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책 리뷰 및 요약과 질문-이

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The War that Saved My Life

Chapter 4-6
20103 Kim Joon Hyung 20110 Yoo Hyun Jae
20111 Lee Jae Hyung 20123 Shin Yu Chae
‘scuttling’ used in the
sense of ‘giving up’ >

- to give up on sth

- to run hurriedly in quick short steps

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

Chapter 6:She scuttled away, and went off

with someone else’s brother.

scuttling crab >

- a large undulating mass of something, usually curtain, cloud, smoke, stream.

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

Chapter 6: Her hair billowed around her face like a fizzy yellow cloud.
- hardened skin

(from repeated friction, pressure)

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

- not to be confused with ‘callous’

Chapter 5: The dirty calluses on my knees
stood out beneath my faded skirt, which
*callous = atrocious, cold-blooded suddenly seemed grubbly and too small.
-a sharp, angry reply

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

Chapter 5: “My bit don’t extend to a pack

of dirty street rats,” an old man
Which sentence this word is mentioned?

rampant Chapter 5: The house sat pushed back from the

trees, in a small pool of sunlight, but vines snaked
up the red brick chimney and bushes ran
rampant around the windows.
-unrestrained in action or

ex) rumors are rampant

disease is rampant


“God, Karen, you’re so stupid.”

-Mean Girls

-not showing due(deserved) respect for

Which sentence this word is mentioned?
another person

Chapter 6: “Don’t be impudent,” the iron

woman scolded.
Which sentence this word is mentioned?

billet Chapter 6: “Plus, I’m the billeting officer.

It’s not for her to decide.”

-(soldiers) lodge(=stay) in a particular

place, especially in a civilian’s house
-chiefly British, an apartment or floor

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

Chapter 5: At home our flat shared the one

down the hall.
-greatly dismay or horrify.

ex) an appalling crime

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

Chapter 5: I started into this one, appalled.

Which sentence this word is mentioned?

mesmerize Chapter 4: ~ floating into air toward the blue,

blue sky. I started, mesmerized.

-capture the complete attention of

Discussion 1
Do you think that the consequences of Ada and Jamie not
being chosen have a meaningful connection to disability
and appearance? Also, what do you think is a desirable way
to judge people?
Our Answer
In the book, Ada and almost all the children are commonly seen as dirty, and are
stigmatized as potentially nefarious. But while everyone else was chosen and taken
home, only Ada was left hanging, with no volunteers to take her.

Even Jamie was picked by an old woman, but Ada managed to drive her off by
making slanders about his characters–that he’s a kleptomaniac*, and that he bites.

So, she’s basically the only person left out, but why her?

I think it’s because she has a club foot.

Our Answer
Although she is wearing shoes, the way that she is standing must look awkward, and difficult compared to

Congenital skeletal malformation, especially in feet, leads to uneven distribution of body weight to both
knees and legs and it’s not strange that there will be telltale signs that indicate it - slouched body, for

Then how exactly are we supposed to judge people? This is a matter of much contention and usually the
decision is entirely entitled to individuals. But our opinion is that we should abstain from making any
‘subjective’ judgements about a person and most importantly, remarks that ‘generalizes’ the person’s

Generalization of human behaviors is an act of framing, and of utter stupidity. Human beings are

An act of altruism, favor or even a seemingly spiteful act can never be described as happening because
that person is like ‘that’
Discussion 2
Why did Ada's mother let Ada be socially secluded?
Our Answer
I think the reason Ada's mother socially secluded Ada was to prevent Ada from
becoming independent. The mother, who hated Ada's very existence so much
that she banned Ada from looking out the window, thinks Ada is a mistake in
her life. So it seems that her mother locked up Ada thinking that if she acquired
knowledge of the society and the vast world beyond, she go out of the house with
a renewed sense of herself as an independent being and eventually run the risk
of letting her disability shown to people, thus tainting her(the mother’s) fame, if
Thank You

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