Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Faculty of Informatics
Department of Computer Science
Chapter 4
What Is Routing?
A default route is actually a special static route that uses this format:
it has to be dynamic
has to do load balancing for better performance (the best
route is not always the best)
has to support routing based on type of service
support for hierarchical systems - routers are not
expected to know the entire topology
introduce security so that spoofing routers by sending
false routing information is avoided
uses link state routing algorithm (dynamic)
replaced distance vector routing in ARPANET
since distance vector routing does not consider
bandwidth (no need initially since all lines were 56 Kbps;
later some lines were upgraded) and other metrics
• Another classification of routing
protocols is interior and exterior
since an internet can be large, one routing protocol
cannot handle the task of updating the routing tables of
all routers
hence, an internet is divided into autonomous systems
an autonomous system (AS) is a group of networks
and routers under the authority of a single administration
routing inside an autonomous system is referred to as
interior routing; each AS can choose its own routing
routing between autonomous systems is referred to as
exterior routing; one protocol is usually chosen to
handle routing between autonomous systems; usually
used for routing in the Internet
R1, R2, R3, and R4 use both interior and exterior routing
the rest use only interior routing protocols
solid lines - communication between routers
broken lines - communication between the routers that use an
exterior routing protocol
why an exterior routing protocol apart from size of an
internet? - politics
political - I hate country X hence I will not handle its
security - my information is confidential and should not
pass through a hostile country
it should not pass through a competitor’s network
I am not paid for it and hence don’t want to carry a
transit packet
such policies are typically manually configured into each
router and are not part of the protocol itself
• Interior and Exterior routing protocols
are more commonly referred to as
Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) and
Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP).
• For the most part, the network
administrator is concerned with IGP
protocols. RIP and OSPF are the two
most implemented IGPs.
• BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is
distance vector exterior routing protocol.