IGCSE - 3.1 - Marketing, Competition and The Customer
IGCSE - 3.1 - Marketing, Competition and The Customer
IGCSE - 3.1 - Marketing, Competition and The Customer
1 – Definition
LO2: Be able to prepare a2effective
– Application
Splash Screen3 and
– Analysis
Navigation Screen4 - Evaluation
In relation to XXXX, the YYYY (DEFINITION) is relevant (APPLICATION) to the
business by…
This means that … (ANALYSIS)
Based on the evidence provided in the Case Study, I would agree/disagree about
XXXX because …. (Evaluation)
Q1 – Haltec, a computer company has decided to market the release of a new brand of
gaming mouse. In your opinion, how could they use Product as their unique selling
A1 – In relation to the Product, marketing that is aimed at emphasizing the quality of the
product as the best thing about it, this means that Haltec would show the quality in
advertisements like magazine adverts. Therefor the audience would be made aware of
the good points like size, speed, ability. However this may conflict with its price or the
place where they advertise.
Based on the evidence provided in the case study, I would agree that if the product is of
good quality then using Product as the USP would benefit the company more than the
other P’s in marketing as this is what the customers will look for in computer equipment.
Assignment Scenario
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question
LO2: - The
Be able to role of marketing:
prepare a effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
• Identifying customer needs
• Satisfying customer needs
• Maintaining customer loyalty; building customer relationships
3.1.2 - Market changes:
• Why customer/consumer spending patterns may change
• The power and importance of changing customer needs
• Why some markets have become more competitive
• How business can respond to changing spending patterns and increased
3.1.3 - Concepts of niche marketing and mass marketing:
• Benefits and limitations of each approach to marketing
3.1.4 - How and why market segmentation is undertaken:
• How markets can be segmented, e.g. according to age, socio‑economic
grouping, location, gender
• Potential benefits of segmentation to business
• Recommend and justify an appropriate method of segmentationin given
3.1 – Definitions to Learn
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question
LO2: Be ablebusinesses, unless
to prepare a effective they
Splash are very
Screen small, will have
a Marketing
and Navigation Screen
Department. In a large Public Limited Company, the Marketing
Director will have the people responsible for market research of
new products, promotion (including promotions and advertising),
distribution, pricing and sales.
Marketing Director
LO2:IfBethe Marketing
able to prepareDepartment is successful
a effective Splash in Navigation
Screen and identifyingScreen
customer requirements and predicting future customer How do you decide
needs, it should enable the business to meet one or more which trainers to
of the following objectives: buy
• Raise customer awareness of a product or service of the Who decides what
cereals to buy in
business your family
• Increase sales revenue and profitability Can you name 3 TV
• Increase or maintain Market Share adverts
• Maintain or improve the image of products or a business When was the last
• Target a new market or market segment time you saw an
advert for Coca-
• Enter new markets at home or abroad Cola
• Develop new products or improve existing products. Can you sing 3
advertising songs
Name 5 slogans
and the company
Click Arrow product related to it.
for Full Then name the
Screen company’s
opportunity cost
3.1.1 – Market Aimed For – Case Study
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question
Case-Study – PepsiaCola
LO2: Be able to prepare effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
At present, Pepsi Philippines, which
manufactures Pepsi, Seven-Up, Mountain
Dew, Gatorade, Tropicana and Lipton,
accounts for 20% of the total carbonated
drinks market in the Philippines. It wants to expand its
operation and increase its share of the market still further. ?
The Marketing department will be a vital in deciding how
this can be achieved.
Activity 10.2 - Read the case study above.
a) Suggest ways Pepsi Philippines could increase its market
share. Which way do you think will be the most effective?
Explain your answer.
b) Do you think Pepsi Philippines should develop
new varieties of drinks to sell in this market?
Explain your answer.
c) Identify who could be the new customer of these
d) Explain what types of advertising and promotion
might be effective in attracting these customers.
