Understanding The Self - Spiritual Self

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the Self
The Spiritual
With Miss Czar
Learning objectives

01 Explain spirituality and religiosity and

how it is manifested in daily life

02 compare and contrast sipirituality and


03 Identify various religious practices and


04 Understand the self in relation with

religious beliefs and spirituality
Is there really a
the Ultimate and
This is the only part of our self that is able and can
experience how to argue and discriminate, have moral
sensibility and conscience, and the unconquerable will.

The spiritual aspect of the self is the inner essence, the part
of the self that connects the person to the sacred, the
supernatural, and the universe. The nurturing of the
spiritual self also gives a deeper purpose or meaning of
one’s life.

People develop spirituality through interaction,

observation, and imitation. Thus, making the family,
school, and church play a very important role in the
spiritual development.

Spiritual self is the most intimate, inner subjective

part of self.
Spirituality can be understood as
a search for the sacred, a process
through which people seek to
discover, hold on to, and when
necessary, transform whatever
they hold sacred in their lives. It
refers to finding meaning and
purpose in one’s life, a search for
wholeness, and a relationship
with a transcendent being
(higher being).

spirituality Spirituality comes from the Latin

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including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

word spiritus which means breath or

life force.
“Man does not live by
bread alone.”
Spirituality is
Spirituality talks focused on
about meaning and a person’s Spirituality talks
purpose that go connections to about the sacred
beyond the different aspects of and transcendent.
physical realities of his/her existence.

REligiosity VS spirituality

• There are distinctions between religiosity and spirituality: If religiosity

is communal, then spirituality is individual.
• In religiosity, beliefs and practices are within religious groups, and
religious commitment, conservatism, and skepticism are manifested.
Spiritual attributes include the need for spiritual quest, ecumenical
worldviews, compassion, service, and inner peace.
• A person can possess spirituality even his/she does not subscribe to any
religion. Spiritual models are present everywhere. They function for
respondents as exemplars or spiritual qualities, such as compassion, self-
control, or faith. Thus, a person can be spiritual without being
Religiosity is defined as the adherence to a
belief system and practices associated with a
tradition in which there is agreement about
what is believed and practiced. It is a formal
attachment to the set of beliefs, values, and
practices of a particular religious sect. It
includes specific practices, proscriptions (what
should not be done and avoided), and
participation in a specific community that
shares the same beliefs and practices.

religion Religion is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual

sphere or supernatural, and to know God is its central function.
One of the practices in Spirituality is
worship. Worship is regarded as an
essential act to realize the ultimate
meaning of transcendence and human
Acts of worship may include prayer,
reading the scripture (e.g. the Bible or
the Quran), attending sacraments (e.g.
mass), and doing sacrifices (e.g.
Basic Characteristics of Religion

• Belief in the anthropomorphic supernatural being

• Focus the sacred supernatural
• Presence of supernatural power or energy is found
• Supernatural beings as well as physical beings or
• Performance of ritual activities
• Articulation of worldview and moral codes
• Provide the creation and maintenance of social
bonds and mechanism of social control
Spirituality and religion

Spirituality is connected with religion. All religions recognize the

importance of spirituality in one’s life. One’s spirituality may be expressed
through religion and participation in religious rituals and ceremonies.

Spirituality and Religion fulfill numerous social and psychological needs,

such as the need to explain human sufferings and death. Through the
practices of religious activities such as prayers, people may find comfort,
security, and stability in times of sufferings, loss, insecurities and
uncertainties. Spirituality and Religion may also be a source of love, hope
and affection.
Religions of the World


practices of the different religions of the world

Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Buddhism

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