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Presentation On Shelter Belt Saloni Bhandari 23066

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Veer Chandra Singh Garhwal Uttarakhand

University Of Horticulture And Forestry

Bharsaar Pauri

ID NO. : 23066
wind break
Windbreak, trees or shrubs planted in a row to slow and
redirect the wind. Windbreaks may also include fences, earth
berms, walls, and perennial or annual crops and grasses. Such
shelters serve primarily to protect soils, crops, livestock,
wildlife, people, and structures from wind stress and wind
damage, though the extent of these benefits depends on the
composition, orientation, density, size, and location of the
windbreaks. In addition, windbreaks can create habitat for wild
organisms, including pollinators, and can provide shade to
livestock or foster microclimates for the cultivation of certain
crops, among other benefits.
Different types of windbreaks have different purposes and benefits. Field
windbreaks protect crops that are sensitive to wind, helping to lower
mechanical damage and moisture loss from transpiration. They also help
control soil erosion caused by wind and thus protect soil and water quality. In
addition, field windbreaks, especially those that are remnants of wild
landscapes or that are planted with native plants, can increase the crop yields of
insect-pollinated crops by providing habitat for bees and other pollinators.
Moreover, they can increase the effectiveness of irrigation by reducing
evaporation losses and can reduce pesticide drift. Field windbreaks on
organic farms can block pesticide- and herbicide-laden dust from neighbouring
farms, preventing these synthetic agrochemicals from affecting pollinators and
organic plants. In cold climates, field windbreaks can help distribute falling
snow evenly across fields, ensuring that all parts of the field have adequate soil
moisture when the snow melts in the spring.
The orientation of a windbreak should be perpendicular to prevailing winds. If wind
direction is variable, a windbreak with multiple legs can provide better protection than one
with a single orientation. As wind pushes against the windbreak’s windward side (the side
facing the wind), air pressure builds up, and the wind is forced over and around the
windbreak. The taller the trees in the windbreak are, the larger the area on the leeward
side will be that experiences reduced wind speeds. The length of the windbreak
determines the total area on the leeward side that experiences this. In general, the
windbreak should be much longer than its height in order to maximize the protected area.
The density of the trees, shrubs, and other plants in a windbreak is also important. If the
windbreak is so dense that little wind can pass through it, a relatively low-pressure area
can form on the leeward side and pull wind coming over the windbreak downward into the
area that would otherwise be protected. In general, medium-thick densities make for the
best protection on the leeward side. Windbreak density can be increased by planting
multiple rows of trees or shrubs or by planting the trees or shrubs closer together.
Windbreaks can provide visual screening and aesthetic value. They can also
provide additional sources of income for farmers. Depending on the species in
a windbreak, products can include wood, fruits, nuts, fodder, and materials for
crafts. Trees and shrubs must be harvested in a way that preserves the
windbreak and its main function of slowing and redirecting the wind. (See also
coppice and agroforestry.) Given the ecological importance of trees and
shrubs, windbreaks can provide a number of ecosystem services. In addition
to their importance in providing pollinator habitat, windbreaks can increase
landscape connectivity for other wild species and are often a boon to
biodiversity. Networks of windbreaks can help connect fragmented forests and
allow animals to safely move from one area to another. If diverse plant species
are included in windbreaks, there will be food and shelter for a variety of
animals, including migratory birds. Windbreaks also sequester carbon, which
can help mitigate anthropogenic global warming.
Establishment and spacing
Any propagation method is suitable, and for large-scale farms planting of
seedlings raised in nurseries may be the most common. A windbreak should be
planted at right angles to the prevailing wind. It can either consist of a single
line of trees with a spacing of 1.5-2.0 m, or two lines with a spacing of 4-5 m
within the line and 2-4 m between the lines. In addition to one or two lines of
trees, a line of shrubs spaced at approximately 1 m can be planted on the side
facing the prevailing wind.
Spatial arrangement
Windbreaks are lines of trees or shrubs whose main aim is the reduction of wind
speed. Well-designed windbreaks, i.e. ones that are not too dense, not only reduce
wind speed but may also increase humidity and reduce water loss from the soil. The
positive effect of a windbreak is said to be felt up to a distance 20 times the height of
the trees in the windbreak.

Areas where the practice is relevant

Large windbreaks are most relevant in large-scale farming areas since otherwise
they would extend over many small farms thus causing complicated planning and
requiring good co-operation between the farmers. Boundary planting of trees and live
fences is usually sufficient as windbreaks in small-scale farming areas. Larger
windbreaks are mostly seen in the former White Highlands, e.g. Trans Nzoia,
Nakuru, and Uasin Gishu.
Acacia albida, Albizia spp., Anacardium occidentale, Annona senegalensis,
Azadirachta indica, Balanites aegyptiaca, Calliandra calothyrsus,
Calodendrum capense, Cassia siamea, Casuarina spp., Cupressus lusitanica,
Ekebergia capensis, Eriobotrya japonica, Eucalyptus spp., Gliricidia sepium,
Gmelina arborea, Grevillea robusta, Hakea saligna, Juniperus procera,
Macadamia tetraphylla, Mangifera indica, Markhamia lutea, Morus alba,
Olea europaea, Prosopis spp., Prunus africanus, Psidium guajava, Spathodea
campanulata, Syzygium cuminii, Trichilia emetica, Vitex spp., Ziziphus spp.
Shelterbelt is a wide belt of trees, shrubs and grasses, planted in
rows which goes right across the land at right-angle to the direction
of the prevailing winds to deflect air current, to reduce wind velocity
and to give general protection to cultivated areas against wind
erosion and desiccating effect of the hot winds in lee-ward side.
A typical shelterbelt has a triangular cross-section which can be
achieved by planting tall trees in the centre, flanked on both sides
successively by shorter trees, tall shrubs and then low spreading
shrubs and grasses.
A certain amount of penetrability is desirable in shelterbelts as a
result of which the zone of influence is very much greater and the
velocity curve shows a smooth, slowly declining trend.
The width of shelterbelt depends upon local climatic conditions, wind
velocity, and the soil type.
Shelterbelt should be oriented as nearly as possible, at right angles
to the prevailing wind In case, where winds blow from different
directions, shelterbelt should be raised in quadrangles.
Height of shelterbelt is very important
As it affects the distance to which protection will be afforded
on the lee-ward side.
Higher the trees forming the shelterbelt, the greater is the
zone of influence on the leeward side.
This affects the spacing of the shelterbelts also. If wind
erosion has to be completely controlled, the second belt
should be located a little before the place where the wind on
the lee-ward side often first shelterbelt assumes damaging
Taking 20% reduction in wind velocity as the basis of
usefulness of a shelterbelt, effective protection zone extends
up to 15 to 20 times the height of the belt.
In Rajasthan, taking the height of shelterbelt to be about 7.5
m, spacing recommended is 10 times the height, i.e., 75
Soil preparation should be done at least a year in advance to build up
sufficient reserve of soil moisture.
It may be done either mechanically or by manual labour.
Leguminous crops may be raised for the first few years in between the rows of
trees and shrubs for improving the fertility of the soil.
The choice of species to be raised in shelterbelt is governed by the climate,
soil and topography of the area.
It is better to raise local species because of their easy establishment.
Exotics may also be used to improve the efficiency of the shelterbelts.
The species selected should be non-exacting;
Unpalatable to animals;
It should have a dense crown and low branching habit;
It should not be leafless at a time when protection is required;
It should be economically a multipurpose species.

Grasses:- Cenchrus barbatus, Saccharum spontaneum, Saccharum munja,

Panicum turgidum, Panicum antidotale.
Shrubs:- Calotropis procera, Crotolaria burhia, Calligonum polygonoides,
Clerodendron phlomoides, Cassia auriculata, Dodonaea viscosa, Jatropha
curcas, Leptadenia spartivm, Agave spp., Sesbania aculeata.
Small trees:- Acacia jacquemontii, Acacia leucophloea, Balanites
aegyptiaca, Capparis aphylla, Salvadora oleoides.
Trees:- Acacia arabica, Acacia senegal, Acacia cyanophylla, Albizzia
lebbek, Azadirachta indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Lannea coromendelica,
Parkinsonia aculeata, Prosopis cineraria, Prosopis juliflora, Pongamia
pinnata, Tecoma undulata, Tamarix articulatat Eucalyptus spp., Acacia
It is better to sow the seeds in polythene bags and plant out the plants so
For this purpose nurseries should be maintained at site.
The plant should be regularly watered for one or two years.
Properly fenced to protect them from browsing cattle.
Very little research work has been done in our country.
To find out the benefits of the shelter-belts on yields of agricultural crops,
horticultural crops and grasses.
However, on the basis of research work done in CAZRI, TNAU and abroad,
the following advantages of the shelterbelts may be mentioned:
Shelterbelt has a moderating effect on air and soil temperature by lowering
the maximum and raising the minimum.
Temperature during day time inside the forest is lower.
Temperature during night is higher inside the forest than open.

Shelterbelts increase relative humidity from 1 to 50%.

There is distinctly perceptible increase in the average relative humidity in the
agricultural land protected by shelterbelts
Reduction in evapo-transpiration:-

Shelterbelts reduce evapo-transpiration sufficiently in the zone of their influence.


Shelterbelts increase the moisture content of the soil on the leeward side and
delay it’s drying up during summer.
They also increase the underground water supplies by promoting infiltration in
the soil.
Shelterbelts deflect the wind upwards
Cause considerable reduction in the wind velocity on the leeward side upto a
distance of 15 to 20 times the height of the trees forming the shelterbelt.
As there is considerable reduction in the wind velocity on the leeward side of a
shelterbelt, wind erosion is very much reduced.
 Shelterbelts increase production of agricultural and horticultural crops.
Study made in 8 cotton fields in distinctly semi-arid areas of U.S.A. revealed an
increase of 17.4% in cotton yield when protection against hot winds was
provided by shelterbelts.
 Similar increase in crop yields has been reported from Russia where a
shelterbelt of 5 rows increased the oat yield by 25% to 28%.
 Protection of orchards by shelterbelt reduces wind damage and increases
fruit yield.
 Studies revealed that even if 0.4 hectare out of 4 hectare orchard is devoted
to creation of shelterbelt, the remaining protected 3.6 hectare of orchard
yielded about 13.00% more than the unprotected 4 Hectare orchard.
Similarly, the increase in fodder yield is reported to be as high as 300 - 400%.

• The shelterbelts hold up the movement of shifting sand

Save the roads and railway tracks from being covered and otherwise damaged
by moving sand dunes.
• They prevent deposition of silt in canals and agricultural fields.

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