Tot Sramp

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Food System Resilience Program (FSRP)

Security Risk Assessment & Management Plan

Adigrat, Canaan Hotel

Security Clearance
01 Introduction 05 Procedure

02 Policy & Legal Frameworks

Security Risk
Assessement &
03 Evaluation

04 Security Approach
1. Introduction

Security Threats

Findings of RCA

Internal External
Caused by workers in Caused by a person
/group outside of an
an organization
How would you respond How would you respond
to this particular to this particular
Common criminal activity, disruption of the
Theft, sabotage, labor unrest, conflict
question? question?
project for economic, social & political objective
b/n workers

Objective of SRAMP
Assess & identify potential security risks that potentially threaten
the safety & security of;
• Program workers
• Beneficiary communities in program intervention areas

• Determine appropriate security arrengement

Specific • Propose appropriate mitigation measure & security
Objective management plan

Methodolog Desk review, observation, interview & consultation

2. Policy and Legal Framework

3.1. National Legal Frameworks & WB ESF

FDRE Constitiution, Article 14 & 16

• Rights to life, the Security of Person
National Policy • The Right of the Security of Person
& Legal
Labor Proclamation 1156/2019
Article 92-112 (OSH) & Working

ESS-1:Annex 1 5(e) Social and conflict analysis &

World Bank Paragraph 28
ESF ESS-2: Labour & Working Condition
ESS-4: Community Health & Safety

Labour Proclamation 1156/2019 Article 97 sub article 3 & 4

• Any injury sustained by a worker while he is travelling to or from a place of work in a

transport service provided by the undertaking which is available for the common use of its
workers or in a vehicle hired and expressly destined by the undertaking for the same purpose
can be categorized under occupational accident. (security related accidents)

Article 104 sub article 1 & 2- Special Obligation

• To provide the injured with first aid in time;

• To take the injured by an appropriate means of transport to the nearest medical facility;

• To notify the occurrence of occupational injury to the relevant organ

Group Discussion

1. Where a worker or an apprentice dies as a result of an employment injury, unless the amount stipulated by
the provisions of a collective agreement or work rules is higher, payment for funeral expenses shall be in no
case less than:

A. 5-month wage of the worker

B. 3- month wage of the worker

C. 6- month wage of the worker

D. None of the above

2. The amount of the dependents’ benefit for workers not covered by the pension scheme, shall be a sum equal
to --------------------------------

3. The benefits payable to funeral cost, disablement payments & dependents benefit are exempted from
income tax

A. True B. False


World Bank ESF (ESS)

• ESS-1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impact

Paragraph 28 (b): Social risks and impacts, including: (i) threats to human security through
the escalation of personal, communal, or interstate conflict, crime, or violence;

• ESS2: Labour and Working Conditions

• It requires the Borrower to promote sound worker-management relationships and enhance

the development benefits of a project by treating workers in the project fairly and
providing safe and healthy working conditions.

• ESS4: Community Health and Safety

Paragraph 25: identification of potential hazards, provision of preventive & protective


Good Practice Note

• Assessing and Managing the Risks and Impacts of the Use of Security Personnel

Security Risk Assessment (SRA) is typically part of the environmental and social
impact assessment (ESIA)

Roles & Responsibilities in SRAM

• The Borrower in collaboration with key security players, in Ethiopia the key security
organizations are National Defence Force, police both at federal and regional level,
and intelligence services.


Good Practice Note

• Assessing and Managing the Risks and Impacts of the Use of Security Personnel

Low Security Risk: simple measures like fencing or signs and security guards at

Substantial Security Risk: private security providers or work with public security

High Security Risk: prepare standalone SRAMP & deploy public security forces

3. Security Risk Assessment & Evaluation

01 Identify Project Risks

02 Determine Severity of Risks

Process 03 Calculate Risk Impact
Risk Impact= Likelihood* Severity

04 Priortize risks & take actions


VL Likely ML Un VU

Not expected
Will probably
Pretty sure this to
risk will occur Might happen happen/recur This will
but is not a
at some point or recur but it is probably never
occasionally possible it happen/recur
in time issue/circumst
ances may do so