3.1.2 – Understanding Market Changes
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 133
Be ableoftogoods
prepareand services
a effective fromScreen
Splash particular businesses
and Navigation do not stay the same
year after year or even month after month. Things don’t stay the same forever!
Some markets are changing at a rapid pace, such as mobile (cell) phones,
whereas other markets such as breakfast cereals, don’t change very quickly.
Why Customer/Consumer spending patterns change
• Consumers tastes and fashions change – fashions may change for
clothes and so consumers may want different styles of clothes to those they
wore last year.
• Changes in technology - with new products being developed, such as
iPads and notebooks, sales of standalone computers have fallen in many
countries. New products mean old versions/alternatives do not have high
sales anyone.
• Change in incomes – if an economy has high unemployment then many
consumers will buy cheaper products. If the economy then grows and
unemployment falls the sales of more expensive products will increase.
• Ageing populations – the age structure of the population in many countries
is changing to a greater percentage of older people. This has changed the
type of products which are increasing in demand, such as anti-ageing face
creams for women.
3.1.2 – Understanding Market Changes
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 134
The Power
LO2: Be able toand importance
prepare a effective of Changing
Splash Customer
Screen and Navigation Screen
If businesses fail to respond to customer needs then
they are likely to fail. Customers are ‘king’ because as
their needs change, it is the businesses which research
and know what these changes are, and respond to them,
that will be the ones which are successful.
Why have some Markets become more competitive?
Globalisation of markets has meant that products are
increasingly sold all over the world (see PPT 6.2)
Transportation improvements have meant that it is easier
to get products from one part of the world to another part
of the world.
Internet / e-commerce has meant that consumers can
search fro products and buy from overseas markets.
Even some services such as insurance can be bought
from businesses base din other countries. Increased
consumer information about products and the different
international businesses that produce them makes a
market much more competitive.
3.1.2 – Understanding Market Changes
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 134
LO2: Becan
ablebusinesses respond
to prepare a effective to changing
Splash spending
Screen and Navigation Screen
patterns and increased competition?
A business will have to take action to maintain its market
share whenever there is growth amongst its competitors.
This may also be necessary if the image of the business
has been harmed by bad publicity in the newspapers or
on television (e.g. if a particular doll has harmed a child).
In this case the business will need to find ways to
convince customers that the problem has been corrected.
If it does not, then the sales revenue and profits will go
down. Improving or maintaining image is an important
factor in improving or maintaining market share.
Maintain good customer relationships – this has a key
role in continuing to meet customer needs and it also
provides market research information about customers,
Marketing departments which become experts on
customer needs will respond to these needs and maintain
customer loyalty, It has been shown that it is often
cheaper to keep existing customers than gain new ones.
3.1.2 – Understanding Market Changes
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 134
Be ableimproving its existing
to prepare a effective product
Splash Screen and –Navigation
this is Screen
especially true if its competitors improve their
products, By making the goods it sells very
different from those produced by competitors
the business will become well known for
differentiated products. Apple is a good
example if a company that reacts to increased
competition by making even more advanced
Bring out new products to keep customers’
interest in their company rather than their
competitors. This will help them to maintain, or
even increase, their market share. An example
of this would be Microsoft, which keeps on
improving and developing its operating
Keep costs low to maintain competitiveness
– as this should keep low prices.
3.1.2 – Understanding Market Changes
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 135
LO2: Bestudy
able toexample
prepare a–effective
What happens when change
Splash Screen catchesScreen
and Navigation up with you?
‘The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small any more. It will be the fast
beating the slow.’ (Rupert Murdoch).
One of the few things that is certain in this world is change. In a world where
technology is advancing at such a rapid pace then change happens even more
quickly. It is very important for companies to adapt to change as rapidly as they
Take the example of Kodak, which filed for bankruptcy in 2012 in a bid to survive a
cash crisis, caused by the falling sales of its photographic film for cameras (as
digital cameras had taken over the market). Kodak, a pioneer in the photographic
film business, has tried to restructure to become a seller of consumer products like
Consumers’ preference for digital cameras is on the rise in India, with the market
for digital cameras growing at 40% in volume terms (according to industry
estimates). Prices of digital cameras are falling, and with additional features that
allow video recording it means camera manufacturers such as Sony, Canon and
Samsung are enjoying rising sales.
Activity 10.3 – using the case study above.
Why has Kodak got into financial difficulties? Explain your answer.
Suggest how keeping in close contact with customers might have avoided this
3.1.3 – What is Meant by a Market? - Mass
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 135
LO2:The advantages
Be able of selling
to prepare a effective to aScreen
Splash massand
market are: Screen
• The sales to these markets are very large
• The firm can benefit from economies of scale
• Risks can be spread, as often as the business
will sell several different variations of products
to the mass market, and if one variety of the
product fails then the other products will still
sell well.
• Opportunities for growth of the business due
to large potential sales.
However there are disadvantages:
• High levels of competition between firms
• High costs of advertising
• Standardised products or services are
provided and so may not meet the specific
needs of all customers or potential customers,
therefor leading to loss of sales.
3.1.3 – What is Meant by a Market? - Niche
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 136
Niche Marketing
LO2: Be able to prepare a effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
However some products, often specialized
product, are only sold to a very small number of
customers who form a very small segment of a
much larger market. This is referred to as a Niche
Market. These products are quite often sold by
small firms as they have too few sales for large
firms to bother with. E.g. there is a mass market
for shops selling food products in any country.
However, if there is a small group of migrant
workers in that country then food shops selling
specialized food for this group may be set up.
Expensive products, such as Rolex watches or
designer clothes, are aimed at a small section of
much larger markets.
Tips for Success – Make sure you can the explain the difference between a
mass market and a niche market using examples of goods and services.
3.1.3 – What is Meant by a Market? - Niche
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 136
LO2:Being able
Be able to identify
to prepare and supply
a effective a niche
Splash market
Screen and has advantages:
Navigation Screen
• Small firms are able to sell to niche markets as large firms may
not have identified them but concentrated on the mass market
instead. This may avoid competition from the larger
• The needs of consumers can be focused on and therefor
targeted by the firm in a niche market. This will give them an
advantage over larger firms who aim to meet the needs of the
mass market rather than the needs of those specific
However there are disadvantages of supplying to a niche market
• Niche markets are small and therefor gave a limited number of
sales, which means only small businesses can operate in
these markets. If the business wants to grow it will need to look
outside the niche market to find sales of other products.
• Often businesses in a Niche market will specialize on one
product. This means that if the product is no longer in demand
the business will fail as the business has not spread its risks.
Producing several products rather than just one product means
that if one fails there are other products which are still in
demand and the business carried on trading.
3.1.4 – Market Aimed For
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question
LO2:The market
Be able foraaeffective
to prepare particular good
Splash orand
Screen service is Screen
made up of the total number of customers and Who are the
potential customers for that particular goods or biggest buyers of
Mars Bars
service. Market segmentation recognizes that all
Who decides what
potential users of a good or service and not all the cereals to buy in
same, and what appeals to one set of customers your family
many not appeal to others. The different
Market Segmentation is when a market is broken colours of wrapper
on chocolate bars
down into sub groups which share similar Products that
characteristics. For example, chocolates eaten by have changes
their names
young people, teenagers and adults if both sexes.
Different brands of chocolate will appeal to these products that are
different groups of people. similar to big
A marketing department will divide the whole names
Why Snickers,
market into different groups and categories: these what was wrong
are called market segments. with Marathon
3.1.4 – Market Segment
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 136
Be ablesegment
to prepareis investigated
a effective Splash in greatand
Screen detail, When
Navigation Screen
it comes to advertising, the Marketing department
know the best places to advertise and the most
likely place the particular market segment will see
the advertisement. They will also know how to
design the advertisement to appeal to the particular
market segment they are aiming at.
An example might be teenagers buying clothes.
They might be asked questions about which
magazines they read, which television programs
they watch, which mobile phone they have and
general questions about what they like. This will
enable the marketing department to select the best
times to advertise, if television advertisements are
to be used, and the type of adverts what will appeal
to teenagers. They can advertise in magazines that
are usually read by teenagers or design a new app
for free download.
3.1.4 – Market Segment
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 136
LO2: Segmenting
Be able to prepareaa market can help
effective Splash Screenaand
Navigation Screen
• Make marketing expenditure cost
effective by producing which closely
meets the needs of these customers and
only targeting its marketing efforts on
this segment
• Enjoy higher sales and profits for the
business, because of cost-effective
• Identify a market segment which is not
having its needs fully met, and therefor
offer opportunities to increase sales.
Some of the most common ways of how a
market can be segmented are shown in
the next slides.
3.1.4 – Market - Socio Economic Group
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 137
Be able of segmenting
to prepare a market
a effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
Socio-Economic Group – Income groups can
be defined by grouping people’s jobs according
to how much they are paid, e.g. managers are
paid more than office staff, who are paid more
than production workers.
Unemployed people will obviously be the lowest
income group. This often means that products
are priced differently to target certain income
For example, cars range in size, performance
and price level. Only someone on a high income
could afford a Ferrari, but a person on a much
lower income might afford to buy a Tata Nano.
Some perfumes are sold at ow prices whereas
other perfumes are very expensive and are
aimed at different income groups.
3.1.4 – Market – Age, Region and Location
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 137
Be able–toThe products
prepare a effectivebought by people
Splash Screen of Screen
and Navigation
different age groups will not be the same.
Young people buy different clothes to
elderly people. The toys bought for babies
will vary from those bought for older
Use of Product – In different regions of
the country people might buy different
products. If there are dry and wet parts of
the country then waterproof clothing would
be sold in the rainy parts but not the dry
parts. If the product is exported, then it may
need to be slightly changed (e.g. a different
name or different packaging) in order to
appeal to the tastes of people in other
3.1.4 – Market – Gender, Use and Lifestyle
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 137
LO2:Gender – Some
Be able to prepare products
a effective are Screen
Splash boughtand
only by
Navigation Screen
women or only by men, e.g. a shaving razor
would normally be bought by a man, whereas a
perfume would normally be bought by a woman.
Use of Product – E.g. cars can be used by
consumers for domestic use or for business use.
The advertising media and promotions methods
used will differ. Cars for business use may be
advertised by sending brochures out to
businesses, whereas cars for domestic use may
be advertised on television, These cars may be
the same models, but they will be marketed in a
different way.
Lifestyle – E.g. a single person earning the
same income as a married person with 3
children will spend that income differently, buying
different products.
3.1.4 – Market Decision
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 137
Be able to the best
prepare placeSplash
a effective to advertise
Screen andto increase
Navigation sales – A
marketing manager would take all of these factors into account
when deciding which segments might buy new products or
improved products. Therefore, once the segments have been
identified, this will influence how the products are packaged and
advertised. It will also affect the choice of shops the products are
sold in, in order to get maximum sales.
Potential benefits of segmentation to a business – The
business can use market segmentation to sell more products. They
do this by making different brands of a product and then aiming
each brand at a different market segment. On the next slide, a
business could produce various brands of soap to satisfy most of
the market segments.
By finding out the different segments in a market, a business can
sometimes identify a segment whose needs are not being met (a
gap in the market) . They can then produce a suitable product to
meet these customer needs and again increase sales.
3.1.4 – Market Decision – Case Study
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 138
LO2:This is an
Be able example
to prepare of how Splash
a effective the market forand
Screen soap may beScreen
Navigation segmented.
Type of Soap Characteristics of Market Segment
Beauty Soap People who buy beauty soap will be people who want to keep their skin
soft. They will therefor buy soap which contains moisturizers. They will be
bought mainly be women.
Baby Soap This is mild soap which will not harm a baby’s skin, Bought mainly by
mothers for their babies.
Medicated Soap Sometimes soap is sold to help fight acne. This tends to be bought mainly
by teenagers, both male and female.
Non-Branded Soap This is an economy product which is plain soap with no extra perfume
added. This will probably be bought by people on low incomes.
There may be other types of soap you can think of which are aimed at different
groups. Sales of soap will be affected by income groups, gender and also age.
type of
Soap will
3.1.4 – Market Decision – Activity
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 139
Activity 10.4
LO2: Be able - Using athe
to prepare case study
effective onScreen
Splash the previous slides. Screen
and Navigation
a) List the different brands of soap sold in your local shops. ?
b) Which segments of the market are each of the brands of soap aimed at?
Activity 10.5 – Toyota produce a range of cars aimed at different market segments.
They even own a separate company, called Lexus, whose cars are aimed at a
particular market segment.
Revision Summary
LO2: Be able to prepare – Splash
a effective WaysScreen
of Segmenting Markets
and Navigation Screen
Region Location
Age Use of
Gender Income /
Lifestyle Social group
3.1.4 – International Business in Focus
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 140
Personal Computers
LO2: Be able to prepare and Technology
a effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
Personal computers and mobile (cell) phone technology has seen many advances over
the last 20 years.
The personal computer market has seen many changes over the last few years. The
standard desktop computer is becoming a thing of the past in many offices, where a
laptop has taken its place. In the home this has also been true. However, the introduction
of the netbook and then the Apple iPad has changed the market again.
Predictions for the future of the personal computer market are that mobile devices will
become market leaders in the global sales, followed by tablets and netbooks. Home
computers are seen as becoming a smaller and smaller share of the global market.
Discussion Points
How has the market for personal computers changed?
Why have these changes happened?
How should businesses in the personal computer market respond to these changes?
3.1.4 – Exam Styled Questions – Paper 1
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 141
Unit 03able
LO2: Be - Exam StylesaQuestions
to prepare – Paper
effective Splash 1 and Navigation Screen
1. E&G Limited own a number of farms which grow fruit. The fruit is sold to large
supermarkets abroad. They also grow coffee which is sold to companies that
process and brand the coffee which is also then sold to large supermarkets
abroad. The world price of coffee has recently dropped by 20%. There has been a
growing demand for fruit from developing countries with rising incomes as well
as an increasing demand form developed countries which have seen a growing
trend towards ‘healthy eating’, encouraged by government policies to tackle their
obesity problem.
a) What customer needs are being satisfied by E&G Limited?
b) Identify two reasons why the price of coffee might be falling.
c) Identify and explain two reasons why supermarkets are demanding more
fruit. [4]
d) Identify and explain two ways the directors of E&G Limited could respond to
increased competition from farms which now grow fruit instead of
vegetables. [6]
e) Do you think E&G Limited should change production from coffee to growing
more fruit? Justify your answer. [6]
3.1.4 – Exam Styled Questions – Paper 1
Scenario Glossary 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Exam Question Page 141
LO2: Be03 - Exam
able Styles
to prepare Questions
a effective Splash– Screen
Paper and
1 Navigation Screen
2. UHI are a public limited company which makes sports shoes (trainers). It
makes a variety of designs for the mass market. The mass market is for
young people who want fashionable sports shoes as well as those who
play sport. The Directors recently decided to target a niche market
which is for a particular market segment of customers who have a
medical problem with their feet and need specially designed shoes.
a) What is meant by a ‘niche market’? [2]
b) Identify two examples of different markets for UHI products. [2]
c) Identify and explain two reasons why UHI sell to a niche market. [4]
d) Identify and explain two advantages to UHI of segmenting the market
for sports shoes. [6]
e) Do you think the Directors of UHI were right to target a niche market
or should they have stayed with just a mass market?? Justify your
answer. [6]