Front End Lecture 6

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Today’s Agenda

Creating Tables In Html

Attributes Of Table

Generating Irregular Tables

Tables In HTML

 A table is a structured set of data made up of rows and


 Tables allows us to quickly and easily look up values that

indicate some kind of connection between different types of

 For example , the table shown on next slide.

Tables In HTML
How To Create Table ?

To create a table we use <table> tag , which itself has 3

important child tags as shown below:
Used as Container tag
Used to generate row
Used to generate column
Used to generate column heading
General Syntax

<table >
<td> some data</td>
<td>some data</td>
<td>some data</td>
<td>some data</td>
Creating Header Cells

 Two types of cells can be defined in an HTML table. One of

them is the simple cell , created using <td> tag.

 The other one is a special type of cell created using <th>

element, that contains header information for a set of
specified cells.

 Browsers render the content of header cells in a special

way ,as centered bold text
Various Attribute Of <table> Tag

The <table> tag has following important attributes:

 border
Sets the border width in numerical values from 0 and up.

 cellspacing
Empty space between table data cells.

 cellpadding
Empty space between the edge of a cell and cell content.
Various Attribute Of <table> Tag

 align
Aligns the table to the left, right or center.

 width/height
The width/height of the table; measured in pixels or percentage.

 bgcolor
Background color for all cells that do not have a background color or
image specified.
Various Attribute Of <table> Tag

 background
Background image for all cells that do not have a background color or
image specified.

 bordercolor
Border color for the table.
Attributes Of <tr> Tag


This attribute is like the one set in the table only it will define
the background color for the row only and not the entire

<tr bgcolor=“#00FF00">
Attributes Of <tr> Tag

2. align
The align attribute for the table row is different from the table align
attribute, this aligns the content in the row with respect to the table. The
values are: left, right and center. The default. Left
<tr align=“right">

3. valign
This is the vertical alignment attribute. It defines the vertical alignment of
the content within the row. The values for this attribute are: top, middle,
bottom. The default setting is middle.
<tr valign=“bottom">
Attributes Of <td> Tag

1. bgcolor
Just like the bgcolor attribute in the tr tag, this attribute
works the same. It will define a background color for each

<td bgcolor="#0000FF">
Attributes Of <td> Tag

2. align

This attribute also works the same as in the tr tag, it will align
the content in within each cell. The values are: left, right, and
center. The default is Left .

<td align="center">
Attributes Of <td> Tag

3. valign

This attribute also works the same as in the tr tag, it vertically

aligns the content within the cell. The values are: top, middle,
bottom. The default is middle.

<td valign=“top”>
Using “colspan” And
“rowspan” Attributes

 Table cells can span across more than one column or row.

 The attributes colspan ("how many across") and rowspan

("how many down") indicate how many columns or rows a
cell should take up.
Sample Table
“colspan” And “rowspan”
“colspan” Syntax

<table >
<td> some data</td>
<td>some data</td>
<td colspan=“2”>some data</td>
“rowspan” Syntax

<table >
<td rowspan=“2”> some data</td>
<td>some data</td>
<td >some data</td>
End Of Lecture

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Agenda for Next Lecture:

1. Using HTML forms
2. Working with various form controls

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