Nanomaterial 1234
Nanomaterial 1234
Nanomaterial 1234
Gold nanoparticles selectively accumulate on tumour cells. It helps precise imaging and targeted laser
destruction of the tumour
Nano sized clays are added to products ranging from auto parts to packaging materials to enhance
mechanical, thermal and flame retardant properties.
Nanomaterials exhibit extraordinary catalytic activity, selectivity better than their respective bulk
TiO2 can be used to remove hazardous heavy metal ions, inorganic anions, and organics in water, and
sterilise water.
Nanomaterials are used in the fabrication of wind turbine blades to make them light and strong in order
to increase energy conversion efficiency.
In the ancient days, the nanomaterials were used as dyes in ceramics.
Ultrahigh definition displays and televisions use quantum dots to produce vibrant
Using nanoparticles many new batteries have been developed which are fast charging,
efficient, light weight, having high power density, andholding electrical charge longer.
Metal nano particles as drug carriers:
Important for targeted drug release. The cancer drug ,
fluouracil, is adsorbed on the surface of gold
nanoparticles. The mixture is then injected into
the party. The gold nanopartcles are strongly
adsorbed on the surface of the tumour.
Fluorouracil is then released to kill the cancerous cells.
Gold nanoparticles are injected into the body. They are
strongly adsorbed on the tumour surface. The gold
particles are then excited with light. The excited particles
excite the triplet oxygen to singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen
is a powerful oxidant, so, it kills the cancerous cells.
Semiconductor photocatalysis:
Water is decontaminated by
dispersing nano TiO2 in it and exposing
to sunlight. Sunlight excites TiO2 by
promoting valence band electrons to
conduction band. Holes generated in the
valence band oxidise water and form
hydroxide radicals. These radicals are
highly unstable, powerful oxidant. They
decompose water borne organics and
mineralise them. Harmful inorganics are
oxidised to harmless products.
Conduction band electrons are
transferred to dissolved oxygen to form
peroxide anions which are also strong
Dye sensitised solar cells:
FTO(Fluoride doped tinoxide)
is coated with nanoTiO2 an dit acts as
the anode. An organic dye is
adsorbed on the TiO2 surface. I2/KI
dissolved in water is used as the
electrolyte. The anode is Pt cathode
externally. When exposed to
sunlight, the dye is excited. The
electrons of the excited dye
molecules are transported to FTO
through TiO2 and finally to the
cathode Pt. So, current is produced.
FTO vs Anatase TiO2 FTO vs Rutile TiO2
H2/O2 Fuel cells:
Nano Pt particles coated metal plate acts
as the anode over which H2 dissolves and
produces electrons. The released electrons reach
the Pt cathode through the external circuit. At
the cathode the electrons are transferred to O2
to form hydroxide ions . Hydroxide ions and H+
ions combine to form water
1.Classifocation of nanomaterials.
Nanomaterials are classified according to their dimensions.
0-D nanomaterials
1-D nanomaterials
2-D nanomaterials
3-D nanomaterials
0-D nanomaterials materials : No dimension is larger than 100nm
1-D nanomaterials : One dimension is larger than 100nm
2-D nanomaterials : : Two dimensions are larger than 100nm
3-D nanomaterials : All the three dimensions are larger than 100nm(nanocomposites)
They may be amorphous or crystalline.
They are single crystalline or polycrystalline
They may be metallic, ceramic or polymeric
Let a spherical particle of radius 10,000 nm be converted into some number of particles each
with radius 10nm.
The volume the bulk particle = 4/3x22/7x 10,0003 = 12.57x 1012nm3
The surface area of the bulk particle = 4x22/7x 100002 = 12.57x108 nm2
a) Paramagnetic
b) Antiferromagnetic
c) Ferromagnetic
d) Ferrimagnetic
Nanoparticle size increases from blue to red, and so the bandgap decreases from left to right,
so, the luminescence maximum shift towards longer wavelengths.
Wavelengths of colour absorbed and complementary colour
12. Electrical properties of nanomaterials:
Ceramic is an insulator, but becomes a semiconductor at nanoscale.
