Distance from Sea-
• The sea exerts a moderating influence on the climate.
• As the distance from sea increases, its moderating influence
decreases and people experience extreme weather conditions. This
condition is known as continentality, i.e., very hot during summers
and extremely cold during winters.
Ocean Currents- Relief-
• Ocean currents along with onshore High mountains act as a barrier for
winds affect the climate of coastal cold or hot winds. They may also
areas. For eg- any coastal area with cause precipitation if they are high
warm or cold currents flowing past enough and lie in the path of rain-
it will be warmed or cooled if bearing winds. The leeward side of
winds are onshore. the mountain remains relatively dry.
- December and January are
the coldest months in the
northern part of India.
-the temperature decreases
from south to north.
- days are warm and nights are
- the weather is marked by
clear sky, low temperature and
low humidity and feeble
variable winds.
- this season is extremely
important for cultivation of
rabi crops.
- formation of low pressure
over the Indian landmass.
(mainly Ganga plain)
- loo: strong gusty, hot, dry
winds blowing during the day
over the North and North
Western India and direct
exposure to these winds may
even prove to be fatal
- dust storms are very common
in northern India during this
- during the end of this season,
thunderstorms, violent winds,
downpour, often accompanied
with hail are observed
- known as Kalbaisakhi in West
- brings a total change in
-amount of rainfall received
varies from region to region
- Ladakh receives low rainfall
- rest part of the country receives
moderate rainfall
- snowfall is restricted to Himalayan
-landscapes, animal and
plant life revolves
around the monsoon
-whole agriculture
calendar depends on
- life of people
including festivals
revolves around the
- provides water to
rivers, ponds which
unites the nation
- the whole country
awaits for the arrival of
monsoon season