Critic Mode Neglig

Severe Minor
al rate eble

Risk Risk
consequences Risk consequence The risk will
consequence will
will be consequences
will be easy have little
be detrimental will take time
significant and to manage
and may be hard to mitigate
may cause long- if it occurs
to recover from
term damage
Identified Risk Types

Risks associated with

armed conflict

Community Unrest Risks from Employee

industrial (Labour dispute)


Burglary and theft of

equipment & materials RISK Banditry/Roadside attacks
on workers during transit
S and access blockages

Risks emanating from the use of

security personnel

2 10 24 34

Very High High Medium Low

Identified Risks By Region
Region Risk Category

Oromia, Amhara & 3 Low, 2 Medium & 2 High

Tigray 2 Low, 2 Medium, 2 High & 2 Very High
SNNPR 3 Low, 3 Medium, and 1 High
Sidama 4 Low, 2 Medium, 1 High
South West 3 Low, 3 Medium, 1 High
Gambela 3 Low, 3 Medium, 1 High
Harari & D/Dawa 5 Low, 2 Medium
4. Security Approach
Oversight and Control of Security Operations
Training on SRAM &
Incident Reporting

Making security risk

Undertaking site specific
assesement part of sub
project screening security risk assesement

Obtain security clearance Assigning security focal

from security bodies, person at kebele, woreda &
woreda & regional PMU regional level

Ensuring security mitigation

• Preparation of SRAM reporting Monitoring potential security
measures became part of
formats risk with security bodies
• Periodical Report on SRAM

Security Management Arrangement

The chain of command and communication structure of the National Police Service will be used

KEBELE MILITIA Specific Sub Project + Low Security Risk

FEDERAL/ Security Risk Beyond Kebele Militia (High Security Risk)


FSRP Related Incident & Accident Reporting Procedure

The following incidents and accidents will be reported, irrespective of the nature and
level of severity:

Fatality and critical injury/illness, illness or injury for which an employee

receives/seeks medical attention;
First aid treatment, occupational disease;

Property damage and fire;

Environmental release (chemical spillages);


Roles & Responsibilities
Regional E&S Specialist & Project Coordinators

• Shall conduct continuous site-specific security risk assessment before any travel in collaboration with
Security bodies (assigned focal person)

• Notifies & communicates the security risk-assessment finding to project manager & project workers

• Continue regular monitoring and follow up of the implementation of SRAMP & project related incidents
and accidents.

• Ensure injured employees have received the required medical treatment and regularly update on their
health status to the FPMU.

• Providing Training on SRAMP to woreda ES specialist & relevant stakeholders

• Report any project related incidents and accidents within 48 hours to Federal Project Management Unit

• Ensure all woredas are provided with incident and accident reporting Template, and the templates

• Documents & regularly reports security related incidents & progress reports to FPMU
Roles & Responsibilities
Woreda E&S Assigned Specialists

 Shall conduct continuous site-specific security risk assessment before any travel in collaboration with
Regional PMU & Security bodies

• Notifies & communicates the security risk-assessment finding to project manager & project workers

• Continue regular monitoring and follow up of the implementation of SRAMP & project related incidents
and accidents.

• Ensure injured employees have received the required medical treatment and regularly update on their
health status to the FPMU.

• Providing Training on SRAMP to relevant stakeholders

• Report the incident/accident within 24 hours to Regional Project Implementing Unit

• Ensure all project implementing Woredas are provided with incident and accident reporting Template, and
the templates are completed.

• Documents & regularly reports security related incidents & progress reports to RPMU

Security Clearance Procedure

The individual must submit a security clearance request to security bodies at the duty station to be visited.

The request for security clearance will include, at a minimum, the following information:

(a) Name of travellers

(b) Nationality

(c) National ID or passport number, issue and expiry date

(d) Agency/organization

(e) Mission/travel purpose;

(f) Specific dates of the mission;

(g) Where the individual is staying while at the duty station.

(h) Description of current security situation in the area

(i) Recommendation & determination of security bodies about the travel based SRA findings

(j) Recommendation & determination of Project Manager about the travel based on SRA findings
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