Types of Poetry
Types of Poetry
Types of Poetry
21st Century literature
M S . E LY S A C A M I L P. R E Y E S , L P T
The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of
three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven
in the second, and five in the third.
so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
long narrative poem recounting heroic
deeds. It has been and continues to be
used by people all over the world to
transmit their traditions from one
generation to another, without the aid of
writing. These traditions frequently
consist of legendary narratives about the
glorious deeds of their national heroes
The diver Marcos; Pasho the rich man.
Since none of them could induce delivery
They remembered the woman
Shrivelled with age,
For she was known for her strong fingers.
The baby started to talk as soon as the
old woman delivered him.
Namungan, my mother,
Let my name be Lam-ang when you
have me baptized.
A ballad is a type of poem that tells a story
and was traditionally set to music. English
language ballads are typically composed
of four-line stanzas that follow an ABCB
rhyme scheme. Some additional key
details about ballads: The ballad is one of
the oldest poetic forms in English.
O I forbid you, maidens all, (a)
That wear gold in your hair, (b)
To come or go by Carterhaugh, (c)
For young Tam Lin is there. (b)
What is an Acrostic Poem? An acrostic poem is a
type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in
a line spell out a particular word or phrase. The
most common and simple form of an acrostic poem
is where the first letters of each line spell out the
word or phrase.
tenacious and terrifying
softly purring
"Cinq means "five" in
French. A cinquain is
Line 1 One word – the subject of the poem. This word is a
a special kind of five-
line poem with a
Line 2 Two words describing the title. These words are
very strict form.
adjectives, words that describe the noun.
Line 3 Three words expressing action. These are verbs that
tell what the noun in line one does.
Separate the verbs with commas.
Line 4 Four words expressing a feeling. This can be a
short phrase or a series of words.
Line 5 One word that is another word for the subject. This
should be a synonym for the subject.
Large, mysterious
Watching, rolling, blinking
Tell more than words
A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines that reflects
upon a single issue or idea. It usually takes
a turn, called a “volta,” about 8 lines in,
and then resolves the issue by the end.