Main Project

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Major Project Review - I



Rajesh Kotian 1DA21EC417

Shashank B S 1DA21EC419
Varun T 1DA21EC424
Vinay R 1DA21EC425

Under the Guidance of

Mala Sinnoor
Professor ,Department of ECE

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 1

• Introduction
• Objectives
• Literature Survey
• Methodology
• Design Requirements and Specifications
• Applications
• Advantages
• References

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 2


• Monitoring animals in the wild without disturbing them is possible using camera trapping


• Animals entering the agricultural areas placed near the forest destroy crops or even attack on

people therefore there is a need of system which detects the animal presence and gives warning

about that in the view of security purpose.

• In this project wild animal which enters the human habitation are recognized. The movement of

animals in the input video is detected using Foreground detector algorithm.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 3


• Animals leaving the forest area and entering the human habitat is increasing day by day.

• In the forest area wild animal detection is very important task because those wild animals may

create problem to the peoples.

• Forest fire and tree cutting detection using camera and sensors.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 4


•To capture the image of the Animal using camera

•And detect if any other animal is with the animal folk so the farmer can take

•Suitable action based on the type of the intruder.

•A low cost and simple assistive system to monitor the forest and animal.

•To design forest fire and conservation detection system.

•Forest Tree cutting detection using sensors and camera.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 5

Design and Development of Forest Fire Monitoring Terminal
• Forest fire causes serious harm, in order to achieve real-time
monitoring of forest environment, this paper designs the forest
environment monitoring system which consists of three parts,
environmental data collection node, environmental monitoring
terminal and environment data server. The forest environment data
acquisition nodes expand their peripherals as environmental
acquisition modules, such as wet temperature, smoke concentration,
light intensity and flame, these collection nodes through ZigBee
networks send the collected information to the environmental
monitoring terminal.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 6

Remotely sensed monitoring forest changes-a case study in the
Jinhe town of Inner Mongolia
• This study investigated forest changes over Jinhe town of Inner
Mongolia among 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013 and 2015 by use of multi-
temporal Landsat Thematic Mapper-5 (TM), Chinese high resolution
satellite data, Gaofen-1 (GF-1) remote sensing and forest inventory
data. Vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) was extracted by the
dimidiate pixel model. Forest above-ground biomass (AGB) was
estimated by k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) with fast iterative features
selection (KNN-FIFS).

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 7


Drone-Based Forest Variables Mapping of ICOS Tower Surroundings

• The development of drone technology has been rapid in the last decade,
providing highly competent and economical platforms for applied remote
sensing. Mapping forest using drones is not an economical alternative for
most operational applications in forestry and environmental monitoring,
due to the limited area covered. However, the potential of drone-based
remote sensing is expected to be very large in research applications.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 8


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 9

•To Detect Intrusion in the Field
Camera data is continuously analyzed to check any change in the frame Using Some
Background Subtraction Method

• To Capture the image and Classifying Them Using Image Processing

Input from the camera is processed. Classification of image is done using Convolution Neural
Network . Classifying whether human or the animal is domestic or Wild Animal.
• Taking Suitable action based on the intruder
After Image processing and classification. If Human or Wild Animal is detected

• To send Notification to farmers and Forest Officials

An intimation alert is sent to farmer about animal presence. We Use Twillio Messenger to
send intimation alert to farmer

• To Detect Fire in forest and Intimate

Fire Detect Fire Using Fire Sensor and intimate through Message to concerned Person
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 10
System : intel i3/i5 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 500 GB
Ram : 4/8 GB
Controller : Arduino Uno
Sensors : IR Sensor and GAS Sensor

Operating system : Windows XP / 7/10
Coding Language : Python
Software : Anaconda , Arduino IDE
Language : Python3, Embedded C

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 11

•Environmental Conservation

•Public Safety

•Cost Efficiency

•Data-driven Decision Making

•Timely response

•Community Engagement

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 12


•Early Detection of Forest Fires

•Wildlife Protection

•Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation

•Biodiversity Monitoring

•Search and Rescue Operations

•Human-Wildlife Conflict Monitoring

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 13

In this research work a rule based color model for forest fire pixel classification is
proposed. The proposed color model makes use of RGB color space and YCbCr
color space. From this a set of seven rules were defined for the pixels to be
classified as fire pixel.
The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on two sets of images; one
containing fire and the other with no- fire images. The proposed model achieves
99% flame detection rate and 14% false alarm rate.
The arithmetic operations of this model are linear with the image size. Also, the
algorithm is cheap in computational complexity. This makes it suitable to use in real
time forest fire monitoring system.
Thus this project uses Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm to detect
wild animals. The algorithm classifies animals efficiently with a good number of
accuracy and also the image of the detected animal is displayed for a better result so
that it can be used for other purposes such as detecting wild animals entering into
human habitat and to prevent wildlife poaching and even human animal conflict.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. 14
•J. Zhang, X. Xiang, and W. Li, “Advances in marine intelligent electromagnetic detection system, technology and
applications: A review,” IEEE Sensors J., early access, Nov. 18, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3129286.

• S. Masoumi, T. C. Baum, A. Ebrahimi, W. S. T. Rowe, and K. Ghorbani, “Reflection measurement of fire over
microwave band: A promising active method for forest fire detection,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 2891–
2898, Feb. 2021.

• H.-C. Chang, Y.-L. Hsu, C.-Y. Hsiao, and Y.-F. Chen, “Design and implementation of an intelligent autonomous
surveillance system for indoor environments,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 15, pp. 17335–17349, Aug. 2021.

•G. Tabella, N. Paltrinieri, V. Cozzani, and P. S. Rossi, “Wireless sensor networks for detection and localization of
subsea oil leakages,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 10890–10904, May 2021.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. AIT 15

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