Unit 2 Splash SMK X Kur Merdeka

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For SMK/MAK Grade X

Unit 2 What Is It?
What is a descriptive text?

 It is a text written to describe

an object, person, place, event,
or idea.

 It focusses on the characteristic

features of a particular thing.
Structures of a Descriptive Text
• What specific topic, person, idea, or thing is being described or
Intro explained?
ducti • How is the topic being described or explained?

• What features or characteristics (physical appearance, qualities, habitual

acteri behavior, significant attributes) are important to remember or
stic understand about the topic being described?
• What are the main ideas and important details that are necessary to
Con • How will you state them in your own words following the structure of the
on text?
What are the language
features of a descriptive
 Specific characteristics or features are
described or explained (size, shape,
location,coloured, etc.)
 The topic word or a synonym for the
 Descriptive adjectives are used topic is often repeated.
throughout the text.

 Details are provided to help  Use of thinking and feeling verbs to

the reader visualize the topic. express the writer’s personal view
about the subject.
 Examples are often provided
(for instance, such as, an  Use of similes and metaphors.
example, to illustrate, to
Pronouns and Possessive
 A possessive adjective Subject Object Possessive Possessive
is a kind of pronoun Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns
used to replace a noun I me my mine
in sentences. you you your yours
 Pronouns include he him his his
subject pronouns, she her her hers
object pronouns, it it its -
and possessive we us our ours
pronouns. they them their theirs
 They are words that describe or modify a
person/thing/place/concept (a noun or a noun
phrase) in a sentence.
 They are placed before the noun or noun phrase
that they modify.
 If two adjectives describe a noun, then use “and”
to link the adjectives.
 If there are more than two adjectives, use
“commas” at first, and then use “and” before the
last adjective
 Look at the examples below.
 He owns a brown car.
 Black and white televisions are
very rare.
 The adjective word order in English begins with
determiner, opinion, size, condition, age,
shape, colour, pattern, origin, material,
purpose/qualifier, and ends with noun.
 Descriptive language paints a picture with

 Whether the purpose of your text or speech

is to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire,
Descriptive descriptive language helps evoke specific
imagery to illustrate your point.
Happy Learning

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