Bmc-Block 7,8 & 9

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BLOCK 7,8 &9

B L O K 7 : K E Y A C T I V I T I E S ( A K T I V I T I U TA M A )

• Key Activities vary according to the organization’s Business Model

• In order to establish the Key Activities of your business, it is important that you take a look at the related
components, being able to point out which activities are fundamental to deliver value propositions, to
maintain a good relationship with the customer, to take advantage of the distribution and to generate
revenue streams.
Categories of Key Activities
• Production: covers all actions related to product development, manufacturing, and delivery. It usually
involves significant quantities of a product. This is the preponderant activity in the Business Models
focused on manufacturing
• Problem Solving: it is the core activity of organizations seeking unique solutions to specific problems of
customers. Hospitals, consultancies, and most service providers are good examples. These are enterprises
that involve a lot of knowledge management, as well as a focus on continuous learning and training to
their employee
• Platform/network: Networks, combination platforms, software, and brands can function as platforms.
The company develops the platform and works continuously to keep it running, through platform
management and promotion, in addition to providing services accordingly. Example, Ebay or Foodpanda
E x a m p l e :
B LO K 8 : K E Y PA R T N E R S ( R A K A N U TA M A )

• Key Partners are the relationships that you have with other business, governmental, or non-consumer entities
that help your business model work. These can be the relationships that your company has with your
suppliers, your manufacturers, business partners
4 Types of Partnerships
1. Strategic alliances between non-competitors: This means that you and a company that you have no
direct competition with, industry wise, will partner together in ways that will benefit the both of you.
Example: You can partner with a manufacturer to produce a part of your business product that you
yourself may not be able to manufacture. In return, you have a contract to pay for these parts that your
partner has made you.
2. Co-opetition: This is the strategic partnership between competitors. This one is a little wacky; it means
that companies who may be directly competing will still work together to generate awareness for their
shared industry, in the attempt to gain new users for all those in the industry to compete for. One recent
example is the cooperation between Pfizer and BioNTech to develop and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine
3. Joint Ventures to develop new businesses– This is where two companies combine their technology to
create a new business. For example, Google had a robust internet delivery mechanism, while NASA had a
defense mapping database with images of the planet. Through a joint venture, they created Google Earth.
4. Buyer-supplier relationships: Specifically, building reliable relationships with a buyer or supplier. You
need to incorporate the characteristics of trust, quality, and commitment between the two entities.
• As a food truck in a college town we would cater to students and faculty as one of our main
revenue streams. Therefore, we would have to work closely with the university to be able to get
permission to set up our food truck and sell our food on their campus

1) The store may rely on a bank loan to operate which

makes the bank a key partner and loan a key
2) Merchandise in the store may be bought from a
supplier who provides a line of credit. The supplier
may be a key partner, but they may not be the sole
provider of merchandise
3) A shipper may be a key partner because the store
depends on online customers
• Optimize expenses
• For the small business owner, your key partners are often chosen to optimize expensive capital
resources through their economies of scale.
• A home builder is better served by outsourcing the work of digging the foundation of a home to a dirt-
work contractor. This is because owning their own excavator is not as efficient, based on a lower duty
cycle of the asset.
• Mitigate risk
• Key partners are chosen to mitigate risk and uncertainty by transferring it to a partner who is in a
better position to handle them.
• Unique Resources
• Key partners may be chosen based on their unique set of resources or activities.

When considering key partners, you must consider the following questions:
1. Who are your key partners and who are your suppliers?
2. Which key resources are you acquiring from key partners and suppliers?
3. What key activities do your key partners and suppliers perform?

Fixed costs do not change with the

amount of the product that you
produce and sell, but variable
costs do

Variable costs are directly related to

sales volume. As sales go up, so do
variable costs. As sales go down,
variable costs go down.
Variable costs are the costs of
labour or raw materials because
these items change with sales

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