Recent Research About Tarbulent Flow

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Presented by
Mbeka Omayio Erick

1. Introduction
2. Thermo-hydraulic performance evaluation of turbulent
flow and heat transfer in a twisted flat tube
3. Unified Friction Formulation from Laminar to Fully
Rough Turbulent Flow
4. Other Relevant studies, Conclusion and References
Turbulent flow is an undesirable characteristic in
Hydraulic transmission systems caused by
excessive fluid velocity.
Turbulence effects in an hydraulic fluid power
transmission system:

 Friction between the fluid and the conductor walls

causing flow resistance.
 Unwanted pressure drops which directly translate
into energy lost within the system in the form of

Reynold’s number is a common method of calculating

type of flow in a smooth pipe.

Numerous experimental research over the years has

helped investigate Turbulence effects and
mitigatory strategies towards enhancing fluid
power transmission efficiency.
Two of such research works are briefly discussed in
this document.
1. Thermo-hydraulic performance
evaluation of turbulent flow and heat
transfer in a twisted flat tube
Objective of study:
To compare the rate of heat dissipation of
different pipe geometry.
Research Approach:
 Experimental comparison between
three different elliptical cross-sectional
geometry pipes.
 The range of Re number in all
simulations was 5000–20000, and the
flow was in a turbulent regime.
 Heat exchange rate and flow
characteristics of a twisted flat tube
were numerically studied using
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD
1.Thermo-hydraulic performance
evaluation of turbulent flow and heat
transfer in a twisted flat tube
Calculation Tools and Results:
 Two complementary equations
were solved, namely turbulent
kinetic energy (k) and specific
turbulent dissipation rate (ω).
 The thermal efficiency (Eff)
was determined to quantify the
yield of a heat exchange that
containing from
the Nu number and the friction
factor (f)
1.Thermo-hydraulic performance
evaluation of turbulent flow and heat
transfer in a twisted flat tube
 Comparison of the tangential velocity and
temperature contours at a slice inside the
computational domain were made.
 Observations were made that the proposed tube
creates swirling flows, particularly near the outer
 The boundary layer of the wall is disturbed,
which is the primary reason for the augmentation
of tangential velocity in one direction with
 Moreover, this temperature augmentation causes
the average Nu number and friction factor
The study conclusion:
Demonstrated that the temperature dissipation in the
fluid turbulent region, efficiency increases to
70% compared to the smooth tube when these
geometries are used.
2. Unified Friction Formulation
from Laminar to Fully Rough
Turbulent Flow
Objective of study:
To provide a new unified formula for Newtonian
fluids valid for all pipe flow regimes from
laminar to fully rough turbulent flow.
Research Approach:
It involved;
 Use of experimental analysis and Artificial
 Reynolds number Re values was taken
between 0 and 108, while the relative
roughness of the inner pipe surface ε ranged
from 0 to 0.05.
 laminar regime, smooth turbulent regime,
partially turbulent regime and the fully
developed rough turbulent regime were
 ε (Epsilon) is the relative roughness of the inner
pipe surface
2. Unified Friction Formulation
from Laminar to Fully Rough
Turbulent Flow
Calculation Tools and Results:
 Friction factor, served as inputs
for the unified formula.
 The unified formula valid for
all hydraulic cases depends
directly on the switching
 Switching functions provide
for a smooth transition between
different hydraulic regimes.
2. Unified Friction Formulation from
Laminar to Fully Rough Turbulent
 A novel formula (proposed) for all
hydraulic regimes was developed
in order to easily encapsulate
separate formulas for different
hydraulic regimes into one
coherent hydraulic regime.
 The unified flow friction approach
presented here is flexible equations
for a certain hydraulic flow regime
that can be easily altered using
interchangeable formulas for
laminar, smooth turbulent, and
rough turbulent flow in
engineering application.
Other Relevant studies, Conclusion and
Other Studies: References
 Razzaghi, Mohammad Javad Pour, et al. "Thermo-
 Tip region of a hydraulic fracture driven
hydraulic performance evaluation of turbulent flow and
by a laminar-to-turbulent fluid flow heat transfer in a twisted flat tube: A CFD
 The Schur decomposition of the velocity approach." Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 35
(2022): 102107.
gradient tensor for turbulent flows  Brkić, Dejan, and Pavel Praks. "Unified friction
 A review on turbulent flow over rough formulation from laminar to fully rough turbulent
flow." Applied Sciences 8.11 (2018): 2036.
surfaces: Fundamentals and theories  Dontsov, E. V. "Tip region of a hydraulic fracture
Conclusion: driven by a laminar-to-turbulent fluid flow." Journal of
Engineers are concerned with the study of Fluid Mechanics 797 (2016): R2.
 Keylock, Christopher J. "The Schur decomposition of
fluids to predict and control fluid the velocity gradient tensor for turbulent
dynamics with an objective of designing flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848 (2018): 876-
effective solutions in a dynamic world. 905.
 Kadivar, Mohammadreza, David Tormey, and Gerard
Therefore more research is being done to
McGranaghan. "A review on turbulent flow over rough
address the undesirable effects that are surfaces: Fundamentals and theories." International
brought by Turbulent type of fluid flow Journal of Thermofluids 10 (2021): 100077.
to enhance power transmission efficiency
and reduce components damages. ASANTE SANA!

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