into systems
The whole system is always greater than the sum of its part.
1. Self care theory: postulates that self care & the self care dependents are learned
behaviors that individuals initiate & perform on their own behalf to maintain life,
2. Self care deficit theory: asserts that people benefit from nursing b.c they have health
3. Nursing system theory: postulates that nursing systems form when nurses prescribe,
design, & provide nursing that regulates the individual’s self care capabilities and
The role of nurse becomes facilitator, educator where the client can
perform self care activities but, does not do so without assistance.
3. Comitment to education
4. Autonomy
E.g-providing safe care and maintaining competence in
nursing practice.
Fidelity means not only keeping commitment but also
must be made.
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Ethical Dilemma…cont’d
Situation that requires an individual to make a choice between two
Make decision
use of restraints,
end-of-life concerns
Common law
each other.
There are two types of law: Public Law and Private Law.
Public Law: refers to the body of law that deals with relationship between
against the safety and welfare of the public. E.gs. Homicide, manslaughter, and
Tort law: defines and enforces the duties and rights among private individuals
Refers “to the negligent acts of persons engaged in
informed consent.
To give consent the person must be competent and an adult.
The legal issues arising from assault and battery are usually based on
or verbally (slander).
discussing clients, families, or visitors in public areas; or
foundation of Nursing I
72 negatively about coworkers (Zerwekh & Claborn, 1997).
Legal Liability in Nursing Cont’d.
Controlled substances
The improper use of controlled substances may lead to