Metal is a conductor, but becomes a semiconductor at a nano scale.
In a bulk metal, electrons can freely move in all directions, but in nanomaterials,
electron delocalization can occur along the axis of nanotubes, nanorods and nanowires.
Carbon nanotube can also be a semiconductor, when the size is reduced.
13.Mechanical properties:
Until 20th century, it was believed that mechanical properties of materials are scale (size) independent.
Now it is proved that the nanoscale materials have high strength and hardness. Hence the mechanical properties
of materials are size dependent.
High surface to volume ratio of nanomaterials alters hardness, elastic modulus, fracture toughness,
scratch resistance, and fatigue strength.
An increase in mechanical strength is due to low probability of defects and an
increase in surface imperfection
Hardness of copper decreases with the increase in grain size. So, nanomaterials
are harder than the bulk materials
Strength of nanolaminates:
With the increase in the bilayer thickness of the laminates, the tensile
strength decreases
To remember
Quantum dots are nanomaterials that have quantum confinement and size dependent
photoluminescence emission. The size varies from 2 -10nm.
The terms clusters and nanoclusters are exchangeable. Nanodot is similar to clusters.
Ag nanocluster are stable and fluoresce only in the presence of protective groups.
Quantum well is a kind of hetero structures in which a thin layer(well) is sandwiched by two
barrier layers. Both the electrons and holes have lower energy in the well.
Quantum confinement is a process that occurs in nanomaterials. It is the spatial confinement
of electron-hole pairs( called excitons) in one or more dimensions within a material. The
electronic energy levels are discrete. Quantum confinement increases the bandgap of quantum
dots and creates discrete energy bands.
Catalytic properties:
In homogeneous catalysis, ions or molecules act as catalysts.
They are highly active and selective.
Their recovery from the product and recycling is difficult.
In heterogeneous catalysis, the catalyst particles are large.
They have low activity and selectivity compared to homogeneous
catalysts, but they can be easily recovered and recycled.
In contrast, when nanomaterials are used as catalysts, a definite
transition can be seen. Nanomaterials are more active than the
bulk materials, but less active than the molecules or ions.
After the reaction, the mixture will be centrifuged, and the
catalyst recovered and recycled.
MO theory of bonding
Optical properties of nanomaterials:
Dependence of refractive index(n) on frequency is due to
Electronic polarization
Orientation polarization
Ionic polarization
Space charge polarization
Preparation of nanomaterials
Disassemble solids
Assemble atoms
1.Preparation of Ag nanoparticles using
NaBH4 and sodium citrate(Reducing agents) It is a chemical route.
When the gel is dried under supercritical condition, the solvent is removed and an extremely
low dense, porous aerogel will be obtained.
There is a single photon process to break the bonds of atoms in the target but also
multiphoton excitation(Thermal evaporation).
a) TEM image of nanofibers after calcination, b) and c) magnified images of a), d), nanofibers changing to nanoclusters after
sonication in water.
5. Chemical vapour deposition(CVD):Bottom-up
Different types of nanofibers and their applications
1. Inert gas condensation:
An inorganic material is vaporized inside a vacuum chamber
Helium or Argon is periodically admitted into the chamber
The vapouring inorganic atom collides on the inert gas and gets cooled.
The cooled vapours combine nanoparticles of size 1-100 nm.
These nanoparticles collect on the finger cooled by nitrogen.
Alloy particles are made using dual sources.
Process parameters are to be adjusted to avoid bulk particles.
2.Inert gas expansion:
The evaporated atoms are carried by high pressure He gas.
They then expand through a nozzle into a low pressure chamber.
It leads to cooling and the cooled atoms combine to form nanoclusters.
The clusters are collected in a tray.
3.Sonochemical processing:
In this technique ultrasound is used to nucleate atoms to form nanoclusters.
Ultrasonic waves have wavelengths from 1- 10000µ.
They are generated in a liquid filled reaction vessel.
The wavelengths are not of molecular dimensions, so thee is
no direct coupling between them.
The reaction occurs because of cavitation.
The tensile part of the first wave can push the liquid apart and form a cavity.
The compressive part of the wave compresses it.
Even before compression some reactants vapourise and get
into the cavity.
The tensile part of the second wave re-expands the bubble,
and more and more reactants get into the bubble.
When the bubble reaches critical size , it collapses.
The collapse occurs adiabatically. So, a hot spot is produced.
A hot spot is produced with the temperature around 5000C(sun surface)
and pressure 2000atm (pressure of deep sea).
It triggers a reaction and creates nanoparticles.
The size of the spot decides the size of the nanoparticles.
4.Electrodeposition:Bottom-up method:
S lay out
Scanning electron microscope:
It produces detailed, magnified image of an object by scanning
the surface using a focused beam of electrons. The main components
are Electron gun
Accelerating anode
Condenser lens
Scanning coil
Objective lens,
Magnification can go up to 300,000 X
EDS provides qualitative and quantitative results
The spot size produced from the gun is too large, so, there are
condensing lens to focus them
In sem, a spot size of 10nm interacts with the specimen and penetrates
to a depth of 1µm and generates the signal to produce the image. The
image of the specimen is formed point by point with the help of
scanning coil
Both the secondary and back scattered electrons are used to form the
With accelerating voltage of 5kV specimen surface can be analysed.
With the accelerating voltage of 15 – 30kV, the interior of the
sample(different phases) can be analysed.
There is an electron gun at the top of the instrument. It is a tungsten filament or LaF6. It is electrically heated to
2700C to emit electrons. The filament is kept inside a Wehnelt(it is a cylinder) which controls the number of
electrons leaving the gun. The electrons are accelerated with an anode at a potential of 200V to 30kV . By
increasing the accelerating voltage short wavelength electrons can be produced. For biological specimens,
125000V accelerating voltage can be used. Then there are two condenser lenses to produce thin, coherent,
electron beam. They collect the electrons and focus them onto the specimen to illuminate only the area being
examined. These lenses focus the beam 1000 times lower than the original size. So, they are responsible for the
intensity of the electron beam.
The objective lense is used to magnify the image.
An objective aperture is used to enhance specimen contrast.
An aperture is used to reduce spherical operation
Intermediate lenses are used to magnify the images from the objective lense.
Finally the projector lenses further magnify the image coming from the intermediate lenses and projects
it onto the phosphorescent screen.
The phosphorescent screen gives off photons when irradiated by the electron beam.
A film camera is located beneath the phosphorescent screen
The photographic film may be replaced by digital capture with the computer digitizing and
archiving(CCD) camera
Resolution is defined as the distance at which two points or objects can be distinguished.
Secondary electron SEM image of Secondary SEM image of
lactic acid glycolic acid co carbon nanotube
Transmission electron miccroscope
Transmission electron microscope:
TEM can tell us crystallization, morphology and size of nanomaterials
The specimen is placed on copper or molybdenum gold platinum grid of
about 3mm diameter mesh
The electron lenses are composed of iron, iron-cobalt or nickel-coballt
alloy. They are magnetic.
The darker areas of image represent those areas of the sample that fewer
electrons are transmitted, while the bright areas of the image represent those
areas of the sample that much electrons are transmitted.
The accelerating voltages of 120,200 and 300kV are commonly
The specimen thickness is 50 to 100nm, as the image is formed by
the electrons that penetrate the sample.
The electron beam is demagnified by the first condenser lens.
The second condenser lens converses the beam at the specimen
and controls the spot size.
The condenser aperture controls the intensity of the electron
The overall magnification is controlled by al the parts below the
Transmission electron microscope
ZnO nanorods
They have ultra small size.
They are strongly fluorescing
They are stable
They are highly reactive.
Their size is greater than separate
They have high wear resistance.
A number of metal centers are
Iron oxide nanoclusters.
grouped together by metallic bonding
Photoluminescence of Au
or a bridging ligand. doped Ag nanoclusters(Ag29)
Quantum dots were also called
semiconductor nanoclusters.
Metal clusters can be obtained by
reduction of metal ions
AFM image of copper nanoclusters Gold nanoclusters
Deposited on silicon substrate.