Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Components and system design for optical fiber communication.
rise-time budget.
Single-Wavelength Fiber-Optic
Networks (FDDI, SONET)
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
A Short History of Optical Telecommunications
Circa 2500 B.C. Earliest known glass
Roman times-glass drawn into fibers
Venice Decorative Flowers made of glass fibers
1609-Galileo uses optical telescope
1626-Snell formulates law of refraction
1668-Newton invents reflection telescope
1840-Samuel Morse Invents Telegraph
1841-Daniel Colladon-Light guiding demonstrated
in water jet
1870-Tyndall observes light guiding in a thin water jet
1873-Maxwell electromagnetic waves
1876-Elisha Gray and Alexander Bell Invent Telephone 1876-Alexander Graham Bell
1877-First Telephone Exchange
1880-Bell invents Photophone
1888-Hertz Confirms EM waves and relation to light
1880-1920 Glass rods used for illumination
1897-Rayleigh analyzes waveguide
1899-Marconi Radio Communication
1902-Marconi invention of radio detector
1910-1940 Vacuum Tubes invented and developed
1930-Lamb experiments with silica fiber 1970 I. Hayashi
Semiconductor Laser
1936-1940 Communication using a waveguide
1876 First commercial Telephone
A Short History- Continued
1951-Heel, Hopkins, Kapany image transmission using fiber
1957-First Endoscope used in patient
1958-Goubau et. al. Experiments with the lens guide
1958-59 Kapany creates optical fiber with cladding
1960-Ted Maiman demonstrates first laser in Ruby
1960-Javan et. al. invents HeNe laser
1962-4 Groups simultaneously make first semiconductor
1961-66 Kao, Snitzer et al conceive of low loss single mode
fiber communications and develop theory
1970-First room temp. CW semiconductor laser-Hayashi &
April 1977-First fiber link with live telephone traffic-
GTE Long Beach 6 Mb/s
May 1977-First Bell system 45 mb/s links
GaAs lasers 850nm Multimode -2dB/km loss
Early 1980s-InGaAsP 1.3 µm Lasers
- 0.5 dB/km, lower dispersion-Single mode
Late 1980s-Single mode transmission at 1.55 µm -0.2
1989-Erbium doped fiber amplifier
1 Q 1996-8 Channel WDM
4th Q 1996-16 Channel WDM
1Q 1998-40 Channel WDM
Bells Photophone
1880 - Photophone Receiver
1880 - Photophone
“The ordinary man…will find a little difficulty in comprehending how sunbeams are to be used. Does Prof. Bell intend to
connect Boston and Cambridge…with a line of sunbeams hung on telegraph posts, and, if so, what diameter are the
sunbeams to be…?…will it be necessary to insulate them against the weather…?…until (the public) sees a man going
through the streets with a coil of No. 12 sunbeams on his shoulder, and suspending them from pole to pole, there will be a
general feeling that there is something about Prof. Bell’s photophone which places a tremendous strain on human credulity.”
New York Times Editorial, 30 August 1880
Increase in Bitrate-Distance product
From: www.caida.org
Traffic Growth and Composition
Approaches to Optical Communication
Lightwave Application Areas
Board-to-Board Optical
Rack -To-Rack
NE7809 Photo
Optical D-F/F 1:N
Preamp Data
Decision DeMux
Preamp Main
Optical interconnects Recovery