Wave Optics - Satyam Singh

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Why Do We Study Wave Optics?

Newton couldn't explain

o Interference of Light
o Polarisation of Light
o Diffraction of Light
In 1850 it was
experimentally concluded
by "Focault" that-
Speed of light is

Air > Water

Huygen's Principal

1. Each point on a wavefront acts as a fresh source of disturbance of light.

2. The new wavefront at any time later is obtained by taking the forward envelope
of all the secondary wavelets at that time.

▪ Note: Backward wavefront is rejected. Why?

▪ Amplitude of secondary wavelet is proportional to ½ (1+cosθ). Obviously, for

the backward wavelet θ = 180° and (1+cosθ) is 0.
▪ A wavelet is the point of disturbance due to propagation of light.
▪ A wavefront is the locus of points (wavelets) having the same phase
of oscillations.
▪ A line perpendicular to a wavefront is called a ‘ray’.


 Laws of Reflection at a Plane Surface (On
Huygens’ Principle):
 Laws of Reflection at a Plane Surface
(On Huygens’ Principle):
 Behaviour of a Plane Wavefront in a Concave Mirror,
Convex Mirror, Convex Lens, Concave Lens and Prism:
▪ Coherent Sources:
▪ Coherent Sources of light are those sources of light which emit light waves
of same wavelength, same frequency and in same phase or having
constant phase difference.
▪ Coherent sources can be produced by two methods:
1. By division of wavefront (Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Fresnel’s Biprism and
Lloyd’s Mirror)
2. By division of amplitude (Partial reflection or refraction)
 Interference Of Wave-
▪ The phenomenon of one wave interfering with another and the
resulting redistribution of energy in the space around the two sources of
disturbance is called interference of waves.
Young’s Double Slit Experiment:
 Diffraction of light:

▪ The phenomenon of bending of light around the corners and the

encroachment of light within the geometrical shadow of the
opaque obstacles is called diffraction
1. Diffraction of light at a single slit:

▪ The wavelets from the

single wavefront reach the
centre O on the screen in
same phase and hence
interfere constructively to
give Central or Primary
Maximum (Bright fringe).
2. At an angle of diffraction θ = θ1:
3. At an angle of diffraction θ = θ2:
4. At an angle of diffraction θ = θ1’:
5. Diffraction at various angles:
 Fresnel’s Distance:
 Polarisation of Transverse Mechanical Waves:
 Polarisation of Light Waves:

▪ In natural light, millions of

transverse vibrations occur in all
the directions perpendicular to
the direction of propagation of
wave. But for convenience, we
can assume the rectangular
components of the vibrations
with one component lying on
the plane of the diagram and the
other perpendicular to the plane
of the diagram.
 Malus’ Law:

▪ When a beam of plane polarised light is incident on an analyser,

the intensity I of light transmitted from the analyser varies
directly as the square of the cosine of the angle θ between the
planes of transmission of analyser and polariser.
I α cos2 θ
 Polarisation by Reflection and Brewster’s Law:

▪ The incident light wave is made of

parallel vibrations (π – components) on
the plane of incidence and perpendicular
vibrations (σ – components :
perpendicular to plane of incidence).
▪ At a particular angle θP, the parallel
components completely refracted
whereas the perpendicular components
partially get refracted and partially get
▪ i.e. the reflected components are all in
perpendicular plane of vibration and
hence plane polarised.
▪ The intensity of transmitted light
through the medium is greater than
that of plane polarised (reflected) light.
The end

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