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Development Length - Part 1

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Bar Development ,

Anchorage, and Splicing of

Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
A. Concept of Bond Stress and Rebar Anchorage
Internal Forces in a beam
Forces developed in the beam by loading.
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
Sources of Bond Transfer
(1) Adhesion between concrete & reinforcement.
(2) Friction
Note: These properties are quickly lost for tension.
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
(3)Mechanical Interlock.
The edge stress concentration causes
cracking to occur.
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
(3) Mechanical Interlock (cont).
Force interaction between the steel and concrete.
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements

Splitting cracks result in loss of bond transfer.

Reinforcement can be used to restrain these
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
Splitting Load is Affected by:
1. Minimum edge distance and spacing of bars
( smaller distance = smaller load )
Tensile strength of concrete.
Average bond stress along bar. ( Increase in
bond stress larger wedging forces. )
Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar
Cutoffs, and Continuity Requirements
Typical Splitting Failure Surfaces.
Reinforcement Development Lengths

B. ACI Code expression for development length for

bars in tension/in compression.
Development Length, ld
Shortest length of bar in which the bar stress can
increase from zero to the yield strength, f y.
( ld used since bond stresses, m, vary along a bar in
a tension zone)
SI units Development length, ld 300 mmACI 12.2.1
fc 68 Mpa for Ch. 12 provisions for development length in ACI Codes .
Development Length for Bars in Tension
Development length, ld ACI 12.2.3
MPa units

 c  K ct 
where,    2.5
 db 
2.5 limit to
safeguard against
pullout type failure.
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
Yt = reinforcement location factor where yt ye < 1.7

Horizontal reinforcement so placed that

more than 300 mm of fresh concrete is 1.3
cast in the member below the
development length or splice
Other reinforcement 1.0
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
ye = coating factor (epoxy prevents adhesion &
friction between bar and concrete.)

Epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover less 1.5

than 3db or clear spacing less than 6db
All other epoxy-coated bars or wires 1.2

Uncoated reinforcement 1.0

where yt ye < 1.7

Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
ys = reinforcement size factor (Reflects more favorable
performance of smaller f bars)

No.19M and smaller bars and deformed wire 0.8

No. 22M and larger bars 1.0
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
l = lightweight aggregate concrete factor (Reflects
lower tensile strength of lightweight concrete, &
resulting reduction in splitting resistance.)

When lightweight aggregate concrete is used. 1.3

However, when fct is specified, shall be 1.0
permitted to be taken as f c 1.8 f ct but not
less than
When normal weight concrete is used 1.0
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
c = spacing or cover dimension.
Use the smaller of either
(a) the distance from the center of the bar or wire to
the nearest concrete surface.
(b) one-half the center-to-center spacing of the bar or
wires being developed.
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)

Ktr = transverse reinforcement index (Represents the

contribution of confining reinforcement
across potential splitting planes.)

Atr f yt
K tr 
10* s * n
The transverse reinforcement is the development
length in a column.
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
Atr = Total cross-section area of all transverse
reinforcement within the spacing s, which
crosses the potential plane of splitting along
the reinforcement being developed with in the
development length, mm2.
fyt = Specified yield strength of transverse
reinforcement, MPa.
Factors used in expressions for
Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)
s = maximum center-to-center spacing of
transverse reinforcement within ld.
n = number of bars or wires being developed
along the plane of splitting.

Note: It is permitted to use Ktr = 0 as a design

simplification even if transverse reinforcement
is present.
Excess Flexural Reinforcement
Reduction (ACI 12.2.5)
Reduction = (As req’d ) / (As provided )
- Except as required for seismic design (see ACI
- Good practice to ignore this provision, since use
of structure may change over time.
- final ld  300 mm. Mu
M n req'd  
Reduction  
M n provided M n provided
Development Length for Bars in
Compression (ACI 12.3)
Compression development length,
ldc = ldbc * applicable reduction factors 200 mm.
Basic Development Length for Compression, ldbc
  0.02 d f 
 0.24 d b f y  b y
( psi ) 
  
ldbc  larger of  f c f 
 c 

 0.044 d b f y  0.0003 db f y ( psi ) 

Development Length for Bars in
Compression (ACI 12.3)
Reduction Factors (ACI 12.3.3)
- Excessive Reinforcement Factor
= A(s req’d ) / A(s provided)
- Spiral: If reinforcement is enclosed with spiral
 6 mm. diameter and
100mm  pitch. Factor = 0.75
- Ties: within No. 13M ties according to 7.10.5
and spaced  100 mm. on center. Factor = 0.75
Example - Development
For the cross section of a simply
supported beam reinforced with
4 #25M bars that are confined

500 mm

560 mm
with #13M stirrup spaced at 150
mm. Determine the development
length of the bars if the beam is 4 #25M

made of normal weight concrete

fc = 20 MPa and fy= 420 MPa 60 mm
300 mm
60 mm
Example - Development
Check if conditions for spacing and concrete
cover are met:
For #25M bars, db = 25.4 mm.
Clear cover = 60 mm – 12.7 mm= 47.3mm > db
Clear spacing b  2*cover   n  1 d b
between bars  spaces
300mm.  2  40+12.7   3  25.4 in.

 39.4mm  d b
Example - Development
Bars are confined with #10M stirrups. The conditions
are met.
ld  t e f y
 (for bars > #22M)
d b 1.7 f c

Determine the factors;t = 1.0 (bottom bars), e =1.0

(no coating) and l = 1.0 (normal weight concrete) and
f c  4.47 MPa < 8.4 MPa
Example - Development
ld 1.0 1.0  420
  55.2
db 1.7(1) 20

So ld = 55.2(25.4 in.) = 1402mm. 1410mm. Using

the more general formula Ktr = 0.0

ld  9   f y   t s e
   
d b  10    f c   c  K tr 
 
 db 
Example - Development
t = e = s = l = 1.0. Also

smaller of distance from center of bar to the nearest

cb= concrete surface c or one-half the center-to-center
of bars spacing c2

c1  60 mm.  b  2*cover 
c2  0.5  
 spaces 
c = 30 mm. controls  300 mm.  120 mm. 
 0.5    30 mm.
 3 
Example - Development
 c  K tr 
If   < 1.5 use 1.5. 30/25.4 = 1.18 1.5
 db  l  9   fy    
    t s e
d b  10    f c   c  K tr 
 
 d b 
ld  9   420  1.0
     56.34
d b  10   1 20  1.5 

So ld = 1431.26 mm. use 1440 mm

Example - Development
If the same beam is made of light
weight aggregate concrete and
the bars are epoxy coated and As

500 mm
required for analysis is 1800

560 mm
mm2 where the provided As
4#25M=2550 mm2 4 #25M

60 mm 60 mm
300 mm
Example - Development
The conditions are met.
ld Rs t e f y
 (for bars > #22M)
d b 1.7 f c
Determine the factors; t = 1.0 (bottom bars), e =1.5
(epoxy coating) and l = 1.3 (lightweight aggregate
concrete) and Rs = (As(req) / As(provided) ) = 1800/2550 = 0.71.
The value of e is 1.5 because the concrete cover is less
than 3db = 76.2 mm.
Example - Development
Check that e t =1.0(1.5) = 1.5 < 1.7

ld 0.711.5 1.0  420

  45.3
db 1.7(1.3) 20

So ld = 45.3(25.4 mm) = 1149.5 mm. 1150 mm.

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