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What are Enzymes?

• Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating
chemical reactions. The molecules upon which enzymes may act are
called substrates, and the enzyme converts the substrates into
different molecules known as products.

• Enzymes are proteins that help speed up metabolism, or the

chemical reactions in our bodies. They build some substances and
break others down.

• All living things have enzymes.

What do enzymes do?
One of the most important roles of enzymes is to aid in digestion.
Digestion is the process of turning the food we eat into energy. For
example, there are enzymes in our saliva, pancreas, intestines and
stomach. They break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Enzymes use these nutrients for growth and cell repair.

Enzymes also help with:

• Breathing.
• Building muscle.
• Nerve function.
• Ridding our bodies of toxins.
Enzyme Structure
Enzymes are linear chains of amino acids that form
a three-dimensional structure, determining their
catalytic activity. They are typically large, ranging
from 62 amino acid residues to an average of 2500
residues. The active site consists of the catalytic site
and binding sites, with a small section involved in
catalysis. Enzymes are RNA-based biological
catalysts, reacting in complex with proteins. The
enzyme's structure denatures upon heating, affecting
its activity. A few ribozymes exist as RNA-based
biological catalysts.
Enzymes Classification
Different Types of

1. Oxidoreductases
- is an enzyme that catalyzes the
transfer of electrons from one
molecule, the reductant, also called the
electron donor, to another, the oxidant,
also called the electron acceptor.
Different Types of

2. Transferases
- is any one of a class of enzymes that
catalyse the transfer of specific
functional groups from one molecule to
another. They are involved in hundreds
of different biochemical pathways
throughout biology, and are integral to
some of life's most important
Different Types of

3. Hydrolases
-a class of hydrolytic enzymes that are
commonly used as biochemical
catalysts utilizing water to break a
chemical bond in order to divide a
large molecule into two smaller ones
Different Types of

4. Lyases
an enzyme that catalyzes the breaking
of various chemical bonds by means
other than hydrolysis and oxidation,
often forming a new double bond or a
new ring structure. The reverse
reaction is also possible.
Different Types of

5. Isomerases
are a general class of enzymes that
convert a molecule from one isomer to
another. Isomerases facilitate
intramolecular rearrangements in
which bonds are broken and formed.
The general form of such a reaction is
as follows: There is only one substrate
yielding one product.
Different Types of

6. Ligases
is an enzyme that can catalyze the
joining of two molecules by forming a
new chemical bond. This is typically via
hydrolysis of a small pendant chemical
group on one of the molecules,
typically resulting in the formation of
new C-O, C-S, or C-N bonds.
Cofactors are non-proteinous substances that associate with
enzymes. A cofactor is essential for the functioning of an enzyme.
The protein part of enzymes in cofactors is apoenzyme. An enzyme
and its cofactor together constitute the holoenzyme.

There are three kinds of cofactors present in enzymes:

• Prosthetic groups: These are cofactors tightly bound to an enzyme

at all times. FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) is a prosthetic group
present in many enzymes.
• Coenzyme: A coenzyme binds to an enzyme only during catalysis.
At all other times, it is detached from the enzyme. NAD is a
common coenzyme.
• Metal ions: For the catalysis of certain enzymes, a metal ion is
required at the active site to form coordinate bonds. Zinc is a metal
ion cofactor used by a number of enzymes.
Examples of Enzymes

-Fermentation produces a wide range of alcoholic
beverages depending on numerous conditions.
The fermented product differs depending on the
kind of plant product to be used and the kind of
enzyme used.

For instance, based on the resources available,

potatoes, wheat, cassava roots, honey, hops, and
grapes. Plant fermentation is the process used to
make wine, beer, and other beverages.
Examples of Enzymes

Food Products
-The best illustration of fermentation in daily life is
probably seen in bread.

When preparing bread, a tiny amount of sugar and

yeast are combined with the batter. Then, it is
evident that the yeast's enzyme action causes the
sugar to ferment, producing carbon dioxide gas
and causing the bread to puff up. Without the
fermenting process, the bread would lack the
texture that this process provides.
Examples of Enzymes
Drug Action

- Enzyme action can be inhibited or promoted

by the use of drugs which tend to work around
the active sites of enzymes.
Factors Affecting
Enzyme Activity
Enzymes' activity is significantly influenced by the conditions of the reaction,
such as temperature, pH, and substrate concentration. Most enzymes
operate in moderate temperatures, and denaturation occurs at higher
temperatures. Purified enzymes denature quickly in diluted solutions
compared to crude extracts. Incubation durations should be shorter to gauge
starting velocities. The International Union of Biochemistry recommends a
standard assay temperature of 30°C. Most enzymes are sensitive to pH
changes, with some operating with pH levels above 9 and below 5. Any pH
change alters the ionic state of amino acid residues, which can affect
catalysis and substrate binding. The preference of substrate concentration is
crucial, as the rate of enzyme activity is driven by concentration at lower
concentrations, while at high concentrations, the rate does not depend on
substrate concentration.
Functions of Enzymes
The enzymes perform a number of functions in our bodies. These include:

• Enzymes help in signal transduction. The most common enzyme

used in the process includes protein kinase that catalyzes the
phosphorylation of proteins.
• They break down large molecules into smaller substances that
can be easily absorbed by the body.
• They help in generating energy in the body. ATP synthase is the
enzyme involved in the synthesis of energy.
• Enzymes are responsible for the movement of ions across the
plasma membrane.
• Enzymes perform a number of biochemical reactions, including
oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, etc. to eliminate the non-
nutritive substances from the body.
• They function to reorganize the internal structure of the cell to
regulate cellular activities.

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