Onboarding Process

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Reliance Industries Limited is an Indian multinational
conglomerate, headquartered in Mumbai. Its businesses include
energy, petrochemicals, natural gas, retail, telecommunications,
mass media, and textiles. Reliance is the largest public company

RELIANCE in India by market capitalisation and revenue, and the 100th

largest company worldwide



Name of Capacity Quality Yield


PSF 160 TPD 96.9 98.35

PFF- 80 TPD 95 98.5


PFF 30 TPD 91.0 98

Nowadays mainly two products are produced and that are

Polyster fibre fill(PFF) and Polyster staple fibre fill(PSF).

Raw materials used :Mono ethylene glycol (MEG) and pure

terephthalic acid (PTA)
"Onboarding" refers to the processes in which new
ONBOARDING hires are integrated into the organization. It includes
activities that allow new employees to complete an
PROCESS initial new-hire orientation process, as well as learn
about the organization and its structure, culture, vision,
mission and values.
In human resources, onboarding is defined as the
process of familiarizing a new employee with the
organization. Onboarding begins from the moment an
offer is made to the employee until the time the
employee becomes a productive member of the


● To study the effectiveness of “onboarding process” of the organization.

● To understand the current ongoing onboarding program in Reliance Industries ltd, Hoshiarpur.

● To analyze the various aspects involved in onboarding program.

● To identify the loopholes in the existing onboarding process of Reliance Industries ltd, Hoshiarpur.

● To provide suggestions for further improvement.

Scope and Limitations

Scope: Limitations:
● The study is an attempt to determine the
effectiveness of the onboarding process at ● The sample size is very small, the
various organization. results can’t always be generalized to
● The research was designed to contact new entire population.
recruits and collect data regarding Onboarding
● Time constraints was the major limiting
● A period of 45 days was taken to complete this
factor . Hence, only specific samples
project from the entire population was taken
into consideration.
● The results obtained from employees
could be biased..


V.S.P RAO 2022 Onboarding is the task of

introducing the new
employees to the
organization and its policies,
procedures and rules. A
typical formal onboarding
program may last a day or
less in most organization.
During this time, the new
employee is provided with
the information about
company, its history, its
current position, the benefits
for which he is
eligible ,leaves rules, rest
periods etc.
Randy Holley 2021 Describes best practices for
onboarding new hires by:

"Telling employees the

impeccable training and support
to meet those expectations and
then create opportunities for
easy but meaningful wins in the
first few months."

Michael Falcon 2020 Employee onboarding is the

design of what your employees
feel, see and hear after they have
been hired. Often, companies
confuse onboarding with training.
While training does have a role
within the onboarding it doesn’t
represent the entire scope of the
Heimburger, L., Gouveia & Korn, O. 2019 Heimburger, L., Gouveia & Korn, O.
(2019) conducted a study on
Gamifying onboarding: how to
increase engagement and integration
of the new employees”. The main
purpose of this study was to
understand the effectiveness of
onboarding process and purpose of
its existence.This study concluded by
saying that the gamified version of
onboarding was much more preferred
by the new employees mostly young
generations over non- gamified
onboarding process. Important
information can be learnt in a playful
way and contact with advisors and
future team member is faciliated.
Nikhita Kumar, Dr. Suruchi 2017 conducted a study on “ New
Pandey employee onboarding process
in an organization”. The main
objective of this study was to
analyse the current boarding
process in the organization to
know what is critical phase of
the onboarding process in the
organization. This study was
concluded by extracting facts
that many people were not at
all happy with current process
of onboarding.
Research Methodology

Research methodology is a systematic process of identifying and formulating by setting objective and
method for collecting, editing and to tabulating to find solution. Research is an art of scientific
investigation. It is defined as “A careful investigation or enquiry especially through search for new facts
in branch of knowledge”. Research is a movement from the known to the unknown.

The methodology was framed and tested for study are as follows:
Research Design Research design is a framework of research studies
methods and techniques chosen by a researcher to
conduct a study. The design allows researchers to
sharpen the research methods suitable for the subject
matter and set up their studies for success.


The present study is descriptive in nature. Descriptive

research aims to accurately and systematically describe
the general attitude of consumers towards digital
Data Collection

Primary data collection Secondary data collection

Primary data are the data which Secondary data means data
can be collected a fresh and for that are already available.
the first time and thus happen They refer to the data which
to be original in character. The have already been collected
primary data used for this study and analyzed by someone else.
For this study the secondary
was collected through
data was collected from
Sample Size
Sample size refers to the no. Of items to be selected from the
universe to constitute a sample. Sample size for this study was
determined 50.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used for this study is non probability

convenience sampling. In this technique the population elements
were selected for inclusion in the sample based on easy of access.
Q1: Are you satisfied with onboarding process?

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 6 60%

Agree 2 20%

Neutral 2 20%

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that maximum respondents are satisfied with the
onboarding process.
Q2: How satisfied are you with training and orientation sessions provided during onboarding process?

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 2 20%

Agree 3 30%

Neutral 4 40%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree - -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that 40% of the respondents have neutral point of view,30% are
agreed ,20% are strongly agreed and remaining 10% are disagreed regarding training and orientations sessions during
onboarding process.
Q3: On scale of 1-4 please rate level of support and guidance received from your assigned buddy during
onboarding process(with 1=full support and 4= no support at all)

Rate No.of Percentage


1 6 60%

2 2 20%

3 2 20%

4 -

respondents :

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that maximum respondents that is 60% respondents have
Q4: Do you feel you had clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities during
onboarding process.

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 5 50%

Agree 3 30%

Neutral 1 10%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree - -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that majority of respondents i.e50% respondents were
strongly agreed to have clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, 30% were agreed with the
Q5: Do you feel you had smooth access to ESS (Employee Self Service).

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 5 50%

Agree 2 20%

Neutral 2 20%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree - -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis represents that majority of respondents (50%)

strongly agreed that they had smooth access to ESS
Q6: Do you believe that proper training was given to manage ESS.

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 3 30%

Agree 1 10%

Neutral 3 30%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree 2 20%

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation :The above analysis shows that 30% respondents

strongly agreed whereas 30% respondents had neutral point of
Q7: Before the date of joining do you feel you had all the required information.

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 3 30%

Agree 2 20%

Neutral 4 40%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree - -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that majority of respondents (40%) have
neutral point of view regarding having all necessary information before date of joining.
Q8: Do you think there was proper communication between Human resource business partner
(HRBP) and onboarding team.

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 7 70%

Agree 1 10%

Neutral 1 10%

Disagree 1 10%

Strongly Disagree -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis represents that majority of the respondents strongly
Q9: Do you think all necessary resources were provided to you to perform your job duties.

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 4 40%

Agree 2 20%

Neutral 2 20%

Disagree 2 20%

Strongly Disagree -

Total respondents : 10

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that 40% respondents strongly agreed that all required resources were
Q10: How would you rate the duration of your onboarding process?

Particulars No.of respondents Percentage

Long 4 40%

Short 6 60%

Interpretation: The above analysis shows that majority respondents felt that the process was short and
other remaining felt that process was long.

● Since the joining formalities are conducted at the same time as the onboarding program, some respondents felt that they
were unable to focus on onboarding part.

● The pre-medical examination , background verification and document verification of the new employees is conducted at the
headquarter ,which can lead to delays here as well if there are delays there.

● Background check may or may not be genuine as it is done by the third party.

● Sometimes onboarding process of the new recruits gets interrupted due to negligence of the new recruits only.

● The company’s buddy allocation system is very effective in handling and resolving all the queries of the new employees.

● The company’s five days induction programs is beneficial for the new employees as it helps to provide them with essential
business information and the company’s objectives and goals.

● The smooth access to employee self service portal (ESS) enable employees to take responsibility for recurring job-related

● It is suggested that the joining formalities be completed before the onboarding program.

● Create a structured onboarding plan that outlines the necessary steps and activities for the employee’s
first few weeks. This plan should cover introductions to the team, training on company
policies and procedures, setting clear expectations ,and providing resources for the
employee to succeed in their life.

● Ensure that the new employees receives thorough training on all essentials aspects of their role.

● Encourage social interactions and team building activities to help the new employee feel welcome and
build connections with their colleagues. This can be done through team lunches,group outings etc.

● There should no communication gap between HRBP and onboarding team.

● Onboarding program be made interactive with senior and experts addressing the recruits.Background

Successful Onboarding is a key part of any talent management strategy. With the high cost of recruiting, business
leaders understand that effectively integrating new hires into the organization is an important step to ensure their
success. Understanding who owns the Onboarding process as a whole and who controls various steps in the
process is vital to Onboarding success and sustainability over time. Simply writing down a formal plan will not
help new employees succeed. The key is to engage important stakeholders and new employees in interactions that
help them understand one another and how they interact over time. Used in conjunction with HRM best practices ,
effective Onboarding will result in a faster learning curve for new hires , improved communication and a more
productive and engaged workforce.

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