22OIL205 Nutra.

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Getting Net

Zero By 2050
Prathamesh Phadtare.

"Net zero by 2050" refers to the global goal of achieving net-zero

carbon emissions by the year 2050. This means that the amount of
greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere will be
balanced by the amount of GHGs removed or offset. The primary
GHG of concern is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is released
through burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human

Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions.

Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions

Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere

• Global temperature rise – currently about 1
deg C
• Climate changes
• Warming above 1.5 deg C risks further sea
level rise, extreme weather , biodiversity loss
and species extinction as well as food scarcity,
worsening health and poverty for millions of
people world wide.

What is Net zero Emission?

Net Zero Emissions by 2050

COP26- Paris Agreement Implications :

• Emissions of carbon dioxide need to fall to “ Net zero”
• Limiting warming to 1.5 deg C is possible within the laws of chemistry and physics but doing so would
require unpredicted changes
• Total co2 Emission must be reduced by 45% around mid century
• It involves transforming the energy system of the world in a few decades
• Countries like Bhutan, Gabon, Suriname, Madagascar, - already reached Net zero Emissions Targets as of
Net Zero Emissions Targets
2050 2060 2070
Pathways to achieving Net zero Emissions

• Reduction in Fossil fuel consumption

- Increase in use of renewable energy resources- solar, wind, nuclear, hydrogen, geothermal, tidal,etc.
- Energy efficient processes.
• Reduction in Deforestation
• Afforestation
• Removing Co2 From Atmosphere - Capturing and storing CO2 .

How can Fats & Oils Processing Industries contribute to Net zero Emission?

• Optimum process and equipment design for low energy consumption

• Efficient energy insulation system.
• Installing energy efficient systems
• Installing heat recovery systems that will lower the overall energy consumption
• Optimum use of instrumentation and automation to keep a cheak on energy consumption at every processing
• Integrating with renewable energy resourses like solar, wind, hydrogen, biofuels to cover their energy needs.
• Doing plantations and reducing their own carbon footprints .

Heat Recovery from Deodorized oil

In fig deodorized oil is heated during the refining process and then pass HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM
through a heat recovery system where waste heat is captured and
transferred to heat exchangers. Then the heat exchanger transfer the
recovered heat to another process stream within the plant.
The recovered heat is used for the preheat feedstock ,heat water, for
cleaning and sterilization or maintain the temperature of reactor and HEAT EXCHANGERS
distillation column.


Integration with Renewable Energy resources




India’s Electricity Mix

Hydrogen as fuel

India’s hydrogen production plan by 2030

• Green hydrogen production capacity of at least 5
MMT ( Million Metric Tonne) per anum associated
renewable energy capacity addition of about 125
• Over Rs. 8 Lakh crore in total investments.
• Reduction of about 50MMT GHG emissions.

• As 2020, Biofuels account for only 3% of transport fuel globally.
• To achive the net zero by 2050 there should Annual growth of
consumption of atleast by 14% every year
• Europe, America and Asian countries are implementing policies
on this path to increase biofuel demand.
• In biofuel there are two major sources: Biodiesel and Bio-ethanol
• Indian government is targeting 20% ethanol blending
by 2025.

• Biodiesel- raw materials – Palm oil , Stearin, crop based oils like soya, corn etc.
• Conserns remain about using crop for fuel instead of food production
• Limitation of resourses like land for having additional crops for biofuel production- can lead to deforestation that
will ultimately leads to deforestation that will ultimately lead to bigger deficit in net zero emission.
• More focus on biofuels produced from waste and residue resourses to meet 45% of total biofuel demand by 2030
like used cooking oil, animal fat, acid oil etc.
• Biodieseal manufacturing can be easily integrated in existing oil processing houses. This will make processors self
sustainable for their energy needs.

Carbon Capturing and Storage

• CO2 capture technology seperates CO2 Emission from the environment and compresses
them for storage or transportation via pipelines
• The captured CO2 can then be stored in abandoned oil and gas fields, deep saline
formations, as well as no longer mineable coal seams.
• Around 35 commercial facilities applying CCUS to industrial processes, fuel transformation
and power generation , with total annual capture capacity of almost 45 Mt CO2
• Still long way to go reach Net Zero targets
• Expensive process and challenges in storages.
• Research has taken up the pace to bring out better solutions.

• Greenhouse gases Emissions level and its effects.
• Economy sector wise contribution to Emissions
• Net zero Emissions policy and targets.
• Pathways to achieve Net zero – all sources need to work in synergy . No single source can achieve these targets
• Contribution of fats and oil industries in achieving Net zero targets
• Efficient energy system – transition to net zero.
• Integration of renewable energy resources in processing houses
• Removal of Co2 and storeing in viable ways- viable solutions yet to be found.

Thank you

Prathamesh Phadtare.

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