Wave Optics - Satyam Singh
Wave Optics - Satyam Singh
Wave Optics - Satyam Singh
Laws of Reflection at a Plane Surface (On
Huygens’ Principle):
Laws of Reflection at a Plane Surface
(On Huygens’ Principle):
Behaviour of a Plane Wavefront in a Concave Mirror,
Convex Mirror, Convex Lens, Concave Lens and Prism:
▪ Coherent Sources:
▪ Coherent Sources of light are those sources of light which emit light waves
of same wavelength, same frequency and in same phase or having
constant phase difference.
▪ Coherent sources can be produced by two methods:
1. By division of wavefront (Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Fresnel’s Biprism and
Lloyd’s Mirror)
2. By division of amplitude (Partial reflection or refraction)
Interference Of Wave-
▪ The phenomenon of one wave interfering with another and the
resulting redistribution of energy in the space around the two sources of
disturbance is called interference of waves.
Young’s Double Slit Experiment:
Diffraction of light: