Week 03 PPT DTRA340 Translation (Updated)
Week 03 PPT DTRA340 Translation (Updated)
Week 03 PPT DTRA340 Translation (Updated)
What is a Word?
A word is a single distinct meaningful unit of writing or speech. It can stand alone or with other
words and give meaning, and typically shown with space on either side when written or printed.
Different languages may use different numbers of meaningful units to convey an idea
• English phrase of four words, “If it is cheap,” = one word in Japanese, “yasukattara”, Baker
• Arabic one word “ = “ كتابيtwo words in English “ my book”
Words and Morphemes
Word: may be made up of more than one meaningful unit.
Morpheme: a single meaningful unit; cannot be analyzed further.
• Examples
• “Inconceivable” is one word in English
• “Inconceivable” is made up of three morphemes:
• “in,” meaning “not”
• “conceive,” meaning “think of or imagine”
• “able,” meaning “able to be”
• “Inconceivable,” then, means “not able to be imagined”
The Problem of Non-Equivalence
What is Grammar?
Grammar is a set of rules that dictates how words and phrases are combined in a
given language.
• Grammatical Categories may include time, gender, number, shape , tense and
aspect, voice ,word order, and text.
Singular , Dual (المثنىArabic ) , Plural.
• Masculine or feminine : Nouns and pronouns
• Determiner, adjectives, verbs often agree with the noun.
Distinguishing between first, second, and third person.
Word Order:
• Sequence of functional elements (e.g., subject, predicator, object) is more stable in
some languages than others.
• Some languages use ‘case inflections’ to indicate relationships.
• Languages with frequent use of case inflections allow for greater flexibility in word
Textual Equivalence
Text: “the verbal record of a communicative event,” (Brown & Yule, 1983 as cited
in Baker 2011)
Lexical items and grammatical structures contribute to the meaning of the overall
“communicative event,” the text
Translators must:
• Consider the whole text, both at the beginning and at the end of the translation
• Read the entire text prior to translating sentences and phrases
• Maintain the content and meaning of the overall text
• Make the translation readable for the audience of the target text
Baker, M. (2011). In other words. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN#:
9780415467537 (print), 9780203832929 (e-text).
Thank You