Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Basic Cost Terminology
Cost accumulation – a collection of cost data in an
organized manner
Cost assignment – a general term that includes
gathering accumulated costs to a cost object. This
Tracing accumulated costs with a direct relationship to
the cost object and
Allocating accumulated costs with an indirect
relationship to a cost object
Direct & Indirect Costs
Direct costs – can be conveniently and economically
traced (tracked) to a cost object.
Used by a single cost object
Avoided if the cost object is avoided
Direct materials- cost of materials specifically used in manufacturing a
product. E.g. Lumber & metal frame cost in chair, cost of cottons in textile
factory, etc
Direct labor-specific labor cost that can be identified with work involved in
production. E.g. salary, wages and fringe benefits for direct factory workers
Direct & Indirect Costs
Indirect costs – cannot be conveniently or
economically traced (tracked) to a cost object. Instead
of being traced, these costs are allocated to a cost
object in a rational and systematic manner
Can be classified in to
Those indirectly related to cost objects (common costs)
E.g. salary of supervisors managing production, electricity,
rent, salary of janitors, property taxes, etc
Those directly related to cost object but is not
economically feasible to trace them.
E.g. glues, nails, etc
BMW: Assigning Costs to a Cost Object
Factors Affecting Direct / Indirect Cost
Cost Materiality
Availability of information-gathering technology
Operational Design
Cost Behavior
Variable costs – change in total in proportion to changes in
the related level of activity or volume.
DM, DL, IM, IL (in some instances), some selling & adm. exp
Fixed costs – remain unchanged in total regardless of
changes in the related level of activity or volume
Salary of plant supervisor, depreciation exp., property taxes, etc
Semi-variable (mixed) costs- have both variable & fixed cost
portion. E.g. telephone and electricity costs
Semi-fixed (step-function) costs-fixed over some activity ranges
& change dramatically as level of activity moves from one range
to another.
Costs are fixed or variable only with respect to a specific
activity or a given time period
Cost Behavior, continued
Variable costs – are constant on a per-unit basis. If a
product takes 5 pounds of materials each, it stays the
same per unit regardless of one, ten or a thousand
units are produced
Fixed costs – change inversely with the level of
production on per unit basis. As more units are
produced, the same fixed cost is spread over more
and more units, reducing the cost per unit
Cost Behavior Summarized
Total Dollars
Total Dollars Cost per Unit
Cost Per Unit
Change in Unchanged in
proportion with
Variable Costs proportion with relation to output
Variable Costs output
More output==More
Change inversely
Change inversely
Fixed Costs Unchanged in with output
Unchanged in with output
More output = lower cost
Fixed Costs relation to More output = lower cost
per unit
relation to output per unit
Cost Behavior Visualized
Other Cost Concepts
Cost Driver – a variable that causally affects costs over
a given time span. E.g. labor hours for labor cost, Kilowatt hours
for energy cost, no. of advertisements for adv. Expense, etc
Fixed costs have no cost driver in the short run
Cost driver is a cost allocation base for indirect costs
A Cost Caveat
Unit costs should be used cautiously. Since unit costs
change with a different level of output or volume, it
may be more prudent to base decisions on a total
dollar basis.
Unit costs that include fixed costs should always
reference a given level of output or activity
Unit Costs are also called Average Costs
Multiple Classification of Costs
Costs may be classified as:
Direct / Indirect, and
Variable / Fixed
These multiple classifications give rise to important
cost combinations:
Direct & Variable
Direct & Fixed
Indirect & Variable
Indirect & Fixed
Multiple Classification of Costs, Visualized
Other Cost Types
Differential & Marginal costs
Controllable and Noncontrollable costs
Opportunity costs
Sunk costs
Relevant and Irrelevant costs
Different Types of Firms
Manufacturing-sector companies – create and sell
their own products
Merchandising-sector companies – product resellers
Service-sector companies – provide services
(intangible products)
Types of Manufacturing Inventories
Direct Materials – resources in-stock and available for
Work-in-Process (or progress) – products started but
not yet completed. Often abbreviated as WIP
Finished Goods – products completed and ready for
Types of Product Costs
Also known as Inventoriable Costs
Direct Materials
Direct Labor
Indirect Manufacturing – factory costs that are not
traceable to the product. Other common names for this
type of cost include Manufacturing Overhead costs or
Factory Overhead costs.
Accounting Distinction Between Costs
Inventoriable costs – product manufacturing costs.
These costs are capitalized as assets (inventory) until
they are sold and transferred to Cost of Goods Sold.
Period costs – have no future value and are expensed
as incurred.
Cost Flows
The Cost of Goods Manufactured and the Cost of
Goods Sold section of the Income Statement are
accounting representations of the actual flow of costs
through a production system.
Note the importance of inventory accounts in the
following accounting reports, and in the cost flow chart
Cost Flows Visualized
Cost of Goods Manufactured
Multiple-Step Income Statement
Assume the following information is available for the HH Company for February 200X.
Indirect manufacturing costs:
Beginning inventories: Indirect materials $15,000
Direct materials $15,000 Indirect labor 40,000
Work in process 38,000 Depreciation 50,000
Finished goods 26,000 Electric power 60,000
Ending inventories: Property taxes & Insurance 5,500
Direct materials 20,000 Repair and maintenance 25,000
Work in process 40,000 Miscellaneous 8,500
Finished goods 28,000 Selling and Administrative expenses 45,000
Assume full absorption costing is used prepare an Income Statement and separate Schedule of Cost of
Goods Manufactured for the HH Company for February.
Other Cost Considerations
Prime cost is a term referring to all direct
manufacturing costs (labor and materials)
Conversion cost is a term referring to direct labor and
factory overhead costs, collectively
Overtime labor costs are considered part of overhead
due to the inability to precisely know the true cause of
these costs
Different Definitions of Costs
for Different Applications
Pricing and product-mix decisions – may use a “super”
cost approach (comprehensive)
Contracting with government agencies – very specific
definitions of cost for “cost plus profit” contracts
Preparing external-use financial statements – GAAP-
driven product costs only
Different Definitions of Costs
for Different Applications
Three Common Features of
Cost Accounting & Cost Management
1. Calculating the cost of products, services, and other
cost objects
2. Obtaining information for planning & control, and
performance evaluation
3. Analyzing the relevant information